
The Abandoned Sons' Glory

Davos de Aubreuin, the eldest son of the renowned Aubreuin family, faced a devastating turn of events when his younger brother Clyde publicly humiliated him, branding him as a failure unfit to inherit the family business. Their family-owned company had recently developed a revolutionary full-dive gaming device shortly after Davos' expulsion from his home. Fleeing from his American roots, he sought solace in South Korea, distancing himself from the relatives who had betrayed him. After completing High School, Davos sought refuge in the immersive world of the Virtual Reality MMORPG Game, Clash of Blades. He saw this as an opportunity to forge his path in the gaming industry, determined to create a name for himself and prove his worth. Deep down, Davos nurtured a fierce desire for revenge against his brother Clyde, yearning to ascend to a position of global prominence and influence. In the virtual realm, Davos found a chance for redemption and empowerment. Through dedication, skill, and relentless perseverance, he aimed to rise above his past and the shadows of his brother's cruelty. With each triumph in Clash of Blades, he could sense his spirit strengthening, fueled by the dream of becoming an indomitable figure within the gaming world. Thus, the tale of Davos de Aubreuin's journey began, marked by a resolve to carve his destiny, seeking vengeance and vindication against those who had once scorned him. As the boundaries between the real and virtual world blurred, he set forth on a path of self-discovery, vengeance, and the pursuit of greatness.

DevilishSean · Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Surroundings of Vendall

It's now Sunday, August 17th, 2026.

After several days of working at the store to make up for my absence, I finally have some time to return to Clash of Blades.

*Beep* Logging into Clash of Blades... ID: Devilish Shadow... Login complete!

I'm eager to test out my newly obtained skills against the monsters in the game and continue my progress beyond Vendall.

Studying the map I acquired earlier, I choose my first destination, the "Vendall Plains."

As I near the village exit, I notice two other players engaged in a heated argument about something that happened outside the village.

I decide not to get involved and carry on towards the Vendall Plains.

Upon arriving at my hunting ground for the day after wandering around the area for a bit, I spot a female player surrounded by a group of green, ugly-looking monsters.

I could hear her cursing from a distance: "Shit why did it have to be a whole group of goblins while nobody else is hunting here."

Observing from a distance, I see that she's struggling to deal with all her opponents alone.

I approach her location stealthily under the cover of thick bushes, so the goblins remain unaware of my presence.

Whispering "Haste" I draw my dagger and swiftly leap out of the bush, targeting the neck of the nearest goblin.

The creature is caught off guard and unable to react as I land a precise lethal strike.

*The goblin groans in pain as blood splatters from its neck."

Before being able to react, I quickly finish it off.

However, four goblins still remain, now on high alert.

*obtained 9 exp & 1 BC*

Having lost my surprise advantage, I analyze the situation and identify my next target – a wounded goblin slowly approaching the girl's back, unbeknownst to her.

I aim directly for its head but underestimate its reaction speed.

It manages to deflect my strike, causing me to graze its right shoulder instead.

*Only a small amount of blood splatters this time.*

The goblin retaliates by swinging its short sword held in the left arm, slightly grazing my leg as I react a moment too late. (-4 hp)

In response, I launch a counterattack, plunging my dagger into its eye and delivering a forceful kick to its face, causing it to fall to the ground, dying seconds after due to his injuries.

*obtained 9 exp & 1 BC*

Panting, I notice that the girl has also taken down one of the goblins, but she appears extremely exhausted from the intense battle.

I rush to her side to provide support.

The remaining two goblins simultaneously charge towards her, but my instincts kick in, and I intercept one of them, taking a painful slash on my right arm in the process. (-13 hp)

My intervention allows her to deflect the other goblin's attack with her polearm, following up with a sweep to make it fall to the ground.

A clean thrust through its head finishes it off.

With only a slight graze on my leg, I maintain my speed and use Immo Strike on the goblin in front of me.

I jump to the side, targeting its leg tendons, successfully paralyzing it momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, I thrust my dagger up its chin, instantly killing it.

*obtained 9 exp & 1 BC, reached level 2, obtained 1 stat point*

Once the dust settles, and we both catch our breath, the girl approaches me gratefully, "Thank you for helping me deal with this group of goblins! I got separated from my usual hunting party earlier, and they ambushed me. The name's Aether, by the way. Nice to meet you!"

I placed a hand on my head, feeling a bit flustered, but I smiled warmly and replied, "You're welcome Aether. Indeed, I was searching for a hunting spot, and our encounter presented a chance for me to fight alongside someone for the first time. My name is Shadow, nice to meet you too!"

She giggled, "That's an interesting name. I assume you're an assassin since you were wielding a dagger just now, right? Your fighting skills were impressive back there. I couldn't pay much attention to it while fighting myself, but you seemed very experienced."

"Yes, I play as an assassin, but honestly, I've only started playing a week or two ago, and this is my first time hunting monsters," I admitted.

Her expression turned shocked, "What? Are you serious? You're a newbie, and you already fight at such a level? Are you some sort of combat genius in real life or something?"

I began to feel nervous with all the questions coming my way. "I-I'm not a genius, just a regular person trying their first video game. I'm sorry, but could you slow down with the questions? I'm not used to talking this much."

"YOU. ARE. KIDDING. RIGHT?" she said slowly, completely flabbergasted and in disbelief.

"No, I'm not kidding. This is truly my first game, and I'm still getting the hang of it" I reassured her.

Her excitement didn't wane. "This is your first game, and you're already this good? You must have an incredible talent for games. I'm sorry for overwhelming you with my questions; it's just unbelievable to hear someone talk so casually about being so skilled at CoB, a challenging game. Anyway, would you mind if I add you as a friend so we can chat another time?"

*Friend request received from Bloody Aether*

"Thank you for understanding. Yes, of course, I'll accept it right away!"

*Friend request accepted*

Aether quickly checked her Game Interface and told me her Party messaged her to meet up in Vendall.

"It was a pleasure, Shadow. I hope we meet again and hunt together in the future!" She waved goodbye with a joyful expression and left.

Sigh, that was nerve-wracking, both the sudden battle with the goblins and the long conversation with Aether.

But it was an enjoyable experience, and I'm looking forward to meeting her again.

Now, let's check my status window.

I believe I earned a stat point from levelling up.

I'll invest it in agility after realizing that I need more speed to attack precisely, as I struggled with one of the goblins earlier.

Devilish Shadow


Happy Helper

Hard Worker, Overcomer of Hardships

Lv. 2

Hp 25/42

Stat Overview:

Strength: 9 Atk=21

Vitality: 7 Hp=42

Endurance: 7 Def=23

Agility: 12+1 Spd=26

Intelligence: 6 Mana=24

Stamina: 28

Stat points: 1 (-1 -> Agi)= 0




Immo Strike(E)


Dagger Mastery (E-)

Sixth Sense (F)

Exp: 2/45


Beginner Dagger (Atk+3, Agi+1)

Adventurers Jacket (Def+1)

Adventurers Cap(Def'+1)


BC: 28