

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


.Jayden looked up at the position of the sun in the sky. Robin was running late , which was exactly unlike her. She always kept to time and found away to get to Every place she did on time. Now this queer , unprecedented attitude made him worried.

What had held her up for so long? By now she should have been done taking care of those nuisances except there was some sort of interference . Maybe Drac or Nigel had been monitoring her movements and had caught up with their plan to steal the loot from them and then run off. He placed about the cave nervously , his leg still hurting from that earlier arrow shot.

"Come on Robin. Where the f*** are you?!"

Jayden didn't want to do it , but it worse came to worse, he would pack up the gold and leave without her. It wasn't harsh of him , it was just one of those things in life that people wouldn't really understand. The fittest Always survives.

But for the love he had for Robin , he was ready to wait until the very last minute until she came back to him. They were made for each other and he was sure as hell not leaving without his girl.

Jayden turned around and furrowed his brows when he saw who it was.

"What are you doing here Knox?"

"I just wanted to pay you a visit, See how things are progressing . Its smoothly I hope?'

"You aren't supposed to be here!" Jayden said between gritted teeth. "It isn't according to the plan. You were to stay back at the village and after we left you were to come here and take your share."

The big man sucked air through his teeth and all of a sudden whipped out his gun and pulled the trigger, catching the man before him unawares. The bullet hit his shoulder and Jayden got his senses back and dived behind a large boulder for cover. His weapon was far from his reach and he knew Knox would never give him a moment's chance to get to it. He was backed into a corner and he knew it.

He was dead meat.

"Why are you doing this?! I thought we all had a deal."

"No honour among thieves." Knox grinned and said as he slowing approached The rock that Jayden was. "You're one to talk Jayden. As if you and Robin weren't planning to do the same to us , leave us high and dry?"

" You f****** mother f***** !!!! what the f*** did you do to Robin!" Jayden shouted out to the enemy advancing in on him.

"Shot her dead in the chest. Shame though. Blonde had a head on her." Knox shrugged." Nigel was an easy shot but Drac was a little harder to score." He placed his hand against his side and groaned. "Caught me by surprise?!"

"So you betrayed us, just like that?"

"I wouldn't call it betrayed , more like we had different interests. You were a good Kid Jayden..." Knox cocked his gun and pointed it at the rock , ready to pull the trigger. "But its time to die."

I won't go down easy , Jayden thought as he jumped out and rushed at Knox toppling him backwards. The gun flew from his hands as both fought and struggles to get a hold of it. Knox kicked his boot into Jayden's bad leg and he shouted in pain. Using his arms , he held the injured man in a deadlock , tightening the grip of his arms around his throat as they battled for the upper hand.

Clutching at straws, Jayden took up a handful of sand and threw it into his attacker's eyes , temporarily blinding him as Knox cursed furiously, removing his hands to wipe his eyes.

Jayden scrambled for the weapon and was about to reach it when Knox was at him again. He had caught him by the leg and was now pulling him down , to prevent him from getting the gun. The younger one tried to resist but in retaliation , the big man dug his fingers into his open wound.

"Just give it up Jayden. This is the end of the road for you." Knox boasted.

He clenched his teeth holding back the jarring hurt and finally wrapped his fingers around the gun and pointed it at Knox.

" Not by a long shot you mother f*****."

Jayden liberated his finger from the gun and let out a bullet at Phil , getting him in the shoulder. Knox swung his other hand erratically and the gun fell again but Jayden had taken vantage of this.

He struck Knox in the face with his feet and took up his boomerang and began running, his leg bleeding as he dragged it along. It only took a few seconds before Knox was back on his feet , gun in hand ready to pursue and acieve his aim.

To tie up loose ends.

Staying behind to deal with that bastard would be a bad idea. His leg was wounded so Knox had the advantage. Nigel and Drac were dead. Robin was dead. That son of a b**** had killed her. There was going to be no new life , no kids , nothing without her. Jayden was a dead man walking without his girl and

Knox had to pay even if it cost him his life.

For Robin.
