
The Abyss Demon of The Heavens

He is reborn as a demon, traveling through countless realms, planting the seeds of evil and reaping countless misdeeds. "Do you want to fulfill all of your wishes?" Carlo extended his arms and grinned: "Trade your soul for it." This is the tale of a reborn devil traveling between worlds, luring people to sin, and attempting to become the ruler of the abyss.

The_Ayssal_demon · Eastern
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Lawbringers

Carlo softly hovered in midair and whispered, "It seems someone has already completed our job for us, Talia."

He glanced at the squad of rigorously trained soldiers marching from the village. A lance was pierced into an old man lying on the ground. Talia fell quiet, and Carlo felt her mood turn heavy.

"Who is that?" Carlo wondered.

"My father," Talia replied. A few arguing syllables were sharped by Talia after she finished speaking, and a red fireball floated in front of her, then raced toward the knight. When Talia finished speaking, there were fluctuations in magic power, and she recited several arguing syllables in a sharp voice as a crimson fireball flew toward the knight.

The knight brought up his shield to protect himself as the fireball flew at him. The man under the knight writhed as the flames around him burned, and he turned into charcoal in two seconds. The knight next to him stared at Talia and jabbed his spear. "You have murdered your father, woman," a voice said.

The baron's obese body poked out of the carriage, and when he saw Carlo standing behind Talia, his green bean-sized eyes narrowed, and he shrieked hoarsely, "Vamyit?"

The baron's knight captain answered glumly, "No, he is not." He breathed a huge sigh of relief when the baron once again became sour.

"So, this little witch has a companion!" he exclaimed. Talia ignored Baron's words, and chanted quietly.

"May you rot in hell forever, my poor papa; may misery and pain haunt you for the rest of your eternal life."

These were the best words she could offer him in reverence of the Abyss. Carlo knew that the fireball spell was actually directed at John, but Talia didn't want him to endure anymore in the human world, so she sent him to hell with her own hands.

Carlo sighed softly as he considered how sad and funny the story was.

"Kill that dwarf!" the baron barked at his most powerful men. "I want that witch alive!"

The knight captain heard the command and started to walk forward.

The knight captain emitted a faint white light, the sign of a Lawbringer.

The baron grinned. Rote had been his most effective card.

Lawbringers are spirit cultivators; the strongest of fighters, with tremendous strength and abilities. By chance, he saved the life of Root, and in return, he gained his allegiance

The sorcerer was not particularly impressive at first, because the knight always had an advantage over the physically weak sorcerer. He looked forward to watching the sorcerers being slaughtered.

Carlo smiled as he watch her, had only just taught her demonic magic, and she was already proficient at casting several of them.


A grayish light emitted from Talia's hand struck Root's body; his warhorse wailed and he collapsed to the ground frothing at the mouth.

His body emitted a white light, dispelling the curse spell in an instant, and a silver-gray bolt of lightning pierced Talia in the face

Talia's hideous and deformed face showed no sign of panic as she prepared for her next spell.

Carlo, the purebred demon from the abyss, did not hesitate to intervene. Talia was not an idiot; she was simply waiting for Carlo to make a move.

Carlo could not stand idly by and watch her die, so Talia stopped the incantation and moved two steps backward.

Carlo's lance was immediately turned in that direction and stabbed him. However, the moment after Root's lance immediately stopped moving.

It was the "Weakness spell" and the "Gravity spell."

Rote's power was instantly weakened to the point where it was not even as good as an ordinary person's.

"High... high rank, wizard." A glimpse of disbelief appeared in Root's eyes as he was burnt to ashes

Experience plus 15, and evil value plus 150.

Carlo was

Hovering in mid-air, Carlo huffed gently and spoke faintly, "Talia, it seems that someone has already done it for us." in a happy mood and gave a rare explanation: "I'm not a high rank; I'm still only a middle rank, but I'm not a sorcerer either; I'm a demon."

Unfortunately, Root could no longer hear.

The baron has yet to react, the most powerful knight among his own men has died, and there isn't even a decent resistance to offer.

"Go, kill them." The baron shouted in fear, then quickly shoved his bloated body back into the carriage.

What followed was, of course, a one-sided slaughter.

Instead of using magic again, Carlo picked up Root's riding shotgun and rehearsed the power of a demonic martial art. The effect was surprisingly good. The fighting skills of the Abyssal demons, integrated from their battles with thousands of races, were far superior to the martial arts circulating in this low-end realm.

A group of cavalry plus dozens of heavily armed guards, in the hands of Carlo, were as fragile as paper, and couldn't even escape; after a few moments, all became an experienced and evil value.

"Master, where do we go next?" Talia's life changed forever when the entire village was burned to ashes in the sea of fire.

If there was still an inch left in her heart that had not been attacked by darkness, then now she has completely plunged into the embrace of the abyss, without reservation.


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