
The Adrift Oath

Drowsed, tired and exhausted from the troubles of mundane life and exasperating routines, our main character mysteriously disappears from this plane of existence to only appear in another, a second shot at a life filled with mysteries and adventures to the brim, but also with dangers and obstacles alien and abnormal to the normal world to face.

SaintSlvt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

A Day To Remember

Surprise on her face as she saw that the shop she bought her shortsword from was as open as yesterday

Pushing the door slowly, she entered the store

"Hello?!" Exclaiming as she looked around, seeing the dwarf seemingly half awake, sitting down on his chair with it's back against the counter, an axe laying down alongside a metal shield

"What? shouldn't you be running away lass?" He said as he rubbed his eyes, Fae scoffed and replied

"The same could be said to you" Walking within the store as she examined the chest pieces of leather armor displayed around

"I'm open for anybody needing last minute preparations, lord knows youth keep getting dumber and dumber" His words made him sound like such an elder that she couldn't help but cackle, grabbing a leather chest piece she found as she tried to realize how to wear it on

"You have yet to answer me, lass" Almost dropping the slightly heavy chestpiece in her hands by how close his voice sounded, she looked down at the dwarf with a nervous smile

"I'm an adventurer, I have to defend the town" She muttered

The dwarf crossed his arms tightly as he looked up at her eyes for a fraction of a silent second, before breaking it with his burly voice

"Unless you're some swordswoman from another world I doubt that you'll be of any use to the defense" He told Fae, who laughed at how blunt the words she received were

"Well a pair of extra hands can't hurt" Pulling her gaze away from the dwarf and into the armor she was holding, she continued

"This town has been very kind to me, I want to give back" She concluded, getting the armor she was holding in her hands taken off however

"Hey! I'm buying that!" Fae exclaimed to the back of the dwarf that was walking away and into the back of the store

"Christ how unfriendly can he get" She muttered to herself, looking around before letting out a sigh and ultimately going for the door

"Who told you to leave" The same voice she was talking to called out for her, Fae turned around with a raised eyebrow as she found the dwarf walking towards her with furrowed eyebrows, though the thing that attracted her was the metallic armor that was in his hands

"Here, this chain mail will protect you more than any leather" The dwarf told Fae, handing her the long chain mail that seemed more like a dress for Fae, keeping her thoughts for later she immediately removed her long black clock to wear the chain mail

"Be wary, even with its sturdiness it will not protect you from magic or blunt trauma" Looking at the young woman wear her armor above her jacket, she then looked at the dwarf with a small smile

"Thank you, how much is it?" She asked, receiving a slow shake of his head

"It's not for sale, return it when you're done" Fae stared silently at him for the half of a second that she had free before the sound of a horn blew within the town, reminding her of what she was signing up to

"Anyway, try to stay alive, I'm in no mood to take it back from your corpse" He told her before he walked back to his seat with no hint of sarcasm or irony in his words

Fae smiled and then ran out of the store, not before exclaiming her gratitude

"I'll make sure of it! thanks!"

The dwarf inside his store let out a sigh as he heavily dropped on his chair, letting his head fall behind as he stared at the ceiling, wondering if staying in this town was a good idea after all

Fae on the other hand ran as fast as she could, with her left hand on the pommel of her sheathed shortsword, she made way between the almost barren streets to line up with the defense force

She could see the huge gates, yet it seemed that everybody willing to defend was outside the town, forming in front of the gates and blocking Fae's vision on what was behind them, the real threat

Arriving next to the backlines amongst the dozens and dozens of guards, warriors, archers and sorcerers she could see why everybody was so motionless

A giant the likes of a mythical beast was standing in front of the defenders, the height of a house and wielding a tree as a weapon, it's skin was of a grey tone while its teeth were of a yellow color, jagged and sharp as they came out of the ogre's maw

"Fight.... strongest!" It screamed with all it's might, hitting the ground with the tree as it sent a small shockwave towards it's enemies

"The leader of the assault wants to take on the opposing leader in a duel" Fae heard Yuna's voice inside her head

"A classic attack on moral" She continued, Fae could but grip the handle of her sword tighter as she only now could see a singular figure step towards the monster, behind it was a green wave of goblins ready to siege, ransack and pillage the defenders' beloved town

The figure spoke as it pointed the tip of its blade towards the ogre's face

"I don't remember your kind being able to talk, what gives?" Yulia questioned the now chuckling ogre

"I not messenger, I warrior!" It replied back much to everybody's surprise as the soldiers next to Fae whispered to each other

"I can admire that" Yulia said, a small smile appearing on her face as she dropped her rapier to the ground

Fae widened her eyes at what Yulia did, she wasn't surrendering was she?

