
The Acknowledgement - Volume One

The Broken And Abused Boy Picks Himself Up Out of The Mud And Took Off Running to Become The Strongest. Completed Story - Uploading Every Sunday Inspired By The Legendary Solo Leveling Webtoon And Light Novel: 나 혼자만 레벨업 - 추공 | Solo Leveling | Only I Level Up - Chu-GongNavigation and Actions. Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/316289056-the-acknowledgment

Alexzander_Greats · Action
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56 Chs

Death Came, Saw, And Conquered

 "What the!" River entered the Colosseum with his colleagues behind him. "They're summoned monsters by Winter," She explained. "Miss Mears? You mean Mr. Greats' capable of all of this?!" He asked, looking over at her, standing off to the side a couple of feet away. They watched as hundreds of streaks of light cut into Oogubugoo as he struggled on the ground. "I can't inflict anything serious because of size-" Winter thought, streaking from one side to the other of Oogubugoo's body- "This only means one thing!" His daggers returned to his inventory, and he clenched his fists. Oogubugoo tried standing once more, with the cuts no longer impending him, but just like before, he was knocked back down with immense strength, "Holy crap!" River cursed, watching a wave of blood rush out from where the boss landed, "It's not only Aaron, but even the Manager of the Surveillance team knows about Winter!" She thought, flinching from the loud sound of breaking bones. "I came because you called for help to clear the dungeon, but it looks like my help won't be needed," Agent River explained, "Mr. Greats is clearing an A-rank Dungeon all by himself!" He added, "I can tell by looking at him. This is only a fraction of what he's capable of! There's no doubt he's one of the most powerful Mythics!" Macey thought, "Who the hell is he? Do you know?" She asked, looking at River, "Only a little bit," he replied, taking his sunglasses off.

 Oogubugoo returned to his regular size, on his hands and knees in the ocean of blood, while his hymns began wearing off. "The moment you lose your guards is when you lose any chance of winning," Winter explained, each of the four guards standing around him, "Impossible! I won't lose! I don't falter!" He roared, pushing himself back up. Before he could even get out of the blood, Oogubugoo's generals stabbed their swords into his back.

~>System<{" The [Player] Has Defeated [Dungeon Boss], [Grand Shaman: Oogubugoo]!"}>It rang<~< p>

~>System<{" The [Player] Has [Leveled up]! [x2],"}>it rang again<~< p>

 "Finally, the dungeon is cleared-" Winter thought with a sigh- "Now for my rewards!" He smiled, "Arise!" Once again, Shadow Soldiers rose from the corpses. Oogubugoo rose from the dead and knelt before Winter, "Ahh, much better. You're not as loud as before," he commented. Macey and Agent River watched Oogubugoo rise from the dead with surprise.

~>System<{" The [Shadow Soldier: Unnamed], [Rank: Infantry],"}>it displayed above the new shadow soldier<~< p>

 "His rank is infantry? I can still sense he's as powerful as Igis, Baruka, and Iron!" Winter thought, "I've grown a lot, thanks to this A-rank Dungeon," he added. "I should leave the resources here for the Hunter's Guild to at least scavenge," Winter thought.

~>System<{" The [Player] Must Name [Shadow Soldier],"}>it displayed<~< p>

 "What did he say his name was? Oo, Oog, Oogabooga? No, that's not right," Winter sighed, "I swear I can't remember names for shit!" he laughed to himself, "How about, Tusk?" Winter asked, looking at the large tusks that came from his jaw.

~>System<{" [Shadow Soldier: Tusk] [Rank: Infantry], [Level: 10],"}>it displayed to Winter<~< p>

 "Obtaining all of these Shadow Soldiers is massive!" Winter thought, "I can store over 500 Shadow Soldiers. I can practically store the Shadow Soldiers I've obtained so far!" He added as his army melted into shadows, returning to his own while it returned to normal. "Mr. Greats-" River began, stepping towards him- "Shit! I didn't notice they were even here!" Winter thought, seeing River and Macey. "How could an MDA Agent do all of this?!" Macey asked, stomping over, "Shit! How am I going to get out of this mess?" He thought, before he could come up with a solution, River, and his associates, stood between Macey and Winter. "As the Manager of the Surveillance Team," River began- "We are in charge of protecting Mr. Greats' identity, which cannot be revealed to the public," Macey crossed her arms, glaring at Winter, "Everything you witnessed today is top secret. We will explain the confidentiality clause in detail once everyone exits the dungeon, but you must not tell anyone about these events!" River explained Winter stood behind them awkwardly, "Let us escort you outside," one began, "This is the best way to avoid any unnecessary conflict," another added.

