
The Abandoned Sons' Glory

Davos de Aubreuin, the eldest son of the renowned Aubreuin family, faced a devastating turn of events when his younger brother Clyde publicly humiliated him, branding him as a failure unfit to inherit the family business. Their family-owned company had recently developed a revolutionary full-dive gaming device shortly after Davos' expulsion from his home. Fleeing from his American roots, he sought solace in South Korea, distancing himself from the relatives who had betrayed him. After completing High School, Davos sought refuge in the immersive world of the Virtual Reality MMORPG Game, Clash of Blades. He saw this as an opportunity to forge his path in the gaming industry, determined to create a name for himself and prove his worth. Deep down, Davos nurtured a fierce desire for revenge against his brother Clyde, yearning to ascend to a position of global prominence and influence. In the virtual realm, Davos found a chance for redemption and empowerment. Through dedication, skill, and relentless perseverance, he aimed to rise above his past and the shadows of his brother's cruelty. With each triumph in Clash of Blades, he could sense his spirit strengthening, fueled by the dream of becoming an indomitable figure within the gaming world. Thus, the tale of Davos de Aubreuin's journey began, marked by a resolve to carve his destiny, seeking vengeance and vindication against those who had once scorned him. As the boundaries between the real and virtual world blurred, he set forth on a path of self-discovery, vengeance, and the pursuit of greatness.

DevilishSean · Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 0: Story Prologue

My name is Davos de Albreuin, an 18-year-old student attending a typical, unremarkable high school in Seoul.

Currently, in the second semester of my final year, I eagerly await the end of this dreadful school life I've endured.

Throughout his time in school, Davos has struggled to socialize with others, both in America and in Korea, making him an outsider.

Being originally from America, he feared ridicule from his classmates when speaking to them, even though he speaks Korean fluently due to years of studying the language.

Consequently, nobody knew that he hails from a globally prominent family, assuming he shares the same name purely coincidentally, as they questioned why someone with such a background would be so shy.

As a result of his introverted nature, Davos didn't achieve top grades since he rarely participated in class discussions or group activities.

However, in reality, Davos possesses remarkable intelligence, grasping most subjects with ease, and consistently excelling in written tests and exams ever since he moved to Korea a few months ago.

His younger brother, Clyde, a mischievous burden, is thankfully far away from him now.

Back in America, Clyde delighted in tarnishing Davos' reputation whenever he had the opportunity, leading to mockery behind his back.

Though not bullied due to his family's standing, Davos still endured substantial suffering due to his brother's actions in the past.

At present, I reside in a modest apartment on the outskirts of Seoul, with a monthly rent of 500,000 ₩ (approximately $400).

My parents disowned me, swayed by my troublesome little brother Clyde, who convinced them that I am unworthy of inheriting the family business and disgraced the family name.

Speaking of the family business, I saw on television that they have partnered with a company named ZENOS and launched a game called "Clash of Blades."

It has dominated media discussions lately, leaving me unable to escape people's chatter about it.

It's a Virtual Reality game employing our family's cutting-edge gaming device utilizing full dive technology.

Released about a month or two ago, it has already amassed hundreds of millions of players worldwide.

In the past, I never had much interest in games due to my parents' insistence on my full focus on studying while I lived in the US.

However, even my peers sitting next to me in school won't stop talking about it, which has sparked my curiosity to at least give it a try.

The only hindrance is the cost of the gaming system, which is a staggering 6.4 million₩ (around $5,000), nearly half of the allowance my family provided when they sent me to Korea.

Several days passed, and as Davos strolled by a group of teenagers conversing about Clash of Blades he overheard them discussing how the top players are earning around 100 million ₩ per month, despite the game's recent release.

He decided: "Once I finish this dreadful high school, I will get the game, if things don't go as planned, I can always attend university."

Around two months later, Davos successfully graduated from high school with above-average grades.

During this time, he secured a part-time job near his home with a monthly pay of 640,000 ₩ to cover some of his expenses, as he was preparing for a significant investment in the full dive gaming system.

Finally free from the constraints of school, he thought to himself, "Now, it's time to purchase the gaming system, even though the price has risen by 20% to 7.7 million ₩ compared to its initial release cost of 6.4 million ₩. But that's alright, I can afford it now."

Current Funds:

Initial: 15 Million ₩ Allowance

- 3 Million ₩ (6 months Rent)

- 2.3 Million ₩ (living expenses 6 months)

- 7.7 Million ₩ (Gaming system)

- 280.000 ₩ (Clash of Blades + Full dive Suit)

+ 1.280.000 ₩ (Job 2 months)

= 3.000.000₩ ~2400$

This concludes the Prologue of TASG.