
The Advent Of The 8th Monarch

2003 The first fissure has opened on earth bringing with it a new type of energy which led humans to awaken their soul and give them new powers leading to the birth of Awakeners, but that isn’t the only change as inside the fissures which connected to what is suspected as another planet new lifeforms resided, driven by their bloodlust and mad instinct to evolve endless battle issued as humans entered the scene desiring the new resources available along with power. All the while this transpired life on earth didn’t change much as the reigning powers decided to keep matter about awakened and fissure highly classified. 10 years later Mez was born bringing with him the winds which will change and discover things beyond humans' imaginations leading his planet beyond the stars. Watch as he forms his crew, conquer the skies and adversaries to ascend as the most powerful and notorious monarch to ever exist

DaGAuthor · Urban
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4 Chs

POV: Newborn

Darkness was surrounding me, with no light to guide, no matter how much I´ve struggled no voice was let out. Time, yeah time how long have I been here? ... I don't know but weirdly enough It didn't feel bad nor cold, rather I find it comfortable and it isn't so bad.

No, NO I can´t stay here I need to see I want to see MORE



*AGHHHHH*, PAIN, PAIN this PAIN, RIGHT? Something is burning me and IT HURRRTSS.

*Agh*, I can´t handle it any longer. Just please let it stop.




Whatever that was I'm glad it stopped.


WEIRD the light is getting closer, *AGH*, it´s so blinding

¨He is out hurry check him¨

´Huh, who is that? Wait who is touching me? ´

¨he is all fine ma'am, but he still didn´t open his eyes¨

´DUH, it is so bright you d#mba$s´

¨Don´t worry it is not uncommon for babies to have late eyes opening¨

¨Congratulations Miss¨ Saying this she handed him over to another lady

´What is she talking about ? I can't hold back, let me see what is happening´

His shut eyes opened to view a world full of colorful shades and a worn-out face of woman directly facing him from above with sweat trickling down her chin, and her dishevelled hair which couldn´t conceal how beautiful she is, she looked back at him scrutinizing him, and fascinated by his deep eyes.

At first, Mez was astonished by his situation, but the moment he laid eyes on this woman and felt her touch, he instinctively realized she was his mother and that the dark space he´d been in belonged to her.

He was taken to a couple more check-ups before he was left by his mother's side. He began to organize his thoughts about what had happened.

`Okay, first of all I´m a human, and this lady is my mother, but the weird thing is how do I know all this stuff? ´

He creased his brows thinking

`Hmm, it´s most likely related to these weird things, and I assume other people aren´t the same as I´

Exactly since he´s been conscious Mez knew things a new-born shouldn´t know and since the last incident he began seeing, smelling and hearing things that he simply thought were normal at the start only to realise that wasn't the case later on.

Before he could get on studying this phenomenon, hurried steps were heard outside his ward followed by a quite bulky girl entering. She rushed directly to his mother and called her by her name ´Oh, so my mother´s name is Gizem´.

After exchanging a couple words, they both looked the baby a Mez smelled a weird scent coming from both as he also he heard some voices inside his head.

(It seems I´ve got no other choice but to leave him)

´What isn´t that my mother´s voice why is she saying she will leave me, and I keep smelling these weird scents what are they´

After discussing it with Lia, Gizem resolved herself as tucked herself to get some shut eye.

The next morning Gizem accompanied by Lia headed to the orphanage in car, and before handing him to Lia Gizem started apologizing to the baby.

´Come on just shut your trap. I get it ok? Just get it done with´ He thought feeling a bit emotional being separated from his birth mother after only one night.

Lia took him in the cart and hurriedly pushed it to the front door of the orphanage leaving him behind as she ran back to the car.

A while later people came rushing from inside not so surprised after seeing him at the front door, seemingly this was not the first time this happened, bringing him inside they kept discussing their plans for the child, but before long he was left alone with a pretty young lady who kept him company, who dazed as stared at him captured by his charm or maybe cuteness.

"Wow, you are so charming. I'm sure you will turn out to be a handsome man in the future," said Dali

Nodding in response he thought to himself

´Good, good you have good sense girl. Well that aside let´s keep experimenting´

During this time Mez wasn´t lazing around as he discovered two things about this ability of his, the sound that he occasionally hears inside his are people´s inner thoughts he didn't find this one hard to conclude the thing is that it happens randomly he doesn´t know the activation requirements, and he linked the different smells he sniffs to people´s emotions and intentions he also can´t directly target an individual of his choice.