"But I'm afraid our town is not for takings" Blue particles started forming around her right hand as they merged with each other to create a translucent blue sword with a slightly curved cross guard pointing upwards

A smirk appeared on the ogre before it immediately held it's makeshift club in the air

"Our victory is with you guild master" Fae heard a female voice behind her, but she couldn't turn her head to see who it was as her eyes were glued on Yulia, hoping for her triumph

The tree slammed on the ground as it kicked the dust up in the sky creating a thick smoke that blocked everybody's line of sight, the goblins screeched and screamed while the humans still hoped, for now that's all they could do

Suddenly the ogre lifted it's arm as three blue and see through arrows were planted in it's forearm, and as the smoke lifted off Yulia that closed the gap towards her enemy slowly lowered her conjured bow as it melted to form a sword that she held tightly

She then ran at full speed towards the ogre that lifted its weapon and tried to immediately crush Yulia

But the woman was faster, much faster as she slid past the blow and between the monster's legs, planting her longsword into the calf of the beast that grunted at the pain before trying to stomp the human that hurt it, in vain as Yulia wasn't even on the ground anymore

She used the planted sword as a platform to push herself upwards, planting another sword into the beast's back as she was mid air, hearing the ogre groan from pain trying to shake Yulia down

As the previous sword vanished, another was summoned right in the palm of her hand as she tried to stab it right into the spine of the beast

But as she saw his hand move to grab her, she had to let go and jump back to safety to nimbly roll as soon as she hit the ground

Seeing the monster do a 180 to face her she could see a huge blow coming towards her as the only thing she could do was dive away, landing on the ground while the tree crashed into the dirt

Rolling backward to get herself up on her feet, Yulia put her off hand on her chest to try and catch her breath, drops of rain started suddenly falling down from the dark and cloudy sky, only increasing in flow as seconds passed on

With her friends behind her and the screeching beasts in front of her, Yulia took a deep breath and turned around to look over her shoulder

Fae's heart skipped a beat as she felt like she made eye contact with her, but as soon as that feeling settled Yulia turned again to face the beast

All of a sudden however, Fae was pushed aside aggressively, and as she grunted to look at what happened she could see Athena, the woman in the searching party that looked for her sprint as fast as she could towards Yulia, her huge claymore in hand

As Fae thought they would fight together, until she saw Athena slide down to crouch on the ground, planting the tip of her claymore in the dirt and resting the huge blade of her weapon on her back, she then saw Yulia take a step back and run right towards Athena

All eyes widened as the former jumped on the blade of the latter, who yelled as hard as she could and seemingly catapulted Yulia right in the sky for her conjured blue sword to melt and increase in size, turning into a spear that she threw with all her might at the beast's face

The enemy could barely react to the unorthodox attack as the Javelin pierced its right eye, Yulia landed on the monster's face who was flailing all around as she grabbed her summoned spear that was stuck in its eye, yelling as she twisted it and drove it deeper into it's skull

And with it, the huge monster fell on it's back, with Yulia barely able to stand as she swayed to the right while her hands held tightly on her spear, she pulled it and made blood squirt all on her clothes, drowning the dirt around the monster in a huge puddle of blood

Her side speechless only with wide eyes, the guild master lifted her spear aimed at the sky, her teeth gritting and her eyebrows furrowed with rage

"For Freesia!" She screamed, taking in a huge breath of air through her mouth

"For Flora!" She then pointed her spear at the horde of greens

"CHARGE!" With her voice booming in the battlefield, it was immediately followed by the mighty war cry of the entirety of the defense force, charging past Yulia and clashing right into the army of greenskin with their shields, the goblins small and physically weaker than humans were knocked right in the mud, trampled as the adventurers and guardsmen took full advantage of it

Fae in the middle of the human platoon was confused as to what to do, she decided to move to the left flank and try and protect it as she could see a couple of adventurers taking on some goblins that tried to appear from the woods

Fae's mouth slightly opened as she could see 2 goblins jump on the adventurer that was holding a mace and shield, in the hands of the two beasts was a makeshift fishing net as they wrapped up the adventurer in it rendering him unable to free himself as he flailed around and tried to cut the net, but his mace was anything but sharp

