
The Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

She transmigrates into a very poor village countrywoman who has a hungry little bun. Zhao Yun ’er suddenly feels a lot of pressure on her. Fortunately, she is capable. Outrageous relatives at the door? Scram. Her days begin to flourish by relying on knowledge from the 21st century. But the little bun begins to shout all day long, “Mother, find me a father.” A wild man suddenly jumps out and wraps himself around her, while claiming to be the little bun’s father. The little bun: “My mother said that my father must first be tall and handsome!” A certain man: “This Shizi [heir to a noble title] is the world’s most handsome man!” The little bun: “My mother said that my father needs to have money!” A certain man: “This Shizi has plenty of fertile land, 100 million gold taels ……” The little bun turns around. “Mother, do you think that this one is suitable?”

Gamer_GalaxyX · History
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50 Chs

Chapter 25: Marriage

"Thank you, Auntie Liu." Zhao Yun 'er didn't refuse. She knew that Auntie Liu was sincere in giving them to her and Doudou.

"Don't mention it. It's just a bowl of dumplings." Auntie Liu smiled brightly.

"Auntie Liu, come in and sit for a while," Zhao Yun 'er said.

Auntie Liu nodded with a smile. She had already eaten. Since she had nothing to do, she didn't mind chatting with Zhao Yun 'er for a while.

After the two of them entered Zhao Yun 'er's house, Zhao Yun' er first poured a glass of water for Auntie Liu, then brought over ten pigeon eggs from the kitchen.

Zhao Yun 'er was very grateful for Auntie Liu's help over the past few years. Since she had something good now, she had to give some to Auntie Liu.

Auntie Liu hurriedly refused, "Yun 'er, you should keep these pigeon eggs for yourself and Doudou. Why are you giving them to Auntie?"

"Auntie Liu, I've taken so many things from you over the past few years. I finally have the chance to give you something in return, but you're still refusing me…"

Auntie Liu sighed, then smiled and said, "Alright, then Auntie will accept them. Yun 'er, you're really a good child. It's just a pity…"

Zhao Yun 'er smiled bitterly. She knew what Auntie Liu was referring to. She also silently mourned for the original owner for a while. With the original owner's looks, she would have been able to find a good marriage if she hadn't gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She wouldn't have had such a hard time over the past few years.

"Grandma Liu~" Doudou held a bowl in his hand and brought it to Auntie Liu. He said to Auntie Liu, "Grandma Liu, this is the water my mother made for me. It's very sweet. Grandma Liu, you should drink some too."

Auntie Liu looked at Doudou's sensible appearance and a trace of tenderness flashed through her eyes. She stroked Doudou's head and said, "Doudou is such a good boy. If Grandma doesn't want to drink this, Doudou can drink it himself."

"Then Doudou will drink it." Doudou smiled sweetly at Auntie Liu, and then drank the sweet water made by Zhao Yun 'er with honey in small mouthfuls.

"Doudou is such a sensible and adorable child. My heart aches for him." Auntie Liu sighed. As if remembering something, Aunt Liu asked, "By the way, Yun 'er, didn't your Grandmother, First Aunt, and Second Aunt to come over yesterday to make trouble again?"

Zhao Yun 'er saw Aunt Liu's concerned eyes and told her the truth.

Auntie Liu snorted coldly and felt indignant for Zhao Yun 'er. "In any case, Doudou is also your biological child. The blood of the Zhao Family also flows in his veins. How can your grandmother be so cruel?"

"Hasn't she always been like this? But as long as I'm here, I will never allow them to send Doudou away."

Auntie Liu sighed and said, "Yun' er, Auntie doesn't want to criticize you, but you're still young and can still get married. Why don't you let Auntie help you find an honest man for you to marry? You won't be in the village anymore and your Grandmother won't have any ideas about Doudou. Besides, you can't always be single. With Doudou, you have no one to rely on and you have a child. Life will be very difficult."

Zhao Yun 'er knew that Auntie Liu was trying to persuade her with good intentions, but she was a woman from the 21st century. She was different from the Zhao Yun 'er of the past. If she didn't like the man, she would never force herself to get married.

Zhao Yun 'er hadn't gotten married yet, and Doudou who was drinking honey water suddenly raised his head, and said to Aunt Liu in a soft and waxy voice, "Grandma Liu, my mother is not looking for an honest person, but a tall, handsome and rich dad."