
The Abandoned Elivette Hirsch

"Zequiel, isn't what you're doing too far? You have murdered innocent people!" The Queen exclaimed as she saw the bloodied corpses of the Palace's knights. "By giving them a quick and painless death, I've already shown them mercy. Elivette has been through a lot, and taking their lives wouldn't be enough to make up for it." "Zequiel, no life is more valuable than the other. They were merely ordered! And Elivette is still alive—" The Queen was interrupted by a chilly gust of wind before she could finish her sentence. The sword that Zequiel used to take those knights' lives is now aimed at her neck. "Don't go there Your Majesty," Zequiel warned, "The person you're referring to didn't hesitate to save those commoners lives. She is beyond comparison to your incompetent knights." "Zequiel, what is going on?" The King appeared out of nowhere, causing Zequiel to put his weapon away. "I'm taking Eli with me." "You can't do that! Her identity is still unknown! This isn't something you can decide on your own." The Queen stated as her eyes asked help from the King. The King sighed, "Celaestis, just let him." Zequiel was about to leave but then he turned back to look at his brother, "If I ever found out that it was really you who ordered to hurt her, Mark my words, I'll do the same thing to your woman." ----- Eli's goal in life is to finish college, earn enough money, and have a life of her own. Not until she woke up one day, in a different place, different setting, and in a different body. She transmigrated in a novel, in the body of a cannon fodder. The worst part? She transmigrated in the ending of the novel, where Elivette Hirsch was already removed from the Hirsch genealogy and was abandoned by her own father. Now she has to find jobs to fend for herself. But how will she live in a world that is slowly changing from what she's read?

Deianne_e23 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Major General is here!

To say that riding a horse for an entire day is tiring is an understatement.

I feel like I'm going to give up anytime and just let myself fall from the horse and roll around the land just so I can relax my muscles.

Although I'm not the one driving the horse, I still have to insert strength in my legs to firm them up just to balance myself. Not to mention that sometimes my back collides with the Prince's breastplate armor, and it's freakin' hard alright? I feel like my back is already black and blue from all that collision.

Throughout the trip, there are some monsters and creatures that we had encountered. Some posted no threats and some were dumb enough to get in the way. With the Prince's men, we didn't even need to do anything as they slayed the monsters.

There were lots of creatures that I had seen also. Some were vicious and we're attacking us, like those freakin' big bats which I found out they were called Iabus.

They look like your normal bats but once you've seen them up close, you can see it's difference from a normal one. They are as black as the night, with eyes the color of crimson blood, and claws as sharp as a knife. Some even were able to scratch some of the Prince's men because the bats we're flying in groups, just like the normal bats, which is why we were having a hard time defending from it. Luckily, none of the Iabus came for me and the Prince.

I couldn't even help but applaud the Prince, as his presence is enough to scare those Iabus.

Actually, it was not just the Iabus. Even the monsters and other creatures, none of them had gotten chosen to the both of us.

There's a good thing riding with a Prince after all. I don't have to stress about those creatures and monsters popping out from nowhere but it was still pretty frightening seeing them as there's no such things in my world.

Seeing the rising sun made me tense up. We were already travelling for a day already without any rest in between. We had taken the same route from when Penny and I went to Iragin.

"Why are there lots of creatures showing up? The last time I travelled, none even got in the way." I questioned the man behind me as my curiosity got the best of me.

"No Numen is protecting this route now. They're concentrating their power in Azmar."

"Oh..." I was going to ask another question but I was then rendered speechless when I saw the place in front of me.

It was a familiar place. It was a part of Azmar. What once was a peaceful and small town was now desolated and eerie.

Looking at it from afar even gives me goosebumps.

The Prince's men we're leading us. Our pace had slowed down, and as we entered the town, I could see some corpses lying on the ground.

I felt my stomach churn looking at the decaying bodies of what once a living person.

Never in my whole have I seen a corpse.

"Are those killed by those parasites you've mentioned?" I asked.

"Yes, once the parasite enters a body, even if removed the body will still die in 3 days." Hearing his words I couldn't help but imagine the parasite.

Just as I was thinking what it might look like, a black worm like thing with tons of limbs suddenly appeared from an alley, the size of almost meter and as thick as a finger.

I shrieked as I stared at the big ass worm wiggling towards us. One of them who was the closest to it didn't hesitate to grab his sword and swing at it. But its limbs only doubled and nothing happened to it. It was still wiggling with no signs of weakening. Then the man hit it's round head connected to all of its limbs immobilizing it from moving, then it seized its movement.

Realizing that it's now dead, I sighed out of relief.

"What in the world was that?" I asked.

"That was the parasite."

"What? That was a big one! I expected it to be small." I exclaimed as I was still frightened by its size and how it looked.

It was as black as a coal, with it wiggly limbs it was gross and weird to look at.

"How do they enter a person's body?" I asked as I realized that for it to enter a person, it will have to enter somewhere.

"Through a person's mouth." I felt myself gagging with the idea of those freaking parasite entering a person's mouth.

Just thinking about a parasite getting inside you, eating you alive and controlling you is sickening. I would have never thought something like this would exist.

If one enters me I wouldn't even hesitate to kill myself.

"Scour every alley and make sure no parasites are still moving around. Gather in the town center afterwards." The Prince ordered his men. Some left and some stayed go with us to the town center.

Remembering the parasite, I couldn't help but worry for Amos and Olivia. Olivia must have been frightened with its existence and Amos....

God, I just wish Amos is alright.

We resumed our pace as we travelled and entered the town.

Deep into the town, there aren't that many corpses anymore compared to the borders of it.

And I felt relieved when I finally saw some residents of the town and groups of soldiers walking around. They might have scoured the places near the town center for it to be safe.

As the people saw us, they started to bow, giving respect to the man behind me.

"Your Highness!"

"It's the Major General! The Prince! We're finally gonna be saved."

"Your Highness, you're finally here."