
The Actress Queen’s Rebirth: She’s a Bigshot Loved by All Her Uncles!

One moment I was riding on a roller coaster, the next I was back to ten years ago. Let me ask you, is that exciting or not? Lu Zhen looked at her fresh, young, sixteen-year-old face in the mirror, and she laughed maniacally. In her last life, she established herself as the nation’s mascot with one advertisement. Until she was twenty-three years old, no one could shake her position. As the nation’s mascot that everyone had watched growing up, she was loved by thousands of people of the country. Her acting career was smooth sailing, and awards fell into her lap without much trouble. However, she wasn't the best judge of character. She mistakenly treated wolves as sheep and raised them by her side, supporting their growth with everything she had, and finally brought a disastrous end upon herself. Being forced out of her rest time, she didn’t hate it. Framed for drug use and forced to quit, she survived it. Even after all the ruckus when the public forced her to pretend that she was mad and stayed in the mental hospital, she endured it. But when she saw her father mistakenly take someone else for his daughter, atone for that snake and even died because of her, Lu Zhen couldn’t take it any longer. Even if she never called that person “Dad”, and even if he never knew she was his daughter, he had still died for his “daughter”. She never felt such a warm and sincere love before. That warmth should have been hers! Lu Zhen escaped from the mental hospital, but she couldn’t escape from the big truck that rammed into her head-on. Fortunately, the heavens had mercy on her and allowed her to have a do-over. In this life, there were only three things Lu Zhen wanted to do. Get revenge, find her father, and make some money. Once she got her revenge, she wouldn’t throw away the scumbags and bitches. She would dunk them in eggs, sprinkle them with bread crumbs and fry them until golden on both sides! Even the kids next door were crying! Her father was an incredible actor. He couldn’t pamper her enough, so he brought in a few more awesome uncles to pamper her together! She tried to persuade her uncles to treat everyone equally, but they didn’t want to listen. Ah, how worrying! At least a little money…Lu Zhen: “Twist a little, soak a little… Huh? I accidentally got my hands on the richest man in the country. Is this considered an alternative to getting rich?”

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770 Chs

Unusual Method

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Looks like I came back at the wrong time."

Lu Zhen's tone was calm, as if she was talking about the weather today.

Lu He stopped in his tracks. He looked at his adopted daughter standing by the door. For a moment, he felt that he couldn't understand Lu Zhen.

Lu He had always thought that he knew his adopted daughter very well. In order to train Lu Zhen's servility, he often used the carrot and stick approach. This sweet date was naturally Lu Zhen's yearning for kinship.

Wu Yu couldn't hide her ruthlessness and disgust for Lu Zhen, so Lu He pretended to be a kind father and occasionally gave Lu Zhen some so-called fatherly love. But now, he felt that his years of honing seemed to be useless. Lu Zhen looked at him as if he was a stranger.

Seeing that her parents didn't react, Lu Rou suppressed her fear of Lu Zhen's gaze and took a few steps forward to hold his hand.

"Sister, trust me. I really didn't want to harm you. If you don't believe me, can I kowtow to you? Sister, forgive me. I was wrong."

Lu Rou knelt down towards Lu Zhen as she spoke.

Actually, Lu Rou wanted to put on an act. As long as Lu Zhen subconsciously reached out to help her up, she would get up and ask if Lu Zhen had really forgiven her.

However, Lu Rou didn't expect that not only did Lu Zhen not move at all, but she also stared at her to see how she would kowtow.

Lu Rou had no choice but to hit her head on the ground.

The floor of the hospital was tiled, unlike some materials that would make a loud noise with a light knock. If Lu Rou didn't exert force, there wouldn't be any sound at all.

Finally, after Lu Rou braced herself, she was kowtowed. The sound was muffled, but as long as she made a sound, it proved that Lu Rou's kowtow wasn't light.

She had hit her head against the wall earlier. Now, she felt so dizzy she almost fainted.

Wu Yu knew Lu Rou's plan clearly, so she didn't stop her. However, she didn't expect Lu Zhen to force Lu Rou to kowtow for real. This time, Wu Yu couldn't wait any longer and took a few steps forward to help Lu Rou up.

A second before Wu Yu squatted down, Lu Zhen raised her hand to stop Wu Yu.

"What are you up to?"

"Your sister still has a head wound. I want to help her up."

"So that's it? I thought you were going to kneel to me for Lu Rou and make me take the blame for being unfilial."

What a joke! How could squatting and kneeling be the same? If she couldn't even tell that, then her more than ten years of acting career would have been in vain.

Wu Yu's face stiffened. She held Lu Zhen's hand and said, "Zhenzhen, your sister really has no intention of harming you. For my sake, forgive your sister this time, okay?"

Wu Yu and Lu Rou would never admit that they wanted to harm Lu Zhen. Lu Zhen also knew this.

Seeing Lu Zhen lower her head in silence, Lu He took a step forward.

"Zhenzhen! You sisters have always had a good relationship all these years. You can't misunderstand your family member because of others."

At this, Lu He glared at Sun Xiao, scaring her into retreating.

Lu Zhen sidestepped to block Lu He's view.

Lu He really spoke without thinking. Why did Lu Rou want to have a good relationship with her?

For the money she'd earned, for her resources, for her to give her the best to choose from.

But even so, Lu Rou was still dissatisfied.

"Zhenzhen, I'm begging you, please forgive Lu Rou! She's your sister! We have spent so much effort raising you and your sister all these years. It wasn't easy for us to raise you, but we have to see you two turn against each other. Do you know how heartbroken Daddy and Mommy are?!"

As Wu Yu spoke, she pulled her collar and put on a sad look.

Jin Zhan was moved by Wu Yu's acting. Just as he was about to speak up for Lu Rou, he was interrupted by Lu Zhen's cold gaze.

"Zhenzhen, this time, please speak up for Lu Rou on account of Daddy."

Lu Zhen had a million words to refute them, but what was the point of arguing with them?

Those who cared about you would send you to the hospital with a mere broken finger. As for those who didn't care about you, even if you slit your wrist in front of them, you would only be mocked for putting on a show.

The reason why she had listened to them talk for so long was to make these people feel that everything had fallen into place! After all, they had already used filial piety to guilt trip her, so how could she not forgive them?