"I'm here im here!" His partner holding a bow kicked one of the goblins right in the jaw and into the ground before quickly drawing the arrow in his offhand to pierce its chest, he then grabbed another arrow from the quiver attached to his lower back and stabbed the second goblin right in its throat with it

"I'll help him you take care of the monsters!" Fae said as she slightly startled the archer who gave her a grateful nod before facing the incoming wave with a ready arrow and a drawn bow

"Thank you lass" The caught adventurer said to her as she only nodded, focused on cutting the net with her shortsword

"God damn it they just fucking keep coming" The archer said as Fae heard a whistle behind her that she took it as one less arrow in his quiver, and one less goblin in the fight

"I can't believe i got caught like that" The mace wielding warrior said to himself as he got out of the net with Fae's help

"I'll have to go get more arrows at this rate" He said, drawing his bow one more time at a goblin in the branches in front of him, and right after he let go the goblin fell motionless on the ground

"Fae-san this seems like a war of attrition, one we will not come out victorious from" Yuna said inside Fae's head, the latter put a hand on her chest and took in a deep breath

"But I have an idea" She continued on, Fae meanwhile struck a fighting stance at the incoming 3 goblins that had no difficulty to advance seeing on how the archer was out of arrow, unsheathing his own shortsword to fight them with

"I'm sensing a powerful aura deeper into the forest" Fae heard her friend say right in her mind, The guard shield bashed one of the goblins that tried to pounce on him, and as it fell the ground Fae stabbed it in the chest with a squeamish expression and shaky hands

"If my guess is correct, its their leader, and if we take care of it" Fae understood what Yuna was hinting at

"Their moral will break" She whispered under her breath, looking deeper into the woods while her two current partners pushed forward where the goblins were coming from

"Do you trust me?" Yuna said, slowly appearing next to Fae with her hand on the grip of the sheathed sword

"With my life" She gave her a quick nod, Yuna looked away and pointed into the woods before disappearing again, and as soon as she did Fae sprinted right deeper

Or she thought she would as somebody grabbed her arm stopping her right in her tracks

"What do you think you're doing?!" A familiar voice, and as Fae turned around, a familiar face

"Pushing the fight towards the enemy" Fae replied to Yulia, blood all over her face and her white clothes barely had that pure color as they were drenched in crimson

"That'll be a no, we can barely secure the gates let alone the territory around us" Yulia answered her with furrowed eyebrows and a stern expression, in vain as Fae furrowed her own eyebrows in retaliation

"It'll help us win the battle, believe in me" She told her friend who could barely hold the irritation that was building up inside her from how erratic Fae's behavior was, especially with her lack of experience in the battlefield this was only a recipe for disaster

"Was it Yuna's idea?" She asked Fae who slightly relieved Yulia as she answered with a nod

"Assassinating their leader will crush their moral and give us a window to counter attack, she knows about this more than me and you" Fae said to her friend that turned silent for a second

"Alone? Are you insane?" Yulia asked her, bringing her to a scoff as she cocked her head to the side with her lips breaking into a smirk

"Enough to do something right" And with that Fae had no words and seemed set on her decision, Yulia sighed and let go of her

"Don't let the next time we meet be at your funeral" She told Fae, who gave her a promising nod before heading inside the darkly grim forest, Yulia however took a deep breath and headed back, her town was in danger and she had to be there

"Keep running straight forward Fae-san, do not stop at anything" Yuna said inside her as her friend did just that, jumping over deformed roots surfacing above the dirt and going between branches and bushes

A screech however brought her to a stop as she looked behind her, seeing a goblin jump from a branch above startling her and bringing her to try to lift her sword to defend herself, yet to no avail as the creature got split in half by what seemed like a wind slice from another plane of existence

"I told you to run and not worry about the small monsters, every second lost increases the death toll" Yuna exclaimed as Fae took a deep breath and continued her sprint deeper and deeper into the forest

Slicing vines that blocked her path as she ran as fast as she could, not caring about any goblin or the like that appeared around her as any foe was quickly dispatched as soon as they came close enough to Fae

"There..." Yuna whispered, her tone of voice dipped in a mixture of both disgust and hatred

Fae catching her breath as quietly as she could peeked through the bushes she was hiding behind, seeing around a dozen goblins sitting around, they seemed much more calm and collected then the rest of the species Fae met so far

But what attracted her the most was the one in the middle, on his knees with his hands laid on top of them, wearing robes the likes of magicians that Fae saw around the guild with the hood of the robes on his head making her barely able to see his face

Suddenly however that special goblin was brought to turning his head behind, seeing a blue silhouette form from thin air, and before he knew it Yuna sliced down

