
Mo xian spirits

Inside a dilapitated house in the countryside of star luo empire a boy was born at the sacrifice of his mother life, the boy was born healthy and was very quiet not letting out even a single cry since his birth. The father boy looked toward the boy with a hint of bitterness and anger also some love.

Six years later in a village near the border of sun moon empire there was a large mountain known as kong mountain because of it shape that resembled a gorilla, on top of the mountain was a six years old child with a somewhat handsome face followed by hair and pupil that was as black as the night sky basing his own body into a large rock and smash it to piece, the child was the reincarnated mo xian.

Mo xian looked toward his own body that let out a green glow then toward the shatered rock and said in joy "finally l reached the jade buddha body and now is the time to cultivate mad buddha art and war deva technique"

Mo xian then started to meditate and not long after he entered into zen state as he practiced the mad buddha art, this one of the reason why mo xian never wrote the art and instead chose to memorize it itself because it entry point was someone need the ability to control the state of zen as he wish which is almost impossible to accomplish unleast you are a genius or an expert.

Not long after mo xian opened his eyes and exhaled a turbid breath as he said "mad buddha was an art that practice the mind, sense, and self. and it was divided into five stage, the killing sage, the hundred strike saint, the thousand war deva, the million arm bodhisattva, and the limitless buddha, and now l merely reached the opening for the killing sage stage, it will atleast take me two more years to reach the peak and a few week to breakhtrough into the hundred strike saint"

After saying that mo xian stand up and said "now it was time to learn war deva technique" he then looked around then he take a piece of stone before making a weird angle and throwing the stone.


The stone flew fast toward a tree five meter away and struck the tree before fallen to the ground and leaving a shallow mark on the tree, mo xian looked toward the mark and said "my posture was a bit wrong and my strenght didn't go smoothly as l wanted it"

Mo xian practiced throwing stone or sometime swinging it until evening before going back home.

After arriving home saw nobody was home and he found it quite odd that his father was not homr, so he searched the whole homr until he found his father hanging himself inside his room and there was a letter on the floor.

Seeing his father died mo xian was calm as if he already expect it, he moved calmly toward the letter on the floor, he calmly take the letter and read it, not long later he crumpled the letter while shaking his head and laughing "hahahaha old man oh old man who would have thought you would catch on that l was different from the other child even thought l was acting like any other child, hais now l have to call all the other villager just to bury you"

Mo xian then reforged the letter and called all the other villager before showing them his forged letter and the reason why his father hanging himself, the village chief looked toward the letter and shook his head "mo lin oh mo lin l know that your love for your wife was huge but to the point that you would choose to kill yourself just to accompany your wife and leaving your child now that your child will undergo his spirit awakening, l know that you are once a spirit master and you have confidence in your son to also became a spirit master but still....hais forget you already dead it won't matter anymore, xian follow me tomorrow is the ceremony for awakening your spirit" the village chief left the house with mo xian following along.

The next day mo xian succesfully awakened his spirit, and to his suprise he found out that he have more than one spirit but it was not two but rather he have three spirit, his first spirit was tool type spirit and it was a diamond buddha statue with countless arm behind it back along with three floating sun and each of the hand hold weapon, the second spirit was beast type spirit and it was a humanoid eagle with six pair of wing and cloud under it feet, the last spirit was tool spirit and it was a doll that resembled mo xian but have three horn atop it head. After awakening his spirit he left for the city to learn and earn money.


In the city he become a working student, he work at many place from librarian to even become a guide for other student when they want to search for their spirit ring, sometime he would also go to a coloseum to earn some money.


A few year later, in front of the shrek academy mo xian arrived and finished all the test flawlessly before he faced his first powerfull opponent since he reincarnated.


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