
13. Georgina

"Can we trust him?" I asked Austin because I am completely anxious that he asked for help on a guy named Zach that we are picking up right now.

He only nodded.

Few seconds later, a blonde guy went out of the house and hopped on the back seat.

"Zach, this is Georgina. G this is Zach, my teammate." Austin introduces.

"Nice to meet you." He said offering his hand for a handshake and I accepted it but right before I released his hands I warned him first.

"I don't trust you." I said straight away. "But I'm expecting you to make this whole thing a secret."

"Ooh, feisty. Don't worry miss I won't tell a single soul." He replied.

"Good." I responded and settled back on my seat looking at Austin. By now, I am already thinking of letting those people who are involved sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement just to make sure of course.


Approximately fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a law firm uptown that Zach have brought us.

"We'll head straight to his office." Zach said as we walk down the corridor of the huge building. "He's waiting for us. I already called him a while ago."

"How did you manage to find one right away?" Austin asked.

"Well, he's my lawyer's brother. And I knew that he have handled a lot of divorce cases before."

Zach guided as to an office and an old man probably on his fifty's welcomed us. "Good morning Zach!"

"Hey Paul. These are my friends Austin Geiser and Georgina..."

"Georgina Rodriguez." I said filling in Zach and reached at the man for a quick handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Attorney Paul Fischer. Please take a seat." The lawyer said, Austin and I settled at the chair in front of his desk while Zach excused himself to wait outside.

"So, what can I do for you two?" The lawyer started.

"I need a new lawyer to handle my case and yeah!" Austin answered which made me to chuckle.

"Well, Mr. Fischer." I chimed in because it seems like my accidental husband right here don't know what he is doing. "We want you to handle his case, we accidentally got married for a silly reason and that's why we want a divorce."

The man laughed. "Accidentally?"

"Yes." I replied and didn't bothered to wait for further questions from him and told him the story as to why Austin and I got married.

"Wow! That's a very silly reason." The man commented. "For some reason, I'm disappointed with those personnels who brought marriage contracts on bars."

"I know right? Very disappointing." I agreed.

"So what are the things we should do to void this marriage attorney?" Austin asked which surprised me. Thank god! He's finally interested with this silly situation of ours.

"Well, first we should provide the court some evidences that you two aren't really together."

"Evidences?" Austin repeated.

"Yes. However, evidences aren't really that necessary if both parties agreed to the separation but in order for the case to be approved right away we need evidences. Just in case the court needs one."

"Well, we don't have any concrete evidences but we have so many reasons why we should have a divorce. And witnesses too, if I may add." I said.

"Well that's good to know." The lawyer said. "Are you sure you two really wants to separate?"

"Yes." I immediately said.

"What about you Mr. Geiser?"

Austin was kind of hesitant to answer. Oh no, here we go again.

"Well, that's what she wants." Austin replied looking straight to my soul and I couldn't help but feel like my heart have just smashed by a huge stone. What the hell?

After the quick meeting with Austin's new lawyer, I did not bothered waiting for him. He even insisted on letting him drive me back to my hotel but I already declined. I'm completely aware that he is a huge celebrity here in Toronto so I don't want to risk being taken a random photo with him and spread into the internet.

When I arrived at the hotel where I am currently staying I immediately dropped myself on the mattress. It's already past one in the afternoon but I didn't feel like eating, I am so disturbed by how Austin looks at me the whole time during the meeting.

I'm having an anxiety, to be honest.

I'm afraid that what if he's really not interested in voiding the marriage? But oh well, it's just me anyway. I should look on the bright side! God, I want this to be over already.

"Well, well, well..."

"Peace in the fucking hell-- Liam! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed when I heard a voice realizing that I am not alone in my hotel room. "You scared the shit out of me. How did you get in here?"

"I ask the front desk to give me the spare key to your room--"


"Oh, and I'm friends with the hotel owner." He added. "Anyway, where have you been all night?"


"I'm at my friends house." I replied, well I'm friends with Austin already right? But there's no way that Liam will know who exactly that friend.

"Which friend?"

"That's not even important. What are you doing here?" I quickly answered just to change the topic right away.

"You're not answering your phone! Auntie Dina is really worried." Liam answered as he sits on the edge of the bed. "What's going on George? This is the first time I saw you acting unprofessionally."

I sighed because he is right. I was so unprofessional but it's just that I have been so stressed eversince I found out that I was married. I am completely scared that what if they'll found out? What will my Dad say? Sean?

"I'm sorry. I just-- I just have a lot of things in mind right now." I explained. "Well, tell mom I'm fine."

"Okay. Now get change! We have an event to attend to tonight. We need outfits."

"What is it? What event?"

"Have you forgotten the kids charity program I told you last month?"

"Oh my goodness.. I totally forgot! Come on. Damn! It's almost two. We're already late."

"Girl, calm down. The event starts at seven."

"Are you kidding me? I don't have a dress yet. And I have to do hair and make-up! I'm already late." I complained.