
Chapter four

"Right now?" She asked.


"If you're okay with that."


"Okay." She whispered.


"Great. I was thinking of a movie marathon. You were saying yesterday that you loved The Witcher books and you wanted to watch the series, right? We can start with that."


Soon enough they were cuddled together in Amelie's cosy room which was dimly lit by the soft glow of the television as Amelie had closed all the windows to give the room a 'cinema-like look.' Empty popcorn bowls and soda bottles laid at their feet.


Hours passed without them realizing it as they spend the time in each other's company, laughing and stealing glances from time to time.


When they were about to start the sixth episode, Amelie's stomach suddenly rumbled, a low complaining sound. 


Seb chuckled, "Come on, let me cook for you."


"Ooh, so you're a chef." She said playfully.


He tapped her nose as he walked to the kitchen, an aroma of different spices immediately filling his nose as he stepped into the kitchen.


They worked in sync, chopping ingredients and sharing laughs as they prepared one of Amelie's favorite meal- Spaghetti Carbonara. Luckily all the ingredients were also available as she was to cook this that evening.


Amidst the banter, the tension grew and soon they both couldn't stop resisting. Seb switched off the burner as the air tinged with quiet expectation.




Just as they were about to bridge the gap, the sound of the front door opening broke the moment. The twins tumbled into the room, each excited.


"Amelie! Look, I got all my spellings correct today!" Harriet shouted.


"And I finished my food!" Harrison announced gleefully. 


Almost at the same time, they noticed Seb in the kitchen and their mouths dropped open.


"Who is this handsome man?" Harriet asked.


"Shh," Harry countered.


Both adults chuckled at the twins' playfulness.


"Harriet, Harrison, this is Sebastian. He's going to be my husband." She decided to just drop the news.


The grin that covered the young billionaire's face made it worth it. 


"Husband? What about Kingsley?" Harriet asked.


"Who's Kingsley?" Sebastian asked.


Amelie pursed her lips. She knew she would have to tell him but she hadn't thought that it would come this quickly.


"I'll tell you later." She replied. He nodded.


"My name is Harrison but my friends and family call me Harry." Harry said almost shyly, putting his hand forward for a shake.


Sebastian beamed at the boy's cuteness, bending down and ruffling the child's hair. He shook his hand.


"Hello Harry. How would you and Harriet love to go to the amusement park tomorrow? I heard there's a great festival."


"Yes!" They both screamed at once.


"No. Sebastian has other duties." She countered.


"It is no problem. Gideon will take care of it like he did today." He assured her.




"The bodyguard you saw today."




They ate lunch together and interacted for a while before he announced that he had to leave, promising that he would return the next day. He soon left, kissing her on the cheek.


The following day, Seb arrived at Amelie's house with a bouquet of white roses. The flowers she had told him were her favorite.


He was dressed in black t-shirt, black jeans and black boots. It was the first time that she had seen him dressed casually and yet it fit him in an insanely good manner. The twins were dressed in a matching jean and sneakers set while she wore blue jeans, purple t-shirt and matching white sneakers.


"Ready for some fun?" He asked the twins after greeting her with a cheek kiss.


"Yes!" They shouted excitedly.


He had ditched the Rolls Royce for a BMW car and soon they left to reach the Eudora Amusement Park.


"Is this place yours?"


"Yes. I brought us here because I'm sure of the security." He glanced at her.




A mixture of laughter and screams welcomed them as they stepped into the amusement park. The scent of cotton candy and the sounds of ice cream trucks blended, mingling with the aroma of sizzling goodies from food stands.


Roller coasters adorned the skyline and vibrant carousels adorned with various animals especially horses bobbed up and down. Families and couples tried their luck at their arcade, wanting to win a prize. Cheers erupted from those who emerged victorious.


"Look, Harry, Ari! The roller coaster there looks amazing! Do you guys want to go on it?" Amelie said excitedly.


A full grin emerged on the little girl's face, "Yes! Let's go on that!"


Harry didn't look too convinced, "I'm not so sure I want to be that high up."


The seven year old boy had always been the opposite of his sister. While his sister was thrill seeking and loved getting attention, Harry was contented with staying behind the scenes and listening.


"What if I sat next to you?" Seb smiled at the young boy.


"Okay." He replied shyly.


They queued up for the roller coaster, each of them either excited or nervous. When it reached its highest point, the girls let out squeals of excitement while Harry held Serb's hands tightly.


"Woohoo! I liked it!" Harry said when they came down, surprisingly liking the ride.


Seb ruffled his hair, feeling like he had smiled today more than he had the entire year.


"Look over there, it's unicorns! Can we ride them?" Harriet begged.


They ran to the carousel, each choosing their animals. As it spun, they waved at each other, laughing and sharing their excitement.


The day passed in laughter and joy, the park echoing with the sounds of their shared moments. As the sun began to set, Seb suggested grabbing some ice cream from a nearby shop.


"How about some ice cream before we head back?" Seb smiled.


Harry and Harriet cheered in agreement and they made their way to the ice cream parlor.


Looking back, she should have known that she wasn't made to be happy. All this happiness was just a trick, a ruse hiding the true reason. It had only been waiting for her to lower her guards and then it would strike.


Amidst the laughter and joyous clamor of the ice cream shop, her phone chimed. She glanced at the message without thinking and wished she hadn't done so. Wished she hadn't let it dampen her entire day.


"Hey, Amelie.


I see you're doing well. I had been thinking a lot lately and had come back to say that I miss you. I had missed our conversations, your cute laughter and moments. I thought you would have been miserable as I was.


But I see you aren't.


Who is that man with you? I wonder.. would it hurt you to see him fall down and bleed to death? Would you like to find out?


I would. 


In fact, I'm going to find out right now.


Take care,
