
Chapter 22- School 2

After taking the man further, a man in his thirties introduced him to Dan with a rather pronounced English accent before looking at me with a stunned and curious air.

"Hello I'm Ashiro Tomoka, Assistant Director of the University of Tokyo" Dan shook hands with the man before getting into the back of an armored vehicle. Given the weight of my armor, I climbed into another, more durable vehicle before heading straight to university. In the vehicle where I was sitting, several Japanese soldiers stared at me before asking me a question. Thanks to my system and Corta which was integrated into my helmet, I was able to understand and transmit as naturally as possible to the soldiers.

"So how is it on the 8th continent?"


"Ah I see, you don't talk too much eh"

The soldiers began talking to each other while I listened to their conversation while watching the outside of the vehicle. Clean streets, without disorder, is Japan.

After a twenty-minute drive, we arrived in front of a white gate, opening and giving way to large garden and a large building just in front. The cars parked in front of the entrance to the building and everyone got out.

I quickly got out of the vehicle and positioned myself behind Dan, watching every man next to him.

"Welcome to the University of Tokyo! The students are all in class so we will put you directly in your class and you will join me this afternoon in my office to talk in more detail. Enjoy this University, Prince Dan"

Mr.Tomaka it's retired and a secretary came and drove us to the 3rd floor in front of a door named A-1.

"If we calculate well, then its-"


"Come in," replied a cheerful and impatient voice at the same time. The door opened, Dan and I returned, leaving the secretary to leave on her own.

The teacher was stunned when she saw him before regaining her composure. The hall was an amphitheatre that could hold 200 people. Only about 150 students were inside.

"Everyone, this is your new comrade, Prince Dan and his guard, uh..."

"0-17" Dan replied with a smile.

"That's it, 0-17. Please settle near Aneko right here."

Dan settled next to a girl with long pink and elegant hair. She looked at Dan for a few seconds before turning her head. Apparently Dan's red eyes attract a lot of people.

As for me, I climbed to the bottom of the amphitheatre, passing in a row accompanied by the glances of questioning and I turned to the professor, crossing my arms behind my back and waiting. I activated the sound sensors in my armor to better hear what Dan and Aneko were saying.

"Hello, I'm Dan, and you"

"I'm Aneko," she replied a little dryly. Dan smiled awkwardly before focusing on the court. Several people looked at me with stars in eyes, probably because I looked like a Spartan.

2h are quickly pass, the bell rang and Dan came out of the class before someone could even ask him questions. I quickly followed him, leaving a metallic footstep against the ground. We walked through the entire facility to the assistant principal's office, following the signs everywhere.

Dan knocked on the front door inside the room. I enter with him because I had to protect him or rather I was curious, we will not hide it.

"Prince Dan, come, sit down" Dan took a seat while I stood behind him.

"What was that half-day court day like?"

"Pretty good, the atmosphere is rather simpathyque and a lot of people are curious"

"Well, I just want to assign you a room and I wanted to ask you if you had a preference?"

"Yes, if possible a room for me and my guard, that's all"

The assistant manager noted on his notebook before adding a few words: "All right, you can go eat, we'll prepare your room"

Dan answered with a nod to his head before getting up and leaving. I examined the assistant director one last time before I followed Dan. We followed the signs to the canteen. There, countless students eat, talk, laugh and have fun. Quite hectic for a fairly reputable university.

The sound of calmed down pretty quickly and all stares at us before we start talking again. Dan took a few things to eat before settling on a table where there were no people.

Author's note :

Hello guys! New chapter YAY!

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