
The Advent of the Dragon God and Twin Goddess

Aurelian the progenitor of the dragon race fights for peace in his realm.

Crepuscule12 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


In a realm faraway from what any mortal has seen.Is place free from hunger,war,and strife. Many would call this place a place of paradise. The people here has lived in peace for long time. They have let this peace go to their head. They were never prepared for what is about to happen.

They were invaded and conquered by an unknown force. Yet the people didn't lose hope. They performed a ritual to give half their powers to unborn child. Then they sent the child mother and others into hiding awaiting the day the child grows older awakening his powers. To liberate his people and bring peace and prosperity the realm once again.

Thus begins the story of the one who will be known as the dragon god. The one they will fear even mentioning his name. The progenitor of all dragons.