
Ireland and Information

After packing everything up and setting off towards the Dales and the west coast, I spotted an empty snail shell on the ground and an idea hit me, I enlarged it with my magic I utilized my willpower and it just worked practically the opposite of the shrinking charm. When it was as big as a small hut I walked inside, it was covered with dried mucus, so I cleaned it up and began to cut out a window and a hole for a chimney of sorts I lined the base with stone. I would use this snail shell as a portable house!

I unpacked some of the wood and enlarged that and began cutting it to pieces. I then transfigured a floor and a staircase to make a second floor, a door for the entrance and a shutter for the window. For the chimney I used wood to let the smoke flow outside, the fire was not for forging but making potions so it would do, I also made a bed for upstairs, even a freezer with runes to store my food inside, some shelves for my herbs and spices, a desk and placed my things down. I then lined the walls with runes for strength so it wouldn't break easily and one for heat to keep it cosy. It wasn't a permanent residence but it would do for a place to rest or make potions.

Without my backpack I felt weightless, id been carrying a ton on my back for a while and I didn't even notice, I kept my backpack in the house that I shrunk down and put it in my belt pouch. I was a little bit giddy over the Eureka moment I had when I saw it I just blazed through the process without even thinking.

It would probably need upgrading in the future but it would do till I practised more charms like the muggle repelling charm, unbreakable charm and the security spell but I was happy with it, it was a home away from home.

Continuing on my journey I got to thinking about enchanting my clothes so they are always clean and don't get destroyed with my transformations. Moreover, I should try conjuration as well, so if they did get destroyed I could just conjure a new set from thin air. Also making talismans so I could draw energy when I was in a bit of trouble.

After a few days, I realised my plans had changed I was going to meet Vali but now I'm on my way to the coast to cross the Irish sea, helping the house-elves weren't really a priority but neither was having Vali in my pack it was just getting a bit lonely travelling on my own. The house-elves would be a better choice first though if I could get rid of some of the dark witches and wizards in Ireland and recruit them my mission of finding the goblins would be easier.

The goblins we're a major part of my plans, their metalwork and architecture were top-notch I would rather have them do the work than humans, to be honest. they were warriors as well and the help they could provide in dealing with the beasts of Pangaea would be appreciated.

On my way across the Dales, I cherished the scenery, there wasn't much here just some farmland and mountains and a lake in the background but it was picturesque. I took my time crossing the peaks just admiring the views and hunted some sheep while in wolf form.

After crossing the backbone of Britain otherwise known as the Pennines, I was coming towards the west coast, I had decided to just swim to Ireland and make my way to a Norse town over there. The town of 'Luimnech' or limerick was one of note, it was sacked and burned down in 968 which was a few years from now if I'm not mistaken, this ended the Viking expansion in Ireland, the Irish tribe of Dál gCais killed all men fit for war and enslaved the rest.

I didn't know whether to get involved, I could turn the tides of the battle of sulcoit on my own with my capacities but it was a part of history and the effects it would have if I did intervene would possibly alter the whole timeline of everything I knew, I could still enter the war and let things play out but a defeat at 300 Irishmen just didn't sit right with me, plus I had a task to accomplish.

Things were already beginning to happen around this time that I didn't like but wouldn't interfere with, most of the European countries would start to convert to Christianity and decline the pantheons of gods. But changing that would have some severe consequences, the holy roman empire was on the rise with the kingdom of Germany, Italy and Bohemia being their largest territory at the moment, they would soon get the kingdom of Burgundy as well. Holy Roman Emperor Otto the 1st had consolidated his power, though he would be crowning his son Otto II around the time Freya was born and I was going to stop her aunt's imprisonment. So interfering in those events we're out, I was planning on going to America though and setting up a few entrances to Pangaea.

The entrances would be in a few important spots like Beacon Hills, New Orleans, Mystic Falls, Bon Temps, Forks and probably some of the Southern countries like Brazil. I would wait for the Statute of secrecy to set them up in Britain but in Europe other then the one in Sweden I would make some in Germany, Russia and France.

Some of these spots had significance in the series id merged together, there were magic schools in France and Russia, the Argent family are from France as well, Beacon hills was literally a supernatural Beacon, Bon Temps was were True blood was set so a Half Fae and other supernaturals we're there and New Orleans and Mystic Falls was the home of vampires and witches. These places and people would eventually become apart of my plans.

When I reached the coast I Was in my wolf form with Ratatoskr on my head as I began swimming towards Ireland, the little bugger just wouldn't stop using me like a boat in the water, it did make me chuckle though. It only took about 18 hours to cross the sea and I landed in Dublin which was under Viking control at the moment.

Walking through Dublin I saw a beautiful woman wearing a green robe with phials hanging on a rope tied around her waist that enhanced her curvy figure, a purple hood covered her milky white skin and her silky black hair that I caught a glimpse of as she swept it behind her ear. she was followed by three brightly coloured birds that were chirping a melody that was synchronised with her footsteps like the bass of a song. I watched her for a while as she walked around and helped the sick and injured, she was gentle and compassionate towards them. She had an elegant aura around here it was lilac and flowed like a dance.