"Nice try, wraith" He smirked while Yuna furrowed her eyebrows and disappeared, her blade was deflected by what seemed like a force field around the creature

"I'm useless against him, we need to go, now!" Yuna yelled inside Fae's head, but the former didn't want to

It'd mean their loss, it'd mean that she couldn't do the one thing she wanted to pay back to all the ones that brought kindness and warmth to her heart

Through those thoughts Fae's eyes widened in shock at the sight of pure fire coming her way, she jumped out of that bush and dived away, a small explosion blew up in her hiding spot that shook the ground around her and brought her to groan as she got herself up

"I'm not going... anywhere..." Fae whispered under the grunts of effort she let out to get herself up, looking directly at the mage goblin, a barely visible force field around him protecting the creature from harm

Yuna with a sigh appeared beside Fae, her blade already unsheathed and in hand while her off hand grabbed the sheath tied to her waist

"I admire your courage but you'll have to fight him by yourself" Yuna muttered, her blue eyes locked with the enemy mage

"I will do what I have to do" Fae replied, Yuna narrowed her eyes before taking a step away from Fae and towards the enemy

"Leave his brethren to me, I won't let any get in your way" She then disappeared to immediately appear right beside one of his followers, slicing his head clean off with a horizontal strike

Fae, taking advantage of the distraction Yuna made immediately went on the opposite way to try and stealthily approach the mage while her friend impaled another goblin with a stab into it's chest

Feeling something hit his force field, the mage stopped fighting back against Yuna and turned around to see Fae who tried to stab right into the force field

"Damn it!" She exclaimed as the mage tried to throw a fireball right into her head, but Fae closely dodged it with ducking down and immediately backing away

"So both magical and physical attacks don't work on it" She whispered to herself, her eyes looking down momentarily to her sword, finding the blade broken in half from the strike that she has done

Groaning to herself in anger, she tightened her grip on her weapon, even so broken it was still usable

"It's a magical ward Fae-san, a spell that is only known to dangerous creatures, from what little I know things can come out of the ward, but not come in" Yuna said inside Fae's mind, looks like even though they were separated they could still communicate

But the thinking was brought to a stop as Fae found a goblin pounce on her from behind, startled she immediately tried to slice it midair, yet it wasn't sliced by her

"You need to trust me! Focus on their leader and only him!" Yuna screamed at her with furrowed eyebrows as Fae turned around to see what seemed like yet another fireball coming at her, she immediately hit the ground and let it pass above her before getting back up just as quickly, not before letting out a curse out of frustration

Putting her eyes on the enemy leader and only him, Fae's brain was overclocked thinking of a solution to the problem at hand, how could she bypass the magical ward

The screeching of agony and sound of blood splattering around her came to the point of no bother to her, she had to trust her friend with her protection, she had to only think about the single target in front of her

Fae narrowing her eyes noticed something bizarre about the enemy, it seemed like he was already tired, breathing heavily yet it didn't seem like he has done any physical effort yet apart from making a throwing gesture to shoot fireballs

And what was more bizarre was that the glint that appeared from the sun's light striking the magical ward would disappear, and then the mage goblin would breath heavily afterwards but as soon as any danger came the glint would immediately appear

And that thought entangled with the fact that Fae remembered how she absorbed some sort of green energy after she was healed, and she then was able to give it to Yulia

"Well..." Furrowing her eyebrows, she dropped her broken short sword

"It's all or nothing!" She then ran straight ahead and towards her target who immediately took advantage of her reckless charge to throw a similar fireballs to the previous ones

But this time, the outcome changed

Fae didn't dodge

"FAE!" Yuna yelled, the last image before the explosion engulfed Fae in smoke was her friend shoulder bashing the spell

The smoke slowly lifted, showing Fae holding her arm that had blood squirting out of the wound and down her arm, the sleeve of her black jacket was completely torn apart

Fae then immediately charged forward, the confused mage threw yet another fireball through the ward protecting him but Fae dodged right to the side and continued to run as fast as she could, and by the time he could conjure another one, she already had her her unharmed hand on top of the magical ward, the palm of that hand slowly started sizzling with burning ash flying around it

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Fae screamed as hard as she could as her hand conjured a fireball that effortlessly went through the magical ward, hitting the goblin right in the chest as it left a hole in it the size of a bowling ball, blood and his guts fell down before he himself did

And so did Fae, on her knees as she held her injured arm with one hand, she didn't dare to look at the injury herself only feeling pain that she hasn't felt in a very long time

