

Hi this is my first story so sorry about the grammar and stuff so this story doesn't start getting good until the beginning and the end part so ya its about an op mc like really op

LightNado · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Grace POV:


Life has been pretty good so far I've learned how to walk at 5 months and talk 3, I even earned a nick name the ice demon princess, I got it because every time someone tried to pick me up I would freeze their hand or entire arm if I am lucky. So far the only ones I let pick me up are cuzac, zeldris, and meliodes and sometimes the Demon King. Ya I know the demon king, well it was a little weird at first but now it's normal. When it first happened I surprisingly wasn't scared, but that doesn't go the same for every one, zeldris and meliodes were sweating like pigs off to the slaughter house, they were scared that I would get crush or worse anger him since they know how much I hate being touched. But to their surprise I reached up my arms and said papa with an adorable smile, I swear I could see flowers and a smile on the demon kings face.

Back to the Present

Grace was walking around in the garden she had made with her ice powers, it had beautiful ice flowers and a ice tea house were she could have her tea after playing in the flowers. Right now grace was making a flower crown for zeldris and meliodes, she had come to see them as her real brothers, ever since she was born they have been overprotective of her. One time grace wanted to learn how to fly so she asked cuzac to help. 'CUZAC!!!' -grace called out-

Is everything alright princess- cuzac responded-

Grace: Yes I just want to ask you if you can teach me how to fly.

Cuzac: Wouldn't master zeldris or meliodes best be suited for the job.

Grace: Ya but I want to surprise them and show them that I can do better than them and don't need there help in everything.

Cuzac: Ok well first step is you wings are you able to control your darkness to form wings.

Grace: Kind of let me show.

Grace had then grown wings that looked big on her, they were black with white and red on the top they were beautiful.

{A/N: Its the wings from madoka magica when homura became a devil}

Cuzac: My miss you have extraordinary wings.

Cuzac was mesmerized by the wings that he didn't notice he was staring at them for a long time.

Grace: Cuzac my flying lessons.

Cuzac: Oh yes miss sorry I was just surprised by your wings I expected them to be made out of black mist, but instead they look like a fallen angels wings, dont get me wrong miss they are very beautiful I just never seen anything like it.

Grace: Thank you I was surprised to when I first saw them.

(Hahahaha thats a lie I simply bought them from the system -grace thought laughing-)

Ok first lets just start with getting your feet off the ground doesn't need to be long-cuzac said snapping grace out of her thoughts- Ok -grace responded-.

Grace had then raised her wing and then had brought them down in one fast swoop and there she had it she was up in the air. She was so high in the air that she could touch the clouds, while she was feeling the clouds and how soft they were she forgot one thing, SHE CAN'T LEVITATE. she had than began to fall from the sky at an alarming rate. MILADY -cuzac screamed when he saw that grace was falling, but right when he was about to help her she was caught by meliodes with zeldris right next to him they had then brought grace back to the ground safely.

Meliodes: What were you doing do you know you could have been seriously hurt!!!.

Zeldris: Thats right what were you doing up there anyway

Grace: I simply trying to learn how to fly and I wouldn't have been hurt cuzac was there to make sure nothing could happen.

Meliodes: If you wanted to learn how to fly you could have just asked us.

Zeldris: Thats right

Grace: Thats true but you guys would have been overprotective and I wanted to surprise you.

Meliodes: It may be true that we can be a bit overprotective but it's for your own safety, so that stuff like this doesn't happen.

Grace: Fine, but since your hear teach me how to fly.

Zeldris: Ok

Meliodes and zeldris then started to teach her the basics, she had caught on quickly, she was flying like a pro in no time, they all went to go get some ice cream from the human world leaving poor cuzac behind.

Just kidding Grace went and got cuzac since he also tried ton help her.

thank you for reading sorry I dont update sooner I just have a lot of school and I am extremly lazy

LightNadocreators' thoughts