

It's first book from my two book series. It is a dystopian fiction novel so enjoy reading the novel. Herald our main protagonist who wakes up in a desert. Without any memories of his past where he meets a girl named fancy who says she knows a lot about him is it true or false? find out by following his journey where he struggles to find about his past and during his journey he reveals a lot of secrets form his past and the dirty history of this world. He gets betrayed several times and see how he overcomes the obstacles by reading the novel. Hey it's me the author if you like my novel please follow me and leave a vote for continuous chapters it will really motivate me to write more chapters. I write a chapter per week and thank you for all of your love and support.

salliloms · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

chapter 2

Are you asking if I am nervous? Yes, I am. Why won't anyone be?

I open the door slowly. I see a massive room but it's almost empty, two recliner chairs, a plain table are in the middle, and a guy with freckles, black hair, parted lips, and the same height as mine welcomes me, he says his name is facade.

I shake his hand and say my name is herald.

he says, "take a seat, and wear a ring colored red and black it is on the table right there."

I did as he explains. he further says, "don't get nervous Crocker already told me about your disease just lay down on the bed and calm down."

Those were the last words I heard before I collapsed.

When I opened my eyes I see a flash of light and asked, "is it the afterlife."

"No, it isn't. it's my office." Says a man.

I turn behind and spot facade sitting on a twirling chair, checking something in his pc.

I notice the room is smaller than before and is overcrowded with various objects like wardrobe, tv, sofa and, many more.

I ask, "am I hallucinating?"

He says, "you aren't hallucinating, you were hallucinating before, but now you are fine."

I just stare at his hazel-colored eyes.

After a long period of mute, I ask, "what about my test when will it start?"

He replies, "keep calm, don't overreact, it's already finished."

"You are joking right" I laugh.

"No I am not," he says.

Listen carefully your result is not normal, it's a rare outcome, do you know being born as a joker is the rarest thing, but your result is rarer than it

He says, "there are two types of ability users one is the amplifier and another one is manipulator, you are the amplifier type-"

"What's rare there?" I interrupt.

He further adds, "nothing is rare with your type, just listen when I am speaking, as an amplifier a person will have his one body part extremely amplified, for example, if you have your leg amplified, then you can run faster than a normal human being or jump higher than them, but in your case, your whole body is amplified, you can almost have every ability that ever existed."

When I tried to ask a question someone knocked at the door, facade opened the door, croaker was standing outside.

Croaker asked facade about my result, but facade completely lied to him saying "he is an amplifier, his hand is amplified."

After their little chit chat croaker asked me to come with him. Before I went outside with croaker, facade whispered, " you shouldn't tell about your abilities to anyone I mean, anyone."

I went outside with croaker, in the way croaker asked me about my result and I played along as facade and lied to croaker.

Outside we went and I saw fancy there waiting for me.

Fancy asked, "what were your results"

In a hurry I say, "can we talk about this at home" and, dragged fancy with me.

Crocker stared at me until I was out of sight.

Erudite still hasn't come home yet.

I went to my room. and didn't even come out of my room until the next morning. I was laying on my bed when erudite entered my room without opening my door.

My eyes didn't close until he said, "yeah I can cross walls and various objects, that's my ability, I am a manipulator."

He said, " Anyway I came here to inform you about your first mission tomorrow you need to assassinate a guy in heart kingdom."

"What the fuck I need to assassinate a guy are you fucking joking with me", I yell.

He says, "that's how we live and your ability being a hand amplifier you are chosen to assassinate, that's your job from now on, it's not like you are going to kill an innocent person your target is a man who killed his son."

I reply, "who are we to decide to kill him, are we the god of death a shinigami, or even above him?"

"You don't understand, how the world works, there are corrupt people who are evil, and we get money for annihilating those bastards. We use that money to fulfill our needs and reconstruct our state, don't you understand those are the people who abandoned us and left us to die."

I stay quiet for a while and go outside slamming the doors.

I walk around the streets and observe our state, I don't know what to do, our state is on the verge of extinction and those are the people who abandoned us to die. And it's not like I should kill an innocent person.

