
The Adapter

A young man died to not only come back to life but to live his life to the fullest. His titles will be great god of destruction, The traveler, The creator, and many more. follow him in his adventures all over the omniverse. WARNING: I am not sure if and when I am going to update this it is just, I repeat just for fun. It is my first time posting on here if you have complains fill free to put it in the comment. join my Patreon patreon.com/iceking870

TheCreationVoidGod · Others
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4 Chs


The afterlife is one of the most mysterious places mankind knows almost nothing about, except the different cultures and their stories about it. For the Christan's it is heaven or hell, heaven for good people and hell for bad, Buddhist they believe in reincarnation because of your karma, Hindu is samsara which is rebirth.

But as I float through the darkness, I ask myself "So there is nothing after death?" But before I could say anymore a voice, no it was like it was a force of nature said, "There is life after death it is just it in not wear you are meant to go."

I was stunned by the magnificent of the voice at first before it hit me why wasn't I going to the afterlife, before I could ask the being said, "You shall not go there because of your wish" then he continued by saying "One every millennium we the higher being grant 5 wishes to a lucky soul".

After calming down I asked, "what do you mean by we?" The being seemed to contemplate for a second before it said "You humans think of the high existence as always against each other, but the funny part is some of us are great friends, so we help each other occasionally. Now tell me your wishes."

I quickly started to think, and it didn't take that much time because I always used to read web novels about being reincarnated with wishes. "I have a question" I asked the being and it said, "what is the question" my question is "do I have restriction on my wishes?" I asked it and, contemplating it said "yes, you can't wish for omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent."

Then I said, "My first wish is I have infinite potential, my second wish is a body that can adapt to anything with very high regeneration, my third wish is I can go from worlds to worlds like a hopping planet, my fourth wish is to have reality manipulation, can I keep my last wish for later?"

The being quickly said "yes, you can what world would you like to be sent to first?"