
The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

36 PS = +1 Bonus Chapter 72 PS = +2 Bonus Chapters 108 PS = +3 Bonus Chapters 7 GT = +1 Bonus Chapter 21 GT = +2 Bonus Chapters 64 GT = +3 Bonus Chapters * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Within a world where humanity destroyed everything. Where World War V obliterated the whole planet from its central core, and possibly caused the downfall of the entire Solar System, or even the Galaxy. A being watching everything from a high stand point, beyond the constriction of Existence, decides to reshresh the whole Universe due to his deep love for his rebellious children. But this time, he sends them to an even grander world very similar to Earth, with three variables in hope to alter their Fate. The Seven Systems The Primordial Source. ...And a young man called Damien Gray. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Damien Gray was a very talented young man who went through a lot after the Genesis. He used his talent, potential and wits to survive in a world with seven protagonists and a terrifying omnipotent entity. But even then, even without being the main character, he finds an opportunity to make a wish from The Primordial Source. And his wish... was to be sent back in time, during the beginning of the Genesis, in hopes to give his race, Humanity, a second chance. Join Damien as this time, he sets a path of Absolute, Transcendence and Cosmic proportions for his entire race. Watch as he makes even the Seven protagonists seem like nothing but trash compared to him!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The cover page does not belong to me. All credit goes to the owner(s). Please support my other novel "Established Pinnacle: The Enigma" if you have time. Same book world but different timelines. And both novels are currently independent of each other. This is our discord channel from now on: https://discord.gg/KXk9Chsx (Repost) If that does not work, he is my discord ID: 1081731734799921172 Thanks and enjoy~

Lady_Nine_Tails · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Prey, Or Predator

Please be distracted. I prayed.

And it seems that whatever God that exists behind our race, answered my prayers, for I finally saw the fire demon, or whatever it was, gather a ball of flames within its hands.

Of course I trembled a bit, but that was a given. And I made sure to stay as strong willed as a Buffalo... Moving on.

The constant shower of pebbles did no damage it, as they just flew by past it. But it seems like it was annoyed, as it's gaze clearly resembled that of an annoyed child.

YES, finally I got you sucker!!


I thought in joy as big brother seemed to respond to my job well done. He first briefly glanced at me, and let out a smile of disbelief and... pride?

Meanwhile the fire thingie had yet to notice any of what was going on. It had successfully fallen into our trap.

And now, the deciding factor was about to fall upon what big brother Damien would do from now on.

And indeed, what would he do?

*** Narrative ***

Right after Damien threw the rock away, which was to act as a decoy, he ran.

He ran as fast, and as silently as he could. Unleashing all of his potential, crossing tens of meters every second.

Showing the effects if this new world's contamination in the human physiology. To modern humans, Damien was supernatural. He would be a super man.

Thus the few seconds the spirit was distracted, he covered over a hundred meters of distance, and arrived behind a rock situated behind it. It was also the time the spirit began surveying the soroundings.

But he did make sure to pick up the demon that he had left alive, or was forced to let live, along the way. He was now hiding with it behind a large triangular-like boulder.

The river of kava nit far away from him burning his skin, and the sulphuric air assaulting his nose. But he cared less about that.


He did not waste much time.

Using his bare hands, knowing that Juliette was not watching, he dug his fingers into the demon's oval head.

And his monster grip, like sharpened blades, easily tore through its flesh, as he ripped it apart. His hands were covered in green blood, and it was gushing out of the demon's head like a broken damn.

But he cared not for it.

He did not flinch, as the demon's life was completely drained out of its body. It died. And the next thing that happened, was as he expected.

[ Congratulations for obtaining first blood with your partner. Life Essence obtained will be increased by 100% throughout the trials ]

[ You have killed a Lvl 1 Hammer Fist Demon. You have obtained 15 units of Life Essece ]

[ Bonus effect has been applied. You and your partner have individually obtained 30 units of Life Essence ]

[ You and your partner have obtained the "First Blood" Epithet ]

It was the same notification that Juliette recieved due to both being in a partnership. This demon had a lifespan of 300 years, so the Life Essence obtained would be 30 units.

Life Essence was lifespan divided by ten. Hence why they would obtain 30 units.

Divided on both, would be 15 units each. But thanks to the "First Blood" effects, it was 30 units each. It was as good as each killing a Hammer Fist Demon.

