
The Abducted Lycan's Breeder

Her father had committed an atrocity by attempting to kill the Lycan king, and to punish him, his daughter, the honorable daughter of the Alpha next in line to being the first female Alpha will be used as his breeder. Against her will, she is forced to get pregnant for the Lycan and the Lycan is forced to have her bear his child only for the benefit of seeing the look of anguish and regret in his enemy's eyes. Along the way, will these two finally figure out a way to work out their differences and fall inlove or will the Alpha be the least of the LYCAN'S worries?

Esty_Usodo · Fantasy
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116 Chs

my pack, Against me


As I drew closer, as I neared, the source of the commotion seemed to grow louder, to envelop me. I observed the throng, of werewolves, my people, my pack, who seemed to rage, to howl, in sorrow, in fury, their eyes blazing, their fangs bared, as if they had been hurt, had been injured, in ways that could not be seen, could not be healed.

I stood still, my gaze fixed on the fallen werewolf, a trusted member of my pack. The sounds of mourning surrounded him, a symphony of grief and anger resonated in their very being. My heart ached with a mix of sorrow and fury, for the loss of a pack member was something I could not bear lightly.

As the others wailed and growled, my mind raced with questions and plans. Who could have done this? Why would anyone attack my pack in such a brutal manner? The need for justice burned within me, a fire that threatened to consume me whole.

But amidst the turmoil of emotions, one thing remained clear - I, the Alpha, would do whatever it took to protect my pack, to avenge the fallen, and to ensure that justice was served. At that moment, as the moon hung high in the sky, I knew that my leadership would be tested like never before.

With a grim sense of certainty, I pieced together the puzzle. The witches, shrouded in darkness, had done it once more. Their sinister motives now clearer, I vowed to protect my pack at all costs. Memories of the previous night's chaos haunted me, driving my determination to unravel their wicked schemes.

Seeking justice for the victim, I steeled myself for the looming confrontation with the malevolent forces at play. Time was of the essence, and I knew that every moment counted in this battle between light and shadows.

"What sort of Alpha do we have? An Alpha who couldn't protect his people? How can he allow this calamity to befall his pack? Gosh! He's so weak." Nora, a lady from the crowd pointed out.

Davis nodded in agreement with Nora's observation about the Lycan's weakness in protecting the crowd.

"Indeed, it's quite evident that the Lycan's abilities are lacking," he remarked. "We need a stronger and more reliable protector."

Feeling the weight of their words, I fought back the rising tide of doubt. How could my pack say such a thing about me? I've always loved and protected my pack with everything in me. They've been my top priority. But hearing such words from them shattered me, I could not help but think that all my efforts were void.

Amidst the murmurs, a quiet resolve took root within me. I know how far I've gone to protect my pack, making them see it ain't change anything. I also knew that strength isn't just physical combat, but the heart to keep pushing.

Though wounded, I vowed to shield my pack with unwavering determination. As the whispers faded, a new resolution burned bright within me, fueling my spirit like never before.

At that moment, courage, perseverance, and fierce loyalty surged inside me. A new resolution to do more, to do better for my pack.

As I stood amidst my grieving pack members, the weight of loss and failure hung heavy in the air. The death of one of our own at the hands of the witches had struck a deep blow to my pack.

Amidst the somber atmosphere, a lone mourner locked eyes with me, a mixture of pain and accusation written across his face. A ripple of discontent spread through the gathered Lycans, some murmuring in anger at my perceived weakness.

I felt the weight of their discontent press down on me, my heart heavy with the knowledge of my failure to protect my people. The bond that held my pack together was now strained by doubt and grief.

Despite the accusing glares and murmurs of discontent, I knew that he must find a way to lead my pack through this dark time. With a heavy heart and steely resolve, I vowed to seek justice for the fallen Lycan and to rebuild the trust that had been shattered by the attack.

I understood that true strength lay not just in physical prowess, but in the courage to face one's shortcomings and rise above them for the sake of those who depended on him.

In the shadowy thicket of the dark, the angry werewolves crept silently toward me, their eyes glinting with hunger, their fangs bared menacingly. It seemed as though they were ready to pounce and devour me whole, their growls sending shivers down my spine.

Just as despair began to set in, a figure emerged from the midst of the savage pack. It was Tom, my loyal beta, with a fierce yet compassionate gaze that commanded respect. His presence seemed to halt the werewolves in their tracks, freezing them with a mix of confusion and submission.

With a low growl that resonated through the trees, Tom stepped forward, positioning himself between me and the approaching threat. His eyes flashed with determination as he addressed the snarling beasts, his voice calm yet firm.

"Enough," Tom's voice rang out, cutting through the tense atmosphere like a blade. "He is under our protection. Any who dare to challenge that will answer to me."

The werewolves hesitated, sensing the undeniable authority in Tom's words and demeanor. Slowly, they backed away, their aggression subsiding as they yielded to the hierarchy within the pack.

As the tension eased and the dangerous glint in the werewolves' eyes softened, a sense of relief washed over me. Tom had once again proven himself as a trusted ally and guardian, standing tall in defense of his alpha when danger loomed. We've always faced whatever challenges the night brought our way together, united in our bond as packmates against the unforgiving darkness of the wild.

I sighted Amelia from where I was as she watched in silence. The chaos unfolded before her eyes.

She turned away from the scene, her countenance was not pleasing at all. I watched her as she slipped away into the shadows.

In the chaos of the enraged mob, Tom's instincts kicked in as he pulled me to safety. The angry crowd remained still, but their faces were contorted with fury. With a swift motion, Tom managed to escort me away from the danger, my heart pounding with adrenaline. As we disappeared into the shadows, the roar of the crowd faded behind us. Tom glanced back, knowing we had narrowly escaped a potential disaster. I looked at Tom with gratitude, realizing the true essence of friendship in moments of danger.

The throng's roar faded behind us as we edged away, hearts racing. I turned to Tom, my eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," I whispered, the weight of those words echoing between us. For the first time, in the whirlwind of chaos, a moment of connection blossomed—a bond forged in the crucible of adversity.

Tom shook his head with a small smile, understanding the unspoken, profound significance of those two simple words. In that instance, as we moved forward together, a silent promise of unwavering support settled between us, binding our souls.

Tom listened intently as I recounted my chilling encounters with the witches of the dark woods. Determination flickered in my eyes as I promised to rid our pack of these malevolent beings once and for all. Tom stood by my side, ready to support me in my quest.

As the moon cast an eerie glow on our faces, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air. The fate of my pack hinged on my courage as we prepared to confront the forces of darkness that threatened to engulf us.