The goblins around her were shivering in fear, especially when Yuna beheaded the corpse of their leader, impaling the head and lifting it in the sky for all his brethren to see, the crippling fear settled in their hearts as they ran away and disappeared

Yuna sighed and disappeared from her spot to appear crouching down next to Fae while the head of the enemy leader fell down on the ground

"Fae-san..." Yuna called her name, bringing Fae to lift her head to look at her friend

Tears rolling down her eyes while her lips shivered as she desperately tried to form a smile, but she couldn't, it just hurt so much especially now that adrenaline wasn't being pumped throughout her body

"Can you show me?" Yuna tried to say with as much of a soft tone as she could bring out of her

Fae, reluctant, still showed the injury to Yuna who tried her best to not make any grimmer expression on her face, but she knew the truth

The flesh around the impact was completely seared and burnt while looking like dark leather, and the burn itself was so severe that she could see the bones through the wound

"You did great, Fae-san, good work" Yuna said with a more genuine tone than usual, trying her best to not speak about the wound itself

"T-thanks..." Fae barely had the strength to speak with the pain she was feeling in that moment, it didn't hurt at the center of the impact due to her damaged nerve endings but around the wound felt like absolute hell

Yuna all of a sudden unsheathed her sword at how she felt a presence nearby, readying herself if it was an enemy and willing to not disappear if it was a friendly human, she had to be there for Fae and protect her at all costs

A plain and simple brown horse came out of the woods as it stepped in the middle of the carnage that was Fae and Yuna's fight against the goblins, what wasn't plain however was the knight riding the horse, plated armor stained in all manners of blood and what seemed like a claymore in a sheathe that the knight carried in his right hand, the frontal plate of his helmet had a huge red X painted in it

The horse slowly walked over the corpses of what was Yuna's work, the knight looking from dead goblin to another before the horse stopped beside the woman and her spectral friend, the man on the horse was extremely suspicious of Yuna and her ghostly appearances yet he immediately climbed down from his horse as he made eye contact with Fae and her watery eyes

"An arm for a t-town, not that bad of a trade huh?" She told him with a barely stable tone of voice as he stood over her

Fae gestured to the wary Yuna that it was fine as the Knight crouched down next to the sitting Fae, examining her wound with his emerald green pupils that made Fae narrow her crying eyes

"Claude?" She asked what she thought was her friend but the knight didn't bother to reply to her as he ran back to his horse to rummage through the satchel attached to the horse saddle

He then came back with what seemed like a fancy potion with engravings and gems around it, pulling the cap out of it before gently grabbing Fae's wrist and spilling it all over her wound

Smoke started to come out of her wound as Fae widened her eyes at the sight of her flesh seemingly rebuilding itself back into normal

"What... what the hell did you do?" Fae asked the knight with her wide eyes as she only felt a shadow of the previous pain

But he didn't reply to her as he put back the empty potion inside the satchel and gave her a helping hand that she gladly accepted with a smile

Getting up to her feet, Fae wiped away the tears in her eyes as she kept examining where her wound was supposed to be, not even finding a scar

The green eyed knight eyed Yuna up and down before he decided to stare right into her blue eyes

"She's a friend, don't worry" Fae muttered, immediately bringing the knight to nod once as he walked around the small battlefield

Yuna however, had some questions that she wanted answered

"Fae-san, did you get hit on purpose?" She asked her friend that chuckled weakly

"Yeah, yeah I did" She then looked at her blue eyed partner

"I realized mid fight that the magical ward didn't actually work like you thought it did" Fae told Yuna who raised an eyebrow in curiosity

"It doesn't let things out either, that's why the goblin had a hard time breathing inside his turtle shell" She answered

"Then how do you explain the goblin being able to throw fireballs out of his magical ward" Yuna questioned Fae again, receiving a smirk as a reply

"The magical ward only let the spells of the one using it in or out of it, that's why I got hit on purpose" She told her friend, Yuna's eyes slightly widened as she finally understood

"So you can absorb magical energy?" Yuna inquired

"After today I'm certain I do, the ward let my spell through it because it had the same magical energy of the goblin"

Yuna smiled warmly at Fae, bringing the latter to raise an eyebrow

"I underestimated you Fae-san, you're quite adaptable" She said with a soft tone and a smile that Fae saw for the first time, unknowing of how to take the compliment Fae laughed nervously

