
The Achievement System

"Greetings host I am the Achievement system, You can accomplish various achievements to acquire achievement points and exchange it for whatever the host desires" "Whatever I desire?" "That's correct" "Then Can I get a girlfriend?" "No" "..." ___________________________________________ Cover Image by Deathblade on Pinterest

RadiantMoonlight · Fantasy
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Chapter 4 - Nascent Soul

As the Xuan Family gradually absorbed the enormous amount of auspicious purple qi changes could be seen.

All cultivators in the family noticed their spirit roots improving by one grade. the Patriarch's grade 2 Fire Spirit root became a grade 3 spirit root.

Xuan Ren's Father the one in a century genius had his spirit root upgraded to Grade 4.

By the time the ascension of potential stopped everyone's cultivation base began improving.

Although not as exaggerated as Xuan Ren. everyone would improve by 3 - 5 minor realms. the more closely related one is to Xuan Ren the greater the effect.

The two that experienced the greatest effect were naturally Yi Ren and Xuan Li.

Xuan Li Broke through from peak Meridian Opening to the peak of Qi gathering.

Yi Ren on the other hand broke through from Qi gathering to 1st stage of Foundation establishment in one step.

All pain she suffered during the process of giving birth was washed away in an instant as though it were but a dream.

The patriarch who was already at the peak of Core Formation took this chance to break through to nascent soul realm.

Elders did the same however breaking through from Core Formation to nascent soul is far more difficult than it was for the previous realms.

Every Major breakthrough from Core Formation onwards is like a giant chasm that with a bridge that only geniuses are allowed to cross.

It has been deemed impossible for those with a grade 2 spirit root to break through to the nascent soul realm, even for a possessor of a grade 3 spirit root it is still incredibly difficult.

This is why Xuan Yi was over the moon about his eldest son's talent. The fact that Xuan Li had a grade 3 spirit root, it meant that there was a chance for Xuan Li to break through to the nascent soul realm.

Although it is only one major realm difference, the gap in strength is almost impossible to cross.

The difference in strength between realms below it aren't so great. Any genius who pays great attention to cultivating strength can easily cross it however the same can't be said about the gaps between major realms above the Core Formation realm.

As Xuan Yi sunk into deep focus, luminescent cracks begam appearing on his core.

This moment of breakthrough is crucial and a misstep could result in being crippled or death.

The elders who noticed this situation. quit their cultivation and set up a barrier to ensure no one interferes.

On Xuan Ren's side

Having just been born, he fulfilled the requirements to acquire Achievement points as the system described.

[Congratulations, The Host was born - 10,000 AP]

Seeing the results Xuan Ren couldn't help but be happy.

Eager to acquire more Xuan Ren opened his eyes.

Unlike normal newborns Xuan Ren had already Reached the Peak of Meridian Opening realm. He was filled with enough strength to kill an elephant with a single finger despite just having been born.

On top of that Xuan Ren had tempered his body using Chaos Qi which is a far higher tier than ordinary spirit qi or Auspicious purple qi. This means his body was far stronger than other Meridian Opening Realm cultivators.

Ordinary Meridian Opening realm cultivators would have a hard time harming him even of Xuan Ren were to stand perfectly still. If the ordinary meridian Opening realm cultivator were to use all his strength in a single attack at would at most give him a bruise.

[Congratulation, The Host has opened his eyes for the first time - 5,000]

When Xuan Ren Opened his eyes he saw his mother holding him.

Instead of a look of happiness to see him open his eyes she was looking in another direction with worry.

Curious to know what was going on he too looked in the same direction.

Yi Ren who noticed his movements didn't say anything for fear of disturbing her father-in-law's breakthrough.

When Xuan Ren looked over he saw an old man with a face twisted in pain. He noticed that the Old man's qi was in disarray.

'is he trying to break through?'

'system whats going on?'

[Your Grandfather Xuan Yi Is attempting a break through to the Nascnet soul realm]

'then why does it look like he's in pain'

[Because he is failing]

Xuan Ren Began panicking

If his grandfather were to die then his uncles might kill him to take over the family.

He had heard of such situations many times during his previous life.

Just as he was about to have another panic attack, an Idea struck

Possessing Chaos qi he possessed a bit of knowledge about it.

Chaos qi is unique for its strength and another unique trait.

Chaos qi has a unique trait that allows it to stabilize lesser qi.

In other words as long as he gives a strand of his chaos qi to his grandfather, it should allow a much smoother breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Xuan Yi was in pain his core which started deforming.

Although it doesn't mean his breakthrough has failed, it is not a good sign.

A smooth breakthrough is simple cracking open ones core to give birth to ones soul.

At the rate at which Xuan Yi is going he is bound to fail.

'shit, shit'

'this can't be happening'

'I still haven't gotten to see my grandson grow yet'

'I still haven't gotten to witness the Xuan Family's rise'


Xuan Yi was in despair, even with such a great opportunity he's still failing.

Just as he was about to give up he felt a wave of warmth spreading throughout his body from his dantian outwards. As the warmth spread his deformed Core Regained its original round shape, in fact it became even more perfect than it was before.

More Luminescent Cracks began appearing. Illusory white gas seemed to be seeping through the cracks.

Although Xuan Yi became confused as to why his qi suddenly stabilized, he quickly regained focus and became determined once again to break through.

Cracks Continued appearing until the outer shell of the Core Exploded.


Replacing it was an illusory round ball, It was the Patriarch Nascent Soul.

Majestic Waves of Qi spread throughout room and the estate.

All eyes which were focused on cultivating once again focused onto Xuan Li's Manor.

Xuan Yi's Consciousness expanded everything within a radius of 10 meters was within his eyes.

Divine Consciousness, in ability innate to nascent soul cultivators.

The Xuan Family Finally has a nascent soul cultivator!