
The Abandoned Alpha

As soon as I started pulling his arms to take him to my favourite place along the coastline it electricity seemed to pass through my skin. "Shit I'm sorry I am again being over-friendly", I muttered out in a voice was laced with guilt "Hey it's ok, See we are not in the office and even if we are we can always be friends right?", he said thrusting out his hand for a handshake "Friends right that sounds good", I shook his hand with a grin on my face and the electricity was back as soon as our hands touched "Ok now come along I'll show you the best place around here", I said taking my hand back and thus bring him out of his dream. Zachery Mathew Collins is not only the owner of a multinational business empire but is also the Alpha King of the werewolves. Over the 24 years of his life, all he has known is to strive every day to get a step forward from where he was. But what happens when he is put into a whirlpool of feelings and emotions towards his mate. What happens when she becomes his top priority? But most importantly what happens when he learns about secrets she has been hiding all these years? Amber a 20-year-old independent friendly woman, but there is a lot hidden behind the smile on the face. Will she ever accept an outsider as her family? Will she be able to accept her true identity when the time comes?

ELeena · Fantasy
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31 Chs

More Secrets?


It has been a busy day, suddenly Mr. Zachery Collins planed that he needed to go on a business trip.

Like who do you think you are?

I have been sitting through the day trying to convince people to attend and sort the business with Nic but they either want Zach or Ash.

It was only when Nic called up a few of them himself and informed about his position did they agree.

You see Iwar is a small place and people know Ash as he manages the business this side but Zach planned to send him elsewhere for this month and this created a whole lot of confusion.

Nic is currently in a meeting and I am sitting here trying to adjust his schedule for tomorrow, we were already delayed by a week before itself and then Zach planned his trip and now sitting here I am brooding over the decision that I might do a management course, it might just help me settle my things better.

A knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts and its Nic

"Coffee break?" he says gleaming at him


"You know ever since I joined the business Zach handled everything. Like I never thought I would have to take these things on my shoulders and even if I did it is never without Stella"

"Oh I see"

"Ya like I got the muscle power but she got the brains. By the way why didn't you pursue your education after high school why work instead?"

"Umm you see I did want to act like a burden on Zander he had already done a lot for me so I just joined in to earn my expenses. When I told him about the idea I thought it would be some cafe or restaurant and not a business empire he would put me to work in", I said with a smile on my face

"Oh so how did you meet Zander??" he asked curiously

I knew it was mere curiosity but I hesitated to answer

"Uhh you may say during my high school years I got into some trouble and Zander helped me out of it. And you have another meeting in next 5 minutes and I am sure Zach would one furious if he got to know you were staining his image by getting late for meetings", I said changing the topic

"Ah I don't want to get fired I better get going. See you later little one"

I smiled at his nickname as he left.


The dinner started at sharp 6. Mark sat at one end of the table and I was at the other and the rest of the family sat beside their mates.

"So Alpha what brings you to the white moon pack", Mark said bring me out of my stream of thoughts.

"I have been in contact with almost all packs but your pack seemed unresponsive over the past few years. This was troubling me and I came in just to have a regular pack check and strengthen the relations. I see your pack has no delta or a pack manager"

"Alpha its a small pack and we trying keeping pack business to the family itself. You see over the years we had been invaded for the white wolves but we are were grateful to our family to move your pack closer by in order to protect us", said the older alpha

"It's our duty to protect every pack and we will keep doing the same. By the way Rosaline are you a white wolf?"

"Oh no Alpha I am a common grey shade. Now white wolves this generation in the alpha family I suppose and please call me Rosa"

"I see, may I ask when was the last white wolf reported or is it this generation just not in the alpha family"

"No alpha over the past twelve years ever since the death of the earlier white wolf no other white wolf has been reported."

"But isn't it that a decade after the death of a white wolf the other transforms?",Stella asked curiously

"Yes that's how nature worked but you see I feel nature doesn't feel its the apt time to have another white wolf", commented Isa

"So it's just the two of you or you got more siblings. Like except the royal family, almost every wolf family has three to four siblings", Javour asked curiously

I knew what Stella had fed into his mind

"Oh no no we were satisfied in just two", Isa replied

From the corner of my eye, I could see Mark flinched a little but I didn't know why.Stella mind-linked me with the same observation, I nodded in acknowledgment.

"So we wish you a good night. If you have any trouble settling we are just down the hall", said Mark

"Good night, we would like to meet and train with the pack tomorrow", I replied

"Sure alpha,"

As we were walking down the towards our respective rooms we were interrupted by Rosa and Rhea.

"Alpha you mind us asking a question?", Rosa asked in an innocent voice

"That wouldn't be a problem"

"Alpha have you met the luna?"Rhea asked

"Oh no not yet why is there someone who you have in your mind might be the luna?"

"Like there was some prophecy but mother says its old and no worth. Anyways please enjoy your stay and please don't tell mother about the prophecy", Rosa pleaded

"That won't be a problem. Good night"

"Good night alpha", they said in unison


There was something kinky about the family.No one answered direct questions.They held prophecies and kept them secret from the royal family.The family though looked like a happy one I could feel the tension.

Every the old alpha answered Mark would flinch, Isabella was a famous witch yet she told her daughter that some prophecy was useless.If any of the supernatural creatures believed in prophecies it were the witches for sureAnd Isa was a strong witch yet neither of her children were witches or hybrids how was this possible.

There were so many questions in my mind and they weren't related to Amber at all because none of the questions took us to who she is or was.