"Thank you, I'm flattered that somebody like you values my combat" She said with a huge smile while Yuna only kept her smile on her face and slowly nodded, and by that time Claude came back to meet the duo, in his hand was the head of the goblin leader that he put in a sizable leather bag pulled out of his saddle's satchel

Climbing on his horse, Claude gave Fae a helping hand and a ride back to town that she gladly accepted as she sat behind Claude, her hands on his plated waist while Yuna merely vanished

The ride back to town was silent at best as Fae could give a lot of adjectives to Claude but calling him talkative was far fetched

As she came out of the woods she could see guards and adventurers carrying goblin corpses destined to be burnt or buried in mass graves, Fae could already smell the rotten odor of burnt flesh

"Fae!" She heard her name being called, Claude stopped his horse as both him and Fae looked at the source of the sound

Seeing an exhausted Yulia waving at the both of them as the knight got his horse to walk towards the guild master before both got down from the horse

"I'm glad you're alive, what happened?" Fae asked Yulia, who wiped her sweaty and bloody brow with her hand

"Well as you can see we came out victorious" She told her friend as she gestured around the dozens and dozens of green corpses

"But I didn't think we would to be honest" Yulia added as she put one hand on her waist

"No matter how many we killed their losses kept getting reinforced and replaced, until all of a sudden they just retreated out of nowhere" Finishing her words with a shrug, but then to continue with a suspicious gaze right at Fae

"Does that have any relation with what you did?" She asked the nervously laughing Fae as Claude pulled out the head of the mage goblin to show it to Yulia, the latter narrowing her eyes as she looked at the goblin's head

"That was their leader huh?" She asked, rubbing her chin

"How did you know?" Fae asked with a cocked head

"Goblin that have grey-ish hair usually are at the top of their scuffed hierarchy" Taking in a deep breath

"I'm guessing your ghost buddy took care of that eh?" Yulia asked with a smile, hearing a whisper behind her

"I had nothing to do with that nor did the knight, the one you should be thanking is right in front of you" Yuna whispered with a ghostly tone making Yulia widen her eyes

"Really?" She asked Fae who could barely nod properly with how nervous Yulia's tone made her

"I'm impressed Fae, you might have just saved everybody in this town, well done" Yulia said with a big smile that made Fae silent for a fraction of a second before smiling back

"Miss Yulia" A woman suddenly approached the group as she had all eyes on her, and as Fae noticed who it was she realized it was that one eye patch woman that wasn't in the best terms with her

"Yes Athena?" Yulia asked, turning around to meet Athena who had her mind swayed away from what she wanted to ask, her one intact eye looking at the goblin had The knight held in his hand

"I'm guessing that's why they stopped their attack, good job sir knight" Athena muttered to the knight who slowly shook his head

"It wasn't him, it was Fae, all alone" Yulia said, gesturing to Fae with her open hand while Athena could but widen her eye

"Oh, good uh, good work" Athena's tone wasn't forced or one of loss, but more one of actual surprise and admiration that made Fae scratch her cheek as she laughed

"Thank you" Fae replied quickly

"Well, with that aside what did you want to ask me Athena?" Yulia said with a raised eyebrow

"Oh right, me and my party was volunteering for doing a sweep around the area for information, they might not have retreated that far" She answered her guild master who rubbed her chin as she looked at the forest for a silent second

"Sure, that'll help" She turned to face the smiling Athena

"Take Faylar with you and if he complains tell him it's a direct order from me" She continued on before Athena gave her an over the top bow to then head away to gather her friends

"Alright, guess all's well that ends well" She then turned to face Fae and the Knight

"Ah I forgot to thank you Sir...?" With a raised eyebrow Yulia hinted at her ignorance to Claude's name

"His name is Claude" Fae butted in to not make the silent Knight uncomfortable

"Right, Thank you for being our reinforcements Claude, the town of Freesia is grateful to the knight's order" Yulia told Claude, who gently put a hand on his chest as he bowed elegantly

"Okay, I'll go back to moving bodies and helping the injured, Fae you should take a rest" Yulia exclaimed

"Oh I can still help aro-" Yulia immediately cut her off with her furrowed eyebrows

"Are you kidding me? just look at your face Fae, you're exhausted" Fae pulled her phone from her pocket and activated the front camera, seeing her pale skin and yellow lips, her baggy eyes were still watery while ash mixed with her own tears covered her face

"A magical mirror?" Yulia said, seeing her on her phone screen as she peeked over her right shoulder while Claude also got won over by his curiosity and peeked from her left shoulder


Fae smiled warmly

"Yeah it is"

And took a picture