
29. Georgina

Austin did not drop me straight home, we drove heading to Niagara Falls. It is quite the drive coming from the city and it is already getting late but then my gut says to come with him.

He's been really lovely tonight.

When he saw me crying at the theater earlier, he offered me some handkerchief even though I saw it coming from Mitch but it was fine. He let me rest on his chest the entire play letting me be emotional. He kisses me on the forehead and squeezes my shoulder every chance he gets. On the drive all the way here in Niagara, our hands are intertwined the whole time and he just reluctantly let's it go when he's shifting gears and hold it again right after.

He's been really affectionate to me tonight, and I let him be. He guided me out of the car, it is pretty cold and my dress is literally as thin as a thread. I couldn't help but put my hands around myself.

"It's quite cold." I said. Austin immediately took off his suit and wrap it around me.