
Azrael : Angel of death

Roy a professional gamer died of heart attack in his world after beating the final boss 'the god of destruction' His soul was sent into the body of an extra in the game world equipped with the knowledge and cheat system Roy vowed to defeat the 'god of destruction' and survive the game world Until he discovered he's not actually who he thinks he is Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2MDhNNfw

Filthythree · Action
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32 Chs

Beating the god of destruction

In a room , a man lazily sat on a couch tapping something with his fingers, the room was dimly lit and food cans could be seen packed together in the corner of the room.

Ray a middle aged man living in the continent 'Africa' and the country 'Nigeria'.

Ray sat in his room pressing his PS console his fingers moving faster as he was immensely playing a game

It's his final battle with the last boss' the god of destruction ' in the game swords master useless son 

Other gamers who play the game use the only son of the sword master Vincent Jobs and other characters they don't use the character Roy White simply because he's a mage and swordsman whose sword skills is f- ranked and he is an f-ranked mage , no one knew how to make him level up and those who tried admitted its not a easy task

Having used the character for years Ray has explored the game world and found a cure to make Roy White remove his talent limit.

He also created a cheat code that increases Roy White level by 100 when ever he encounter a demon or when someone he loves is in danger giving him insane power boost.

Ray streamed his gameplay online as he fought with the final boss using the character other gamers abandoned, his viewer skyrocketed so was the donations he received. 

After a long fight he finally won against the 'god of destruction' also known as the evil god

I was so happy that I started jumping and shouting throwing punches into the air

The game known as swords master useless son is a very popular game and its very difficult to play , the game looks like a real world and your decision as a gamer matters , a little mistake , the game ending will change. 

In the history of the game no one has ever been able to win against the evil god, and I'm the first accomplish what other players found difficult to do.

Suddenly my heart constricted its a feeling I'm familiar with but I didn't expect it now of all time 

'what it's not supposed to happen I just took my drugs one hour ago' i thought 

I have been battling heart attack since I left high school 

A teenager chances of having heart attack is extremely rare , but it seems I'm part of the unlucky ones. 

I searched the room , I could swear I left the pills on the desk placed near the wall beside the couch but I can't find it no matter where I look.

My vision started to blur and I'm suddenly becoming weak , I fell to the floor weakly unable to move and took my last breath.

'so I'll die a virgin' I thought

if there's anything I wish for before I die ' I just wanted to have a girlfriend and life a happy life' i thought as I died.

A blue orb Floated in the infinite void of darkness , A man with white hair opened his blue eyes slowly, he looked at the blue orb floating in the distance and smiled , his pale skin makes him look like a ghost as he walked towards another orb shining in the infinite void.

Thousands of golden strings attached to the shiny orb , each strings glowing as if they contain they possess life of their own.

The light from the orb tried to illuminate the expanse of darkness surrounding it 

However , the darkness seems to have live of their own as they moved and absorbed the light

"It's time" The white haired man said as he started pulling some of the strings connected to the orb.

"Maybe we will be successful this round" he sighed as he connected the last of the strings and turned his back to the shiny orb.

"I hope he can defeat the evil god and save humanity" he said as he went back to slumber

He consumed a lot of energy transferring Ray soul from his world to the game world


I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar celling , The celling is painted in white and is devoid of any other color , the room looks like a student room , a uniform hung in the closet and books sprawled across the desk. A laptop stood on the desk as if waiting for him to operate it.

'didn't I die?' I thought 

I remembered dying of heart attack

I don't think anyone would come to my house because I have no family and friends , nobody could have carried me to the hospital, Apart from been a professional gamer, I'm just a loner who stays indoor all day.

I got up from the bed and looked around the room.

The room looks familiar and unfamiliar at the same time it's as if it used to belong to me

'uh , isn't this like the academy room in the game sword master useless son?' I thought still looking around

I quickly got out of bed looked around the room it's the same design as the room in the game 

I've read novels about authors transmigration to their novels but I didn't think something like that is real, experiencing it now shocked me so much.

I smiled inwardly this world , though it will go into war with the god of destruction in the next five years it's hundred times better than my formal world , especially my country where we as citizens were only remembered every four years.

I smiled at my luck I'll get to enjoy my life in this new world, 'I'll leave the work of defeating the evil god to Vincent Jobs the protagonist of this world' I thought smiling to myself.

