
The Abyssal Call

Growing up, I didn't expect much from life. But when I was cursed with Ether and became an emissary of a mysterious force - gifted with supernatural powers that came at a deadly cost. I became no longer just a lost soul, but a weapon in the middle of a world full of monsters and warriors. With each battle, I would delve deeper into the mysteries of the Ether, struggling to master its dark secrets while fighting to survives against other envoys and terrifying monsters. But the stronger I get, the more distant I also become from those around me. My curse has taken away my average life - my friends and my passion to survive. As I continued my journey as an envoy of the Ether, I realized that my destiny was not mine.

Drako_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Ether book

I put the pictures and the letter back in the black bag and hid everything well under the bed. Although the place is not completely hidden, I am confident that the Imperial Institute is able to provide high protection and privacy for its students.

I noticed that the sunshine has become weak lately and the reason is that the clock has reached half past five, I still have some time to study the aether and I plan that I will not sleep before I understand it, it is certain that the faster I become stronger the greater my chances of saving my father and I must I work very hard to achieve this.

Even among the rare people who could absorb ether, there were several tiers, just being able to absorb Ether didn't mean that you would instantly become superhuman, you still need some talent.

I do not know if my talent is good or bad, but I know one thing and that is that I will train with the same seriousness and intensity in all cases, the fact that my talent is bad means that I will need to exert more effort than the people around me many times over, and being talented does not mean that I will relax and feel lazy.

I grabbed the white book that I got from the tester in the test building and remembered the glowing white light that came out of the crystal back then, there was only one gap in this whole thing, What is my type?

There are two main types of Ether users, and these types have several classifications. The first type is Vanquishers, they have several advantages of their own. Vanquishers are divided into many types, including poison Vanquishers, fire Vanquishers, ice Vanquishers, dark Vanquishers, light Vanquishers, life Vanquishers, and death Vanquishers...

There is no end to the elements, as a new element is explored once every tens of years, since each direction of the Ether has a certain element or type of energy, so every time the direction of the ether goes in a certain direction, a new element is made.

Of course, each of these elements has a different level of power and rarity than the others. The elements of fire, wind, water, and earth are the most common, followed by the elements of poison and lightning, then light and darkness, and finally the rarest elements: death and life.

Without any exception, the owners of these elements are always exponentially stronger than others in the same generation and often end up in high positions on the social ladder, although the users of the element of death are not very popular due to their ferocity when fighting, many institutes do open their arms towards them.

The matter of the Vanquishers doesn't end here, there are still many important and interesting things. A very small amount of Vanquishers have the ability to summon various beasts from Vanquishers, but the percentage of successfully summoning a beast is much rarer than obtaining a life or death element.

These beasts are always very strong in addition to having skills, the least that can be said about them is that they are semi-legendary, but even among these beasts there are many ranks and grades and even some legendary beasts!

Before explaining legendary Beasts, something called "Fusion" should be explained. a small percentage of Vanquishers who are able to summon beasts have several options when fighting, either to let their monster fight alongside them or to fuse to multiply the summoner's power many times over.

Here comes the difference between ordinary beasts and legendary beasts. 99% of summoned beasts are made up of flesh and blood, so merging with them gives the user a little extra physical strength in addition to the beast's many skills. On the other hand, the bodies of legendary monsters are made up of the Vanquisher's magical element and The percentage of a person summoning a legendary beast is incredibly small.

The people in the world who own legendary beasts can be counted on the fingers of a hand, and this is sufficient proof of their rarity. A person's possession of a legendary beast means that his future will not be normal at all.

This is almost everything about Vanquishers. Fighters on the other hand are much simpler, but this does not mean that they are weaker. Fighters are divided into three sections: Warriors, speedsters, and Berserkers.

There may be some people with a mixture of these classifications in the world, but they are few in number and it doesn't give them any real advantage. Being your Ether type is a mixture of strength and speed means that you are slower than a speedster and weaker than a warrior, so it's not very good.

In order for Fighters to close the gap between them and Vanquishers, they must learn a few high-quality martial skills, and only then are they considered eligible to be called warriors.

The special thing for Fighters is that in order to become powerful just like Vanquishers, they have to learn a main martial art as well as dozens of other side arts, unlike Vanquishers who only need one main martial art. Because Vanquishers are physically weaker, it is difficult for them to learn a basic martial art, and this is one of the advantages of a Fighter over them.

Like the beasts with Vanquishers, Fighters have some tricks. There is a skill or a specific thing called: 『Gear』. There is no need to mention that it is extremely rare and may be as rare as summoned beasts. As its name show, Gear is a combination of Items or equipment that is powerful and cannot be underestimated.

