
God Hand


God Hand: Twelve Labor's


Fate/Stay night


Invulnerability, Reactive evolution, Regeneration and Ressurection


A "hidden ability" possessed by Heracles, a continuously active-type Noble Phantasm that grants him a "body that knows no death." It is a blessing of the gods representing immortality, as well as being a curse, that was granted to him for completing his Twelve LaborsWP in life. It is the ability that required attacks of the highest grade to harm him and prevented him from even being scratched by anyone during the Age of Gods, described as "nearly foul play" even by acquaintances at the time. It lacks an overt external manifestation such as a weapon or armor, but in attributing a shape to it, can be said to be the body of the user itself. It transforms the body into a tough suit of armor that acts similar to a conceptual weapon in practice, coloring his body like lead and covering it with strange protrusions. It provides the three effects of resurrection, attack-nullification, and the ability of "immunity against an attack he has experienced previously."


So the ability is the users entire skin, with it being a conceptual defense that nullifies all but the highest-ranked attacks, rendering sheer power irrelevant. Anything thats not just as strong as or stronger then the user will be negated due to the ability, regardless of what the abilty may be. The abilty also has the added bonus of growing resistant to anything that injures him and will ressurect the user in the case that the user dies (up to 11 times).


This ability is purely defensive so it has no offensive potency for it.


This ability can be overwhelmed by ether a stupidly strong attack or just a lot of strong attacks, as shown when Herc fought Gilgamesh and when he got one-shot by Artemis. Also the 'lives' can be used up to ressurect the user, as shown when Herc ha multiple lives taken when he took a Excalibur blast to the face.

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