
15. Georgina

After I got off from work, I head straight uptown to go meet Austin to talk about the updates about our case. I'm emotionally and mentally not doing well right now because of the conversation I had with my dad earlier, which was really petty. We argued only about my birthday for Pete's sake!

He's bringing his grand egocentric party thrower ass all the way here in Toronto and to be honest I am starting to feel tired of it. I don't hate birthdays, I just hate the way how my Dad throws a huge party and I don't like it since I don't know half of the people he invites!

And besides, I wanted a small and simple celebration but my dad disagrees with that idea for many times now. So we ended up arguing on our video call earlier.

Hopefully, my meeting with Austin will turn out good tonight or else I'll be double-killed!

When I arrived at the restaurant Austin texted me, he is already waiting.

"Did I make you wait for long?" I asked as he greeted me with a slight hug right before settling to my chair.

"No, I just got here like five minutes ago." Austin answered.

"So, what's the update?" I ask Austin immediately.

"Attorney Fischer have already passed my own statement at the court." He answered. "According to him we'll just wait for few days for some response about the case."

"Oh good!" I replied. "Seriously, we should get it done as fast as we could. What else?"

"That's just it."

I stared on Austin in disbelief. "Really? That's just it?"

He nodded smirking which made my annoyance build up. "Let's go eat. My treat!"

"How am I suppose to eat when I am completely annoyed by your face right now?"

"Girl, calm down! What did I do?"

"You told me that you'll give me an update!"

"I did! Like five seconds ago." Austin barked back.

"You could have just called or texted me!" I replied trying to take a deep breath to indeed calm myself because I seriously wanted to strangle this guy right now.

"I just want to eat out. And besides, you're not fund of answering my texts and calls so I need to caught you off-guard."

"Sorry for that, but really? That's it? That's your reason? You could have just called one of your friends then."

"You are one of my friends now. And besides, I'm giving you an update about our case so I am more like hitting two birds with one stone." He reasoned out which somehow made sense.

I sighed still staring at him in disbelief. "I hate how stubborn you are!"

"The feeling is mutual sweetheart." He replied looking at the menu laid down on the table.

"What did you just call me? Do I look like a nasty overpriced Valentine's candy to you?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey Missy!" He cuts me off. "You've been snapping on me for no reason already. I gave you an update as what I have told you, and now I am treating you for dinner. What's wrong?"

I sighed realizing that Austin was right, he didn't do anything bad and I am here snapping at him eversince I arrived.

"I'm sorry." I said sighing. "Just having a bad day."

"You're on your period?"


"What? G, it's normal." He said and called the waiter to give me a glass of water. "Anyway, tell me what's wrong? Come talk to me."

I don't know, but I find it weird that I get to talk to Austin about the problems I have with my Dad, twice or thrice now. I find it weird that I easily open up things to him that I find it really hard to tell people that are closest to me.

This is the nth time I am going to share another sort of small conflict I have with my Dad. It is weirding me out, however, I naturally find it easy to share things with him because he is kind of a good listener. He's indeed a friend, as my intuition says even if I have just met him.

"Did you at least try to tell him what do you really want?" Austin asked after I told him about my conversation with my father a while ago.

"I didn't." I replied. "Because I don't know what I want to do yet--- heck! I don't even want to celebrate it!"

"You could have just agreed to him but ask him to only invite your friends and family instead." He advised. "You know your Dad well, for sure you know how to convince him."

"Why do you have to be so good at giving advises?" I said agreeing to what he just said and he just shrugged his shoulders giving me a smile of triumph.

"I'm good at giving advises."

"But you're unable to apply those advises in your own life, isn't it?"

He laughed hard which made me to laugh as well. "Touché!"


After dinner Austin didn't drove me straight home, he insisted to come with him for a bit because he has a surprise. I keep on asking him what is it but I just cannot squeeze the truth out of him on the drive there.

Not until we arrive at the city arena entering a parking space exclusive for VIP's only.

"What's going on in here?" I asked when he parked the car. As I looked around in the car window, the place is filled with cars and big tour buses. "Is there a concert? Are you taking me on a concert?"

He smiled at me and wiggles his eyebrows. I couldn't help but feel amazed and excited, especially when he handed me a VIP pass to wear right before getting out of the car. I may not know who's artist is performing right now but I have never felt excited in my life for so long.

"Oh my goodness! I missed going on concerts!" I announced as Austin and I walk heading inside the arena.

"Really? When was the last time you went on a concert?" He asked.

"College. Like two years ago?" I answered. Honestly, I have stopped way too many things like going on concerts or random simple adventures ever since I graduated college and started working as architect at my father's company. My life was focused on working ever since and to be honest, I missed having a good time-- like this. Going on a concert and listen to live music.

"Well, this is going to be a great night for you then!" Austin announced right before he opens a certain door leading us to a corridor full of people that are wearing the same i.d's like ours on their necks walking around and busying themselves. Some of them who we ran into nodded on Austin, and I shouldn't be surprised since he is a well-known hockey player and their home games are always held here in the said arena. He's most likely a celebrity, to be honest.

"Who's concert is this?"

"Drew Trevor."

"Oh! Of course. Sorry, I totally forgot. He's your man crush!"

"Shut up woman!" He said and I couldn't help but giggle.

We arrived exactly at the backstage and Drew is already performing on the stage. I was fine in there looking at the said artist performing when suddenly Austin held my hand and squeezed it. I looked on our hands and my heart starts beating fast as I feel the heat of his palms touching mine. My mind was protesting, but then again a part of me tells me that it is right.


"Yes? Yes? What?"

"Are you even listening?"

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Would you mind if we go to the VIP section?" Austin asks.

I only nodded because I am still way too distracted. After doing so, Austin and I went off stage but his hands is still holding mine. It is weird but I didn't want him to let go either, it feels kind of... Calming, I guess.

The spot that Austin found is perfect! We can see Drew Trevor without having to push on people and stand on our tip toes. Guess that's what you get for being a VIP guest, probably.

We sang along to the songs, dance to it. Absolutely having a great time! And I couldn't help but feel glad that Austin had this idea to make me feel better right before the night ends. And with that, I didn't felt any hesitation to say my complete gratitude to him.

"Thank you for this! I'm having a blast."

"Aww..." He said and reached for my shoulders and give me a side hug. "You're welcome wifey! Let's do this more often as a date."

"Date my ass! Absolutely not." I said removing his hands away because aside from the fact that his touch is lowkey affecting me, I have a goddamn boyfriend!

Our situation is messed up, it is already complicated as hell and I don't want to complicate it even more!