 "Just now, Winter fought off an army of High orcs. His strength surpasses that of an S-rank Mythic like myself," Macey thought, "If you have any questions, please inquire about the MDA," River explained. "It's hard to believe Winter is only a human," Macey added and nodded quietly. "Let's get going," River gestured to Winter, beginning to walk him out of the dungeon. "Miss Mears?" One of the Agents asked, "Yes?" She asks, "Why do you have a pickaxe?" They ask, "Oh! Did he think it was weird?" Macey asked, her face flush with red. "Who are you talking about?" He asked, oblivious to her worries. "Never mind!" She quickly walked away and left the Agent confused.

 In the EWR building, Winter walked out of the elevator and began walking to his office door, "Sir, your clothes are a mess!" Mari exclaimed, "Oh? Not a surprise since I came straight from a dungeon," Winter explained, looking down at his tattered black shirt. "Still going to dungeons? He's still quite young," she thought, shaking her head. Aaron stood up quickly from his office desk, "What?! Mr. Greats did all of that?" He asked, "I don't know how, but he didn't have any intentions of interfering with our raid-" Richard began. He stood in front of Aaron's desk, "When things began to escalate, he took over and cleared the dungeon," he explained. "He can summon multiple monsters, he's agile like an Assassin, and he's even able to raise the dead!" Aaron thought. He rested his thumb and index on his chin, "These are only the powers he revealed, though. What if he has more hidden abilities?" Aaron thought, "If he's really that powerful-" He began- "How strong would you say he is compared to me?" He asked. Richard stared at him and sighed before speaking, "During a raid, everyone is assigned a different role to be effective. Each position complements another's weakness," Richard began, "Without defense, offense, or support, any team will find themselves in danger," He sighed and clenched his fist. "Mr. Whitfield, can you clear the strongest A-rank dungeon alone?" Richard asked, "No matter how strong I am, it's difficult for me to defend myself from a hoard of monsters-" Aaron thought with shock on his face- "Probably not," he mumbled. "Looks like my title of being the 'Ultimate Mythic' has become a joke!" He laughed.

 Several news networks with cameras filled the parking lot outside the MDA Evaluation outside the MDA Evaluation building. Behind them, a van was parked on the side of the road, "Looks like we've got a good turnout! I wouldn't have expected any less," Lee Lyn looked out the blacked-out windows of the van, "Here-" the producer spoke while handing him a draft, sitting next to him- "It's going to be tomorrow's headlines! Is it up to your standards, Mr. Lyn?" He handed a draft of their next post, "Lee Lyn: the man who has it all, but soon superhuman powers? Cheesy, exactly how I like it," Lee laughed. Two cars rushed into the parking lot, coming to a halt when they approached the crowd. "Huh? Someone's arrived!" One exclaimed of the cameraman, pointing at the cars with his camera. Erik and Aaron step out as the cameramen freaked out, "What? Why are there so many reporters? I thought this evaluation was private-" Erik expressed his confusion. The crowd began yelling questions to Erik and Aaron about Lee Lyn- "Lee Lyn? Who's that guy?" He thought, "I have nothing to say about someone I don't know," Erik replied, trying to get through the crowd. "Excuse Mr. Finely, Mr. Lyn has already signed a contract with the Fiend Guild. It's already common knowledge among us Major Guilds. Regardless, we are here for something else. Now, if you could excuse me!" Aaron explained, and the crowd sighed, deleting the footage they captured. "I heard that the Hunters' Guild also had a close call yesterday," Erik commented smugly, "Yes, but we didn't lose an A-rank rookie like the White Lion Guild," Aaron responded. A vein on Erik's temple popped, violently palpitating. "Both of our guilds received help from him!" Erik replied, the crowd beginning to record again. "If It hadn't been for him, our whole second strike squad would've been killed," Aaron explained, "That's why we very much want to recruit him into our guild. It's the ethical thing to do!" He added, "Our guild suffered casualties, so we must enhance our forces. Wouldn't it make sense for us to recruit him?" Erik asked through gritted teeth, his brow, and nose scrunching up, "Why do you need to enhance your forces with an S-rank? Are you trying to start wars?" Aaron asked, his nose scrunching up and moving up his glasses, "I could ask the same thing, and since when were you a man of ethics?!" Erik asked, "Huh, Erik Finely and Arron Whitfield, what are two big shots doing here?" Asked a young man with shaggy black hair and a small goatee, wearing a black tux. "Don't tell me you're fighting over Lee Lyn!" He added, "Shut up, Dwight Tanner!" Aaron and Erik yelled. "Jeez, I'm a major guild too, you guys," Dwight replied. From the van, Lee Lyn laughed, "Aaron Whitefield and Erik Finely too? I can't believe Klato's best guilds are fighting over me!" He leaned back in his seat, "Everything is ready to go, shall we begin?" Asked the driver, looking over his shoulder. "Sure," Lee replied. He stepped out of the van, and the crowd gathered around him, taking pictures and videos. "Ugh, today of all days?" Winter thought, watching from the back.