Usually, the Gear consists of three tools, but it may be less for some people. To unlock each piece of equipment, the Fighters must fulfill certain conditions that differ from one person to another and are impossible to know using normal methods. As for the development of the overall power of the Gear, the fighter must develop his spiritual bond with the Gear.

Each item of the Gear has about 2-5 skills and they may be very powerful or useless, and this is usually decided by the Fighter's luck. There may be some legendary Gears that carry unique skills that affect the body, such as upgrading the senses, but they are extremely rare and difficult to obtain.

(return to first person POV)

Everything I just read was written in the first two pages titled <Introduction> and after finishing I felt a burning desire to become a Vanquisher, summoning a giant dragon that spews flames everywhere as well as being able to fly... That would be great for exploration and travel!

I ran into my fantasies for a while as I violently interrupted myself. It's too bad to set high expectations before checking it out fully. I don't want to be disappointed after all.

I turned the page and looked at the title <Ether> I have to admit, the writer of this book deliberately made the pages full of useless words a lot just to make it long but at least easy to understand.

(book content)

Ether absorption is a complex process that requires a comprehensive understanding of the energy itself, as well as one's own energy system. The first step is to gain a deep understanding of the Ether, its properties, and its interaction with the human body. This can be done through extensive research and study, or through the guidance of a teacher or practitioner. Knowledgeable.

Once the basic understanding is established, you must then focus on purifying and preparing your energy system to receive Ether and this includes removing blockages and impurities, balancing the energy flow, and harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit.

This can be achieved through various practices such as meditation, physical exercises, and auxiliary potions (high level and quality only).

Next, it is important to learn how to inhale this energy as the breath is the primary tool for absorption. Specialized breathing techniques must be mastered as well as the appropriate visualization that accompanies the breath. The main key is to coordinate the breath and visualization to increase the flow of Ether into the body.

Finally, it is necessary to keep the body and specifically the cells in a state of complete balance when absorbing the Ether and to use the Ether often every week to make sure that the cells remain in a wonderful state in preparation for any danger.

This book will help you establish a broad understanding of the ether and you may be able to breathe a small amount of Ether if you understand the main ideas!

(First person POV: Venture)

Amazing! When I finished reading the last page of the introduction to the book, I discovered that I did not know anything about ether. Breathing techniques? Meditation and physical exercises can speed up the process of absorption and assimilation?

I don't know about meditation but I'm sure my body is in pretty amazing shape compared to other people in my age range, even though Flame in the past made me feel a bit embarrassed, I'm sure if I ever get back into the same state I was in when I came back from the weird cave last time I will leave him in my dust.

After I finally finished the introduction, I began to read the actual explanation of absorption of the Ether, and I felt my confidence gradually diminishing, and I had a feeling of regret when I remembered my previous statement that I would not sleep until I absorbed some of the Ether.

I have to visualize the process correctly and accurately in my mind, and this is the first operation. I don't think my sense of time is very correct at the moment, but what I know is that I spent a couple of hours to achieve the first step. Although I am not sure of the extent of my talent in this field, understanding the process of Absorbing this complex in hours is amazing in my opinion.

The second and last step after understanding is to actually absorb some Ether, and I must admit, absorbing the ether may be the hardest thing I had ever done in my life so far, on my first wrong attempt I felt my body almost tearing apart and I gasped for air for more than ten consecutive minutes.

To absorb the least amount of Ether, I must have terrifying control over my body, which made the process very difficult. I must control the movement of each one of my lungs somehow, in addition to the speed and method of breathing, which made the pressure on my lungs more than necessary.

In the seventeen years of my life my lungs have become accustomed to breathing relatively light oxygen and have never been exposed to anything heavier, so suddenly being exposed to heavy energy like Ether is not a good thing at all.

The right way is to slowly but steadily infuse a certain amount of ether for some time so that the whole body gets used to the ether and this is the hard part, I have breathed in ether many times already but it always ends up leaving my body due to incorrect breathing.

I had to find the right pace for my body and this took many hours of my time or much more! I felt that my lungs would rupture after every failed attempt, and breathing oxygen became more difficult due to my exhaustion, which made me not stop gasping, and this made everything worse.

it was one in the morning, and I was still unable to advance any further. Under the temptation of extreme sleepiness and my mental and physical exhaustion, I could not prevent myself from sleeping.

After all these desperate attempts, I begin to realize that absorbing ether is not as easy as I imagined.