Phone rings!

Hello, it's me herald.

Hey, it's me facade and I would like to inform you to visit me at my place right now.

Why should I visit you, may I ask?

You are already late for training and as your mentor, I order you to come for the training.

Call ends.

The map given by croaker starts to vibrate, I checked the map, it shows me the way to facade's place.

I run toward his place.

The place here sure is a dump yard it smells awful.

I reached near a studio which is a huge purple-colored house with a pagoda-styled rooftop, the map shows the location of the studio as the location that facade asked me to come to. I entered the studio it was big filled with all sorts of workout equipment. I see facade there waiting for me with a red face.

He says, "I hear you have your first assassination tomorrow.

Yes, I say.

He caresses his face and asks " what do you know about assassination?"

Nothing I reply.

How will you locate your target and assassinated him?

I don't know how would I know I am not a professional assassin or a killer

You better learn them quick, watch me.

He claps his hand and then suddenly he changes his appearance.

I asked "can I also do the same as you" out of curiosity,

No, you can't, it's my ability, I can change my appearance. I am a manipulator, but you are an amplifier. So let me introduce you to ludicrous.

I see a guy around 5.3 feet, long face green eyes, and blonde hair, with a scar on his leg coming towards me.

And he is the same guy who I saw jumping from and building to another when I was on my way to the aptitude test building which they call capitol.

Then facade asks ludicrous to show me his ability,

He jumps as high as he could almost touching the roof.

After ludicrous shows me his ability, facade explains to me I can do the same as an amplifier I can amplify one of my body parts. But I am a special type of amplifier so I can amplify all of my body parts and copy any technique that an amplifier can perform.

"That's why I am special." I guess.

He teaches me more about my ability, teams, assassination, roles such as tank, silencer, scout, damage dealer, gateway.

As my ability now I must be a damage dealer because my hand is being dominant for now.

"your hand seems to be dominant, you are a damage dealer." Says facade.

The small fat hand points at 8, which means I have to go to my home. I greet farewell to facade and ludicrous, then walk as fast as I can to reach home, damn I am hungry.

Huffing, puffing. I reach my doorsteps, ring the bell, fancy opens the door and immediately hugs me and says, "where have you been, we were worried." In a soft relieved voice.

Why does everyone hug me when I come home is it their culture or what? I will need more time to blend here.

I enter the lobby and I see a new face sitting on the sofa,

He looks equal to me and Crocker combined, he has a long face well build body, has eyes like a cheetah, this guy is giving a lot of strong aura.

Culpa says, "I guess you haven't met peril, herald, he is our housemate, he lives with us, you wouldn't see him much around the house."

Hey, I am herald, nice to meet---,"

A second he was there, another second I hear the door slamming above.

I guess he dosen't like me.

I turn behind culpa was still there.

She says, "he was your best buddy before you lost memory, I don't know what happened to him now."

I softly drag myself to my room. I take a nice bath and turn off the light. I hear a knock on my door, I open the door and this time I see peril standing in front of me, I welcome him to my room.

"You aren't him, you are his clone, who sent you here to take his place, what are your motives, I will solve it and when I find the proof I will kill you with my hand," he says clenching his jaw.

I don't know what you are blabbering about but ---.

The door next to my room slams.

Next morning,

I wake up, took a bath as usual, and went downstairs.

I ate my breakfast, peril wasn't there and also erudite isn't here maybe he is busy, being a jack isn't an easy work I guess.

I without any word went to facade's studio, where we have planned to meet all our teammates and plan our first assassination mission.

When I enter the studio I see some similar faces, ludicrous was there, erudite was there, and mainly peril was there.

God, I hate this guy.

I slowly walk near erudite and stand by his side there.

Erudite explains, "As you all know we are here for your first assassination ever and I would like to explain to everyone their respective roles. Spec you are scout, peril you are gateway, serene you are a silencer and herald you are damage dealer for today, as for ludicrous who was your tank, wouldn't be joining you guys today."

I try to ask something but I forget what to ask so I don't ask anything.

