

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


School was over as some of the students began leaving the school premises while others stayed to take part in their extracurricular activities. It was soon to be Christmas and the school authorities decided to stop being so uptight and allowed the students to host a celebration in addition to the charity toy drive.

"Aw man..." Su Ling moaned as she walked across the field with a discouraged droop.

"What's wrong with her?" John asked Sky while he pointed at Su ling who was crumbling like a pile of bricks into a pit of self despair.

"Principal Buck told her that she would be in charge of handling the toy drive and in addition she was going to organise all the events that are going to take place in the after party." Skylar sighed. "And she's been like this ever since."

"The pressure .." She moaned once more as she leaned her entire weight against Eva and Sky with her hands moving erratically. "All The responsibility...It's drowning me."

"You're just exaggerating. Planning a simple teenage party can't be that hard." Eva said.

"I'm sure its no big deal." Obi said as he put his arm round her shoulder. "I'd love to help."

"Really?" Su ling said filled with relation. "That would be a relief, cos there's the decorations, the food , the music , the people , the refreshments..."

"Oh no" He waved his hands. "I meant I'd love to help you eat all the food and refreshments."

"Didn't that girl , Jane Winston that planned the previous toy drive and after school party havd a mental break down ?" John said as he was scrolling through his phone.

"You are not helping John." Sky retorted back as she patted her friend on the back. "You're not going to have a mental breakdown."

"Thinking about it guys, Can you guys help me organise the charity toy drive so that I can be more focused on the party?" Su Ling pleaded with beaming eyes. "I would really appreciate it."

"Sorry Su ling but I can't." Eva sighed. One of my long lost relatives has just come to town so I'm going to be totally busy. Maybe next time."

"And who may I ask is this said relative?" John rose an eyebrow deliberately and she jabbed her elbows into his ribs.

"She's my uncle's cousin nephew niece aunt second cousin daughter twice removed."


"I will get back to you on that later."

"You are never going to make that call are you?"

"Not ever exactly." He shrugged. "More like not in a million years."

They had wanted to meet up to continue their game , but Eva told them that she wouldn't be able to make it.

"So it's decided that we're taking tomorrow, but where's the venue?" Obi queried.

"How about the beach?" Eva said cheekily. "I heard it's gonna be sunny with a chance of a whole lot of cute guys."

"Cute guys?" Su ling turned sharply "You can count me in!"

"I do love the beach." Sky exhaled. "Alright I'm in ."

"I'm up for a fun time." Obi grinned and John nodded in agreement.

"Well then , Girls put on your best bikinis and boys grab your swimming trunks cos tomorrow we are going to the beach!"


When John was leaving,he decided to turn round and catch a last glimpse of Eva when he saw her walking back towards the school and disappear.

Feeling suspicious of her movements, he went against himself and decided to follow her.

"I've never seen this side of you before Eva Saunders." John asked as she almost jumped out of her skin with shock as he came closer and looked at the contents of her bag. "Is that pantyhose?"

"Get out of here , You pervert!" Eva pushed him away, her face burning red as she put on the nylon tights. "It's none of your business."

"It is now." He said affirmedly. "So what are you doing here changing in the back alley behind your school that made you not hang out with your friends?"

"I'm going on a date." She replied taking out her hairbrush and running it through her hair.

"You've been on dates before. What's so special about this one?"

"I don't know yet and that is why I'm going to go. It could be fun."

"Why don't you just stay here , where it's always fun.." John spoke as a statement than a question."Like a 100% guaranteed."

"Well This is a different kind of fun." Eva said softly and she took out some clothes. "Don't look. I'm gonna change."

John turned away but continued. "I just don't trust the type of guy that would make you change in an alley instead in the comfort of your home. Maybe I should go with you."

"John , you know how my mom is." She returned as she unbuttoned her shirt and slipped on a red gown. "She'd freak if she found out I was going out with someone like him. He wouldn't really meet her standards. And besides , it's a date and a third wheel always make things awkward." She moved back her hair as she struggled with her zipper.

"All I'm saying is that I know guys and they never change. They are only after one thing."

"Including you?' Eva cocked her eyebrow.

"Yes...No... Stop misinterpreting my words." John stammered. "You don't know if you'll even like him at all."

"Could you help me out?" She said gesturing to her zipper that was now stuck.

"Um..Sure." He gulped as he approached her , his heart pounding as his fingers grazed her bare back and sent jolts down his spine. He began to zip up her dress slowly to elongate the contact between them that was sending sensations through him.

"Could you hurry up?! You're taking an eternity back there." She said impatiently and John hurriedly dragged it to the end.

"What if it doesn't work out?" John sighed.

"There's only one way I'm gonna find out." Eva grunted as she put on her heels. "How do I look?"

John turned around and his eyes broadened and his jaw slightly dropped. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped mini gown with blood red heels that enunciated her beautiful figure. She'd left her hair down and that was a first.

"You look amazing."


"Don't go.' He whispered.

"I'm totally going." She answered in the same tone as the sound of a revving car approached. "He's already here."

A flashy new car sped towards them and stopped in front of them. The driver's seat door opened and out came a tall , dashing looking young man who came up to Eva and placed a kiss on her lips that made John want to wince in painful and discomfort.

"John meet Oliver, Oliver meet my best friend , John."

"Gi'dday mate ." The man said in a cheery heavily accented voice as he shook John's unoffered hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Aussie ." John cursed.


"Thick neck."


"That's enough both of you " Eva smiled embarrassingly at the other boy . "I have to be going."

"You can't go with him ." He held her arm. "First he Australian and Second he's a huge dickhead."

"Ugh , can't you just put your male ego aside for once and trust me to do the right thing?!" She reacted angrily. "Have a nice day John."

She moved away from him as Oliver opened the passengers side for her and she stepped in. He gloated with a monster grin as he got in the car and zoomed off leaving the other man behind.

"That's right Eva." John bit his lower lip as he watched the car drive off into the distance. "Just keep kissing those frogs."