
the adventure of Azathoth

welcome to the story of Azathoth the great being the creator and destroyer of everything this is his story of his life as a father and husband his highs and his lows his ups and his downs this is his story the first 15 chapters will be introduction chapters to all the stuff you will need to know after that will be the first quest I hope also i write this like how an eldritch being would act like doing things for shits and Giggles also tell me if i did good

outergodazathoth · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

chapter 2

Once Azathoth reaches the big house he sees his wives in front of it talking to Dionysus his wives feel him behind him and turn to him and look him up and down

"why did you change your body" his wives asks

"Because I've been meaning to at least I kept the face but not the eyes though I used my eyes from my eldritch form which won't make people go insane I would have to be fully in my eldritch form not just my eyes do you like my new form" azathoth explains

"We love it" his wives say "Good I gotta go to Japan Tina's coming with me before you ask why I gotta go to Japan let's just say I'm going to handle a few things also to pick up somethings from one of my old workshops" azathoth explains

"No," his wives say "Okay," Azathoth says tina runs up next to him with a backpack on her back with a rabbit teddy and a sword handle sticking over her head, And a basic gun on her waist

"Good you here give me your dagger and gun time for an upgrade," Azathoth says Tina grabs the sword handle pulling it from its sheathe on her back shows a basic sword and the gun from her other side, and hands it to Azathoth

Azathoth makes them float in front of him "Voth Dii Suleyk Zu'u Kogaan Daar Zun Wah Krii Naan Kos" Azathoth shouts making energy appear around the weapons changing them once the energy vanishes the sword and gun look totally different

(The sword image here)

(Gun image here)

Azathoth floats the Sword and gun to Tina "Grab your weapons and name them" Azathoth says tina grabs the sword and the gun and points the sword to the sky and holds the gun in her hand

"I name this sword the Sword of Souls and this gun the Elementalist," Tina says making the sword and gun turn into energy going into Tina's body

"Good names now you can summon them whenever you want to," Azathoth says and picks up Tina and puts her on his back "anyways love I'll be back in three days," Azathoth says and they disappear and reappear in a forest in front of a dilapidated building

Azathoth walks inside to see everything the way he left it he walks over to the left and flips a switch turning everything on one by one the lights turn on starting with the first row of lights then going backwards until it reachs the back Tina jumps off his back

Azathoth and Tina walks back to the entrance and starts walking down the middle to the center once he reachs the center he presses a button to activate a holographic table the holographic table turns on infront of them showing everything that's in the workshop

"Why didn't she show up"Azathoth says then he remembers "oh that right" azathoth says and presses another Button making a hologram of a women with spikes on her body and flaming hair appear sitting on the table edge beside the button

(Holographic woman image here)

"Who's she daddy" Tina asks

"That's Eis it stands for eldritch intelligence system she overlooks all my systems she has a bunch of sub systems but her main system is to watch over creation but she was being upgraded so I had to do all that myself" azathoth explains

"now that she's done upgradeing she can become one with me again you ready Eis" azathoth explains "yes master" Eis says and becomes data and goes inside of Azathoth body

"Now that that's done I've got a gift for you my daughter" Azathoth says

Azathoth bends down and pulls out a small box out from under the table and places it on the table Azathoth opens it and pulls out a mechanical Owl "this is Jack" Azathoth says and hands it to Tina

(The Owl image here)

Once it in her arms it comes to life flaps it wings and Flys above her then lands on her shoulder "I love him thanks dad" Tina says "you welcome my child now we need to go but first" azathoth says and he snaps his fingers teleporting everything that's in the room to his many vault realms

"There we go now we can go" azathoth says and grabs Tina and put her back on his back and they disappear again only to reappear on top of a roof of a school that's covered in a barrier and looks down in the courtyard to see a battle going on

Azathoth takes tina off his back "stay here I mean it" azathoth says and disappears and reappears infront of a woman who's about to get hit by a spear of light but azathoth catchs it and absorbs it into his body

"Who are you" the fallen angel asks "do you know me do you know what i am do you what to know my names and titles" Azathoth asks "yes tell me tell me" the fallen angel says