Deciding I had been alone for far too long I went towards her confidently with a toothy grin I introduced myself.

"Good day ma'am, my name if Fenrisúlfr I see you have some potions with you and was wondering if you had time to discuss some of them later" I announced while trying to come up with anything to say.

"Good day, Fenrisúlfr pleased to meet you, my names Cliodna and certainly I would like that" she replied with a mesmerising smile with shiny white teeth introducing herself. I knew that name Cliodna, she was a famous Druidess in Harry Potter that discovered the effects of moon dew and was a bird Animagus.

"To talk to a beautiful maiden as yourself the pleasure is mine Cliodna, I've just got to Ireland and don't really know my way around perhaps you know a place we could have that talk?" I confessed with a cheeky grin.

"Charming and cheeky, hehe, I'll happily show you around town while I help people, maybe later we can get a drink and have that discussion" giggling she turned and continued walking, I was in a daze staring at her swaying hips as she sauntered off.

"Are you not coming too, Fenris?" Cliodna called out looking over her shoulder with a satisfied smirk. It didn't take me long to catch up, I didn't know what it was with this lady but I couldn't help gazing at her, I had seen plenty of good looking women but something just seemed different with this one as we strolled and conversed I found my self wanting to listen more than talk, her voice was silvery and flowed like music in a singsong way.

She had shimmering shamrock green, almond-shaped eyes that captivated me, her thin lips were hinted purple probably from petals blossoms just looked so inviting as she spoke while her hands gesticulated with the passion of what she was speaking about holding a hand on her heart. We were talking about herbs and potion ingredients and her discoveries and what potions she had created.

"So Cliodna your Irish right?" I inquired softly looking at her with a smile,

"Yes, I am why?" She answered back with a slim eyebrow raised.

"I was just wondering why an Irish woman was in a Viking ruled town that's all" I placated while holding my hands up in surrender.

"Oh, that's all? Well, that's kind of hard to explain Irish people aren't very fond of people like me but the Vikings don't discriminate against my type of people" she glowed with a smile as she replied.

"You mean magical people? Yeah, I know what you mean, pagan Vikings worship gods of magic so they're open to it, we have seers and witches to perform rituals but with Christianity on the rise, it is starting to be pushed away like a diseased calf" I explained softly just looking ahead, I couldn't look at her why did I say that? Why did I ask?

"What?! How did you know?" She seemed shocked and raised her voice at first but towards the end, it was hardly hearable.

"I'm like you that's why, I think that's why I'm so attracted to you, I haven't met any female Magus, apart from a few druidesses at the stones in England but their aura wasn't like yours at all more earthy and less whimsical, you drew me in as soon as I saw you, plus the birds gave it away not many have familiars with them. That being said I don't think you've even noticed mine" I explained with a chuckle still not meeting her eyes but I saw her blush out of the corner of mine, I was worried for some reason I couldn't put my finger on.

"Oh, so you're a wizard? And what familiar? You aren't with any magical creature at all" she seemed to calm down a lot as she looked me over, trying to fight her blush down. Thank Odin she's not freaking out.

"Ratatoskr stop hiding will you? and I don't know what id classify as, a wizard? sorcerer? Druid? All I know is I can use my magic and natures" I said looking at my shoulder chuckling as she shrieked at the sight of him popping into existence.

"Where did that cute little thing come from?" She squealed in surprise not proceeding further staring at Ratatoskr puffing out his chest with pride wide-eyed.

"He can conceal himself if he wants to he was always there" I laughed finally looking at her in the eyes.

"That's amazing! Wish I could do that maybe life would have been easier after leaving the coven" she uttered in a sad tone.

"I know I just wish I could talk to him, he's smart and finds some crazy stuff sometimes," I said trying to steer the conversation away from her sadness. I don't know why I'm being so open with her, she could turn everything against me at some point but I just wanted to keep talking to her. She seemed to appreciate my not dwelling on her sadness and asking about it.

"You can't talk to him? Haven't you done the familiar rituals?" She said staring at my face with a confused look.

"What familiar rituals? Never even heard of them! Why didn't I think about it before?! How is it done? What do I need? When does it have to take place?" I got really excited and just jabbered on and on with a huge toothy grin.

"Calm down, calm down" she giggled looking at me and continued "it's a simple ritual, just draw the markings and burn the ingredients while you're both inside them, the ingredients are easy enough to gather, both of your hair or feather in my case, a drop of blood in a mixture of sage, skullcap and mugwort. It needs to be performed inside so you breathe in the smoke, there's no chant or anything but you need to both link your magic through the sigil marking" she explained as I listened enthusiastically and determined to finally talk to Ratatoskr, he seemed to be listening as well and as we exchanged a look I could see the happiness in his eyes.

hey guys sorry for the late update I've been planning out a future storyline

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Elzikcreators' thoughts