
The 8th Sin

Haydn_PlayZz · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 0

My life was not the best. It started when I was born, after my birth my mother and father split up. Every week I went between houses. My mother's house was very small with just 1 bedroom which we shared. My mother always looked after me with love and care. However my father's house was very different, he was much richer and his house was more of a mansion but unlike my mother my father didn't love me at all. He'd lock me in a cupboard if I cried and when I didn't I slept on the floor with no blanket no pillows just me. I was very lonely there with no-one to talk to and no-one to love me, so I did tend to cry a lot.

Then things changed. I grew up a little and I now go to school however a terrible change happened when my mother and my father got back together. You'd think that would be a good thing but my father persuaded my mother to leave me in the closet and on the floor so now I had nowhere to go and no one to protect me. I felt alone. Until I met her. Grace. She was very beautiful with long black hair royal blue eyes, a wonderful smile that livens up the room and best of all she was nice and my friend. Once I told her of my home she pitied me and told the teacher for me as I was afraid of telling anyone.

After this good things finally happened and Grace's parents said they would take me from my parents so then I shared a bed with Grace and we became closer. So close in fact that we became sisters. I had never had a sister so I was surprised at how nice it was. We could tell each other our secrets and help each other if we needed it. From what I heard most sisters aren't like Grace so I was very grateful.

However as they say all good things must come to an end. Once we reached our teenage years we stopped sharing a room and Grace started to distance herself from me. She started to become rebellious and dangerous then one day when I was out I saw Grace and a guy following behind her. Being the nosy person I am I followed Grace into an alley. Then I saw the stalker pull out a knife and charge at Grace, without thinking I charged in front of her. Ow. The knife stabbed me but I couldn't stop smiling. Once Grace turned around she saw me smiling with a knife in my chest. I fell. Grace's eyes started watering and she dropped to her knees next to me. I felt water falling on my body. I smiled and said "It's okay Grace I did what I wanted and this is me repaying the debt of you saving my life."

She didn't stop crying and said "We're sisters we don't keep debts"

I just smile and slowly fall into the darkness.

"LUCY!!!" Grace shouted whilst still crying I just kept smiling.



'Well this is weird. I think I just died but why am I so calm even though I'm surrounded by void? At least I can still remember everything but still, shouldn't I be freaking out?'

"HELLO MORTAL" a booming voice sounded behind me

"What the fudge!"

"*cough cough* Sorry about that I had something stuck in my throat. Anyway, Hello Mortal!"

"Err, Hello?" 'I'm so confused, WHAT'S HAPPENING!'

"err right what do I say here again? Ahh yes, you have been chosen among everyone in the universe to be reincarnated with 3 wishes and your memories."

'What now!'

"Before that can I ask some questions?" I asked still shocked by my death.

"Of course mortal ask away."

"First, why can't I see you?"

"Ahh yes I knew I forgot something." As he finished his sentence an old funny looking man who wears glasses and has a walking stick appeared before me (Stan Lee R.I.P).

"Thank you, and second who are you?"

"I am God!" He shouted echoing through the void.

"Finally, what happened to Grace?"

"Ahh yes your sister. She went on with her life after her grief and became a police officer helping people, like you, out."

'Thank God(pun intended) she's OK and successful.'

"If your questions are over we must move on to wishes. I must tell you you don't need a wish for the world you go to you can choose."

"Okay for the world I would like to go to the seven deadly sins world"

"Okay, done"

"My first wish is to be the eighth sin"

"That's a bit tricky but doable"

"My second wish I want to be the strongest vampire in every stat. Including strong enough to escape the sealing."

"Easy, done"

"Before my last wish can I choose when I'm born?"

"Yes it won't count as a wish"

"Can I be the same age as Meliodas? Without having to be born."


"And for my final wish can I control gravity as my magic power?"

"Certainly, if that is all I shall be sending you on your way"

Once again I fade into darkness.