
Chapter One

"Mia, come on, we really shouldn't do this…" My friend, Elizabeth, said to me as she held onto my arm tightly. She was probably right, but I wasn't going to admit it, especially, with Heather and her group around. Heather had dared Elizabeth and I to go inside the rundown, abandoned asylum, inexchange to stop her and her group from tormenting us for the rest of our highschool careers. And I wasn't about to give up on that offer.

You see, Heather and her popular friends, Ellie and Sharlet, have been the bane of mine and Elizabeth's existance, ever since elementary school. And every since then, they have nonstop tormented us, and with each year getting worse than the last.

"Listen, you don't have to do this with me. I'll do it alone, but if this is going to get them to stop bothering us for the rest of our high school lifes, then I'm going through with it," I told her, keeping my eyes on the building in front of me, the asylum.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Heather, Ellie, and Sharlet, all giggling...that stupid giggle. That stupid, mocking, annoying as hell giggle. I quickly turned to them, "What?" I asked with clear annoyance in my voice.

They all went silent before Heather, stepped up and spoke, "It's nothing. Now, are you two going in or are you two going to deal with us for the rest of your-" I interrupted her without hesitation.

"I'm going inside. Elizabeth is staying here with you all and when I come back, I expect you to finally leave the two of us alone."

She rolled her eyes in response, "That wasn't the deal, Mia. The deal was for you both to go inside. If you do it, obviously, we'll leave you alone, but if she doesn't we'll still mess with her."

I sighed, "Well, deal has changed. If I go inside, then it counts for both me and Elizabeth. If you don't like it, then tough shit."

She groaned, and once again rolled her eyes, "Fine, whatever. Just get going already. I don't have time to stand out here all night."

I just waved her off before turning my attention to Elizabeth. She didn't seem like she was doing any better, even after knowing it would just be me going inside. "It'll be okay, Elizabeth. I'll just be inside for a quick second and then come right back," I said, but even with saying that to her, she still didn't seem to calm down one bit. If anything, she seemed to get worse.

"I know it's just for a quick second...you...you don't know what's in there. You don't know what's happening inside as we speak. It could be dangerous, Mia!" She panicked.

I stared at her for a moment, she did have a point. We really can't say for sure what's happening in there. I wasn't going to let that stop me though, "There's probably nothing going on in there as we speak. It's abandon, there no one inside. The only thing that could possibly be dangerous is the foundation."

She frowned at me, probably not being able to believe what she's hearing come from my mouth, "Just...be quick," was all she said.

I sighed, and finally turned back into the direction of the asylum. I needed to get this done and over with. Especially, before Heather and her goons changed their minds.