As soon as he started trying things out, the lad who was here before called for them downstairs, Dila complied and took the baby along to the front yard where a robust elderly man alongside a very beautiful blond lady were talking with the orphanage manager Ali, but when Dali arrived with the baby in the cart Kerath eyes were glued on them more specifically the baby.

´That is new never seen something like this, who´s that? Why is he different´ in his view he can see some aura thing around everybody and its quite vague as the only thing he can conclude is that the shape of the aura coincide with the target specie as human have human shaped auras while cats have cat shaped aura but the man, he is seeing has the aura of weird bestial creature with claws, a tail.

´What the hell is that? Just looking at it gives me chills´

As he was lost thought Kerath seemed to be discussing something with Ali before his boomed and aura erupted scaring Ali on his back, although the others couldn't understand what happened only, he who was studying the aura figure was startled due to it solidifying and growing suddenly in an instant before reverting to normal.

Kerath walked to the cart as he glanced at the boy with a warm smile contradicting the aura surrounding him. He stretched his hands lifting him to his eye level.

`Listen old man trust me I don't taste good I´ve just been born´. He thought as he kept staring at the aura, but man didn't plan to eat him as he only held him close to his chest and walked back to his car.

The car drove as soon as he got in, during the drive the old man didn't speak much and only looked at him, once they reached the airport in front of a private jet Kerath lifted him to his eye level and spoke

¨Listen I shall keep it short little one, you who have been born as a lone star fate brought us together so I shall take you as my only son, successor and my third and last disciple, TO LONDON, you shall be known as Mez¨

`Huh, so I got one, Hahaha Mez right I like it´ Ever since he´s been born deep down he was waiting for an identity, a name so he could define and feel his existence, so now that he had it, he felt happy as flailed his arms around in celebration.

Kerath went inside the private jet hugging Mez close to his chest. As he took his seat, he realised that his son was already fast asleep.

Warmly touching his face with his robust hand, he whispered

¨Sleep well little one, as I shall groom you into the best ever known¨


4 years later, a certain office in London, with a sign that read ¨Wrath¨

Behind a desk sat a beautiful blond lady in her 30s. Wearing a blue marine jacket and skirt suit, with black high heels. She held a book in her hand, she was the same woman who was Kerath in the orphanage 4 years ago when they picked up Mez her name was Olivia, and she was Kerath's secretary. The laptop in front of her rang disturbing her reading as she checked it, apparently it was an email after reading it a growl could be seen apparent on her face.

¨How heinous¨ saying this she stood up, walked to a bookcase dropping the book she was reading in it as she walked to another door with a staircase leading underground as she was getting deeper down rumbling sounds were getting louder and stronger when she heard them, she couldn´t help but sigh and shake her head with a helpless smile.

¨*sigh*, they never tired for real. How many days have they been at it nonstop 8 or 9? ¨

She kept going down until she reached a white huge room the size of a soccer field with two people training in the middle, they were none other than Kerath and Mez, noticing her arrival they both stopped as they looked at her.

¨What' sup Olivia did something happen? ¨ Kerath asked as he walked to her with Mez following behind, he looks quite handsome now as despite being 4 year he´s already around 160cm tall and have quite the toned physique, neck length black hair with white tips, black eyes with wisps of white in the retina, black eyelashes thin eyebrows and nose standing defiantly with small red lips underneath he grew up to be quite the handsome young man.

¨Take a look for yourself, some lunatics have begun causing quite the ruckus¨ she handed a couple files to him

Reading the file, the file she handed Kerath´s eyes turned cold as he turned to his son and said to him :

¨Lad this one is for you it's time for you to experience the world a bit¨ turning to Olivia ¨Olivia take care of his flight and explain the details to him yourself let him rest for today he shall depart tomorrow¨

Both nodded at his orders with no complaints

Mez followed Olivia upstairs as she explained this time´s mission and the details of the incidents

¨Some weird humanoid creatures seem to have been sighted in Japan and LA. Your job this time is collect information about the cause and eliminate it¨

Mez nodded in response as his stomach grumbled in hunger making Olivia brush his hair as she said with a smile

¨We can leave the rest for later. Let's get you something to eat¨