
The 99th Divorce

In her previous lifetime, they had married for five years. He meant everything to her, but she was thrown away like an old shoe. After her rebirth, she gave him a divorce contract preemptively— “Divorce after one year, the terms of the contract are as follows: husband and wife shall not share a room or bed. Intimacy forbidden?” he raised his eyebrow. Who knew that after she got drunk one day, leaning on the headboard, he rested his deep-set eyes on her. "You broke the contract, Mrs, Li."

Wan Lili · Urban
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2321 Chs

Yu Lili's Happiness

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ou Huojing came in with two thermos bottles, which seemed to be quite heavy.

Qiao Ziqing was right in front of him. She glanced at her baby granddaughter, and a giant smile blossomed across her face. "Ah, she's such a beautiful girl," she said. "She looks like her father and her mother."

But the baby's face was turning pink from crying, and her little hands and feet were swaying about.

The baby kept crying, and Qiao Ziqing became even happier after hearing her. "You need to drink some soup quickly," she said. "The baby's hungry."

Ou Huojing put some food on the table. Ou Ming went up to open the lid, and then he served his wife some soup.

Yu Lili felt weak. She was partly leaning on the edge of the bed and didn't want to move at all. "I don't have an appetite," she said.