'wait am I not the only one who defeated the demon king back in earth?' I thought 

'what if I was brought here because I'm the only one to defeat the evil god in the game and the game developer want me to defeat him in the real world?' I asked myself

'Shit I understand my situation now I'll have to fight the god of destruction myself if I want to live in this world' I came into conclusion.

'There must be something wrong for the developer to bring me into the game' I thought

Whatever brought me here wanted me to fight the god of destruction 

I looked at the mirror I saw the refection of a boy with pale white skin and white hair , His oval face will make people easily mistake him to be a girl.

'damn I'm in Roy's character an extra and not part of the main characters' I cursed inwardly

'who ever brought me here fuck you, as much as I would like to thank you , you should have placed me in the body of one of the main characters' I screamed inwardly 

I could only pray my cheat is also working in this world.

[Ding: Your soul has fully merged with Roy White character you can not view your stat

'Status' I said inwardly , A transparent blue screen appeared in front of me displaying the information of the character I now possess.

[Name : Roy White 

Age : 16 human years

General rank : (F)

Affinities : fire, earth , water , ice , lightning, wind

Skills : swordsmanship(F)


'damn this character is overpowered ' I thought 

A normal awakener in the game world can only affinity to one element , the ones known as geniuses can have affinity to two elements , and the once in a thousand year genius can have three affinities, but here I am an extra having six affinities at my disposal.

'First I must go and get the legendary potion that can help me grow faster since I used this character through our all the time I played the game I've discovered a way to grow faster ' I thought

The legendary potion I'm looking for the potion of limit and it can be found in the dungeon located at the top of the mountain, I was sure it would be there as no one has people did not usually visit the top of the mountain so no one knew there's a dungeon there either.

I checked my account balance on the smart watch given to me by the academy I had thirty Dollars which would be enough to buy the materials I need to consume before taking the potion 

After I got all I needed I started climbing the mountain as an f-ranked I'm a little bit stronger than a normal person 

After three hours of climbing I almost gave up but I kept myself going if I don't take the potion from the dungeon I'll die when the demons start attacking the academy.

If I'm strong enough I can protect them even though I'm in a new world my parent teaching is still in my mind.

Thinking of parents , I don't know anything about them

As a Christian in my formal world if we have the power we should help the weak.

Finally I made it to the top of the mountain I walked towards the left and opened the grass curtain reveling a blue rift in space I prepared myself even though I know the dungeon is empty I don't know the feeling of being teleported.

I walked into the rift I felt weightless my vision darken and my stomach churned.

Suddenly everything was bright again as I met myself in a different location I bent forward and emptied my stomach.

"Damn is this how it feels to enter a dungeon" I said 

As I walked my footstep echoed throughout the dungeon In my mind I started covering myself with the blood of Jesus I knew the game world has became my reality anything unexpected can happen.

Since God is the creator of all life, I decided to put my faith in him , even though at the back of my mind I prepared to curse if I suddenly died of heart attack again.

I walked until I saw the piles of bones like in the game I dug through the bones until I saw a transparent bottle with sky blue liquid in it.

"Isn't it supposed to be blue?" I asked no one in particular

I decided to drink it since the problem could be with my computer due to the color grading or whatever the engineer call it 

After drinking the potion I checked my status after receiving the notification that my limit has been removed and that I'm not immune to mind attacks 

I didn't expect the mind attack immunity but it's for the best as many players had lost the game due to mind attacks

I turned to leave when something caught my eyes 

"A flashlight?" I said 

Picking it up I examined it I started to smile it's not a flash light it's a freaking light saber the light saber I wielded in my world were all fake but this is a real light saber 

Even in the game world there's only one light saber in the world and it was later used by the protagonist once but later abandoned when he found another sword named slayer 

And the second item created by the person who made the light saber is the consuming armor , also known as the armor of death 

I need that armor like crazy it's beautiful strong and stylish, I've always wanted to look cool , I wanted to make the demons know that after the demon king there's someone else they should fear and that's me 

But I won't start killing them first without getting the armor to protect me and disguise me 

I don't want to be reckless and Invite trouble by making the demons having me on their target list 

The number one on their target list as of now should be Vincent and that's because he's the child of light , followed by Isabella, Austin Mary and Hanna 

They will suffer demonic attack wherever they go 

I reminded myself to stay clear of them I don't want the demons to mistakenly add me to the list.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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