We were all given a ring colored black and white to communicate with each other. It is the same ring used by the guards outside the capitol.

"Everybody ready" roars erudite.

Yes, I am ready for the very first assassination mission of my life.

Am I ready or not, well again I don't know.

We all gathered around a phone booth, we entered the phone booth, and to my surprise, it took us straight to a building in the heart state.

It's different than our state the smell of agarbatti, glittering lights, the harmonious buzz in your ear forces your body to relax, it tickles a bit but it's comforting.

                   The building here is, all the same, made from bricks, and has a pagoda-style rooftop. there are no wide roads to walk, every road is like a gully (a small passage) it's like a fish market and people here are wearing some weird type of dress, which gen ring explain as dhoti kurta, surwal, and saree.

After, some slight seeing, spec immediately transformed his hand into a wing and flew towards our target location, where she took the top of a tower to spy on the target, after, nothing much to do period, finally spec gave us a signal to make our move through the gen ring.

Peril took me and serene on both of his hands, and we were at our target location in a blink of an eye.

How does that guy move so fast and, know the way if it was for me, I would not find the correct way even if I get a map for this place.

Outside the target's building.

Now it was serene's and my job to complete the mission I took a gulp of saliva and entered the building alongside with serene.

Serene as our silencer walked in front of me and I followed her, we were passing through a corridor, where serene sneaked behind a guy like a real ninja and, cracked a guy's head upside down from behind in a mere second, which made me drown in sweat drops, dripping from my face.

Serene asks "is it your first time seeing a guy's neck-breaking, if it's your first time then how will you kill the target who is inside the room ahead, you are our teams, damage dealer, don't tell me you don't know how to kill." she panics.

"I I will do it, don don't worry yes, yes I can do it I can do it," I say with a timid face.

She opens her ring and tries to abort the mission "we are aborting the--"

I somehow grip both of her hands, and slamming it on the wall I say, "I said I can do it, and don't you dare try to abort the mission again." With fury on my face this time I punched her on the face.

I don't know what's happening to me. Why am I raging, am I going mad? But it's good, I love this bloodlust intent flowing through my veins. maybe I will kill the man in a mere second, or torcher him to death. anyway, I will kill that bastard and complete my very first assassination mission how intriguing.

I run towards the room ahead as fast as peril, break the door, boom it makes the sound. I directly go to the man wearing the same outfit dhoti kurta, behind the office desk, I grab his neck lifting him in the air with an evil grin on my face, piercing my nails into his neck one by one saying it aloud, "isn't it fun when you can kill someone by tormenting them how fascinating"

I pick a scissor from the desk try to cut his finger but I couldn't cut them, the scissors were not sharp enough anyway it made his pain even worse, starting at my face he spits in my face, slamming his head on the desk I stabbed the scissor first in his right eye, then left and at last in his heart which was beating fast, and was annnnooooyyyiiiiinnnng mmmmmmee-

I woke up at my house. Before I could say something culpa closed my mouth with her hand and asked me to rest.

After resting some time, while no one was in my room I saw a hologram of a guy wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a masque designed only to cover his eyes.

At first, he laughs a lot looking at me, and finally, he says, "let me introduce myself but before I would like to congratulate you on your first hilariously successful mission, how does it feel like to kill someone, is it entertaining or is it terrifying? Do-"

I say, "it must be you who did something to me and made me go on a rampage-"

He replies, "don't interrupt me while I am speaking anyway do you know who was the man you killed."

I reply, "no I don't know, I don't even want to know what's happened is already happened."

He says," do you still don't want to know when I say he was somehow related to you and your past."

I say," how was that guy related to me and how do you know about my past."

He replies showing some pictures of that guy with me," the guy who died today by your hand very furiously was your father, and the funniest thing is he was killed by his beloved son, I live it, what a good story." His mouth widens.

I fall on my knees, some of my memories flash and pass in my head, sobbing I ask," who are you? And how do you know me and my father?"

He replies showing his teeth all wide," I know a lot about you but it's only fair when you will know about me, find who I am, and why am I? Until my next appearance."

His hologram vanishes just like nothing was there