[ Congratulations. You've obtained the following resources: Tire 1 Demon Core(Impure), Spear Head(Superior) ]

[ For defeating a trial opponent, you have obtained the following rewards: Extra Ability(×1), Tier 1 Random Treasure Chest(×1), Demonic Fragment(1/7) ]

[ Would you like to equip the Ability? ]

Damien quickly glanced through everything. He ignored the final message and bet on whether he had more trials on it. But he knew he did.

"...Less than a minute left." Damien thought as he peaked out through the corner of the boulder, and tried to find an opening through the spirit's defense.

He now had the perfect weapon against it. And, the perfect environment to better use the said weapon.

The Demon Core. And the Lava.

All he just needed right now, was time. Which he did not have much off. But he could substitute it for opportunity. Which he was currently looking for, to no avail.


Then it was at this moment, when Juliette stood up above the boulder she hid in. She had a determined expression on her face. Mixed with fear, but determined nonetheless. One of a person ready to risk it all.

It was quiet... her actions were shocking.

So quiet Damien found himself speechless. He was wondering what this dramatic girl was thinking right now.

When he suddenly saw her throwing pebbles towards the spirit. At first he did not understand her actions, but moments later, he did. 'I see...' He thought to himself.

She was trying to distract the spirit to give him a chance!! And as things seem, the spirit was clearly distracted by her.

It gathered fire above its palms and stared up at her in annoyance. Her mission was a success, and now it was Damien's time to shine.

For if he wastes time, Juliette might die.


Damien lightly breathed out as he sneakily came out of hiding. He held the demon core strongly within his hand, as he stood at a place where there were no boulders in between him and the spirit.

The smooth core, that fit perfectly within his hand still felt warm. Yet that warmth, could not rival the boiling blood of Damien under the pressure of his adrenalin.


The spirit still distracted, Damien took a deep breathe of air, as he finally made his move.

He threw the demon core with great strength, like a professional baseball thrower, and made sure it bounced a few times on the floor like skipping stones on the lake.

His throw was faster than Juliette's, being twice as fast thanks to his greater physique. Thus it generated a make-shift small sonic boom.

And the sound was loud, but so was the demon core's speed. Hence, even if the spirit was alerted, it should not be able to react in time... right?

So why, did it react so fast?

Damien and Juliette wondered in shock.



Why did the spirit turn around before Damien even threw the demon core, and caught it in it's hands just in time?

Why? They wondered, as they saw the force in the demon core slightly pushed it back. But the spirit managed to stabilize itself, and it stared at him with a mischievous grin.

While both him, and Juliette were speechless. Appearance wise, they were, but thought wise? 'Oh well, Fuck it, I guess this means... Goodnight.'

Damien thought with a smile of provocation. And even more mischief hidden within.

The spirit was child-like, yet not childish.

That was an important fact everyone had to take in when fighting most spirits. Just because it was tricked once or twice, did not mean it would let that happen again and again.

First of all, when Damien threw the rock up, it did not realize what was going on.

Hence, in it's state of paranoia, it actually focused on the rock as if it was a very dangerous object.

Instead of remembering that, even a sword was harmless unless at the hands of a swordsman. It should have never let its eyes move away from Damien.

At least, not for more than a second.

But it unfortunately did.

And once it realized that, the spirit was saddened. It was saddened and cautious. More cautious than it has ever been in its life.

Hence it surveyed the environment. Searching for any traces of the two creatures that were after its life.

As it searched, it thought about multiple possibilities and scenarios that they could take against it.

At first, there were many possibilities. And it did not know where to begin, and which possibility nor scenario to focus on more. Thus, it only thought and thought.


Until one of the creatures appeared above it, and began throwing pebbles at it. At first, it was cautious and very much worried that it was yet another trap.

But then, it realized that it was not a trap, but another distraction. Just like the first one, the rock thrown by Damien.

Thus it thought, the feminine creature before it was not the main focus, but a mere distraction. And the masculine creature would be the real attacker.

Hence with a mischievous smile, the spirit came up with a devious plan in its mind. One that, would have the lives of both these two creatures within its palm.

With that plan in mind, it ignored everything and focused on the feminine creature.

This would give the target the impression that it was focusing on them, while truthfully, it was surveying for any minor movements around it with its innate natural perception.

And indeed. As it thought, the masculine creature appeared behind it. The spirit did not react, and still feigned annoyance and ignorance, summoning two fireballs into its palms.

And the prey fell victim to its schemes.