
The 808

Adam is a normal everyday student on earth 808 the only spectacular thing about him is that he is best friends with a super genius, when one day his friend dies leaving Adam with his prized possession. Sinking into depression Adam is living life day by day when one day everything changes. He becomes a "higher lifeform" changing his life forever. Follow his journey as he finds a new place in this universe.

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Character list (Weekly updates)

Adam Ware (February 17th. 2081)

Species: Human

Spiky black hair, brown eyes, yellow skin, lean muscular build.


height: 178cm

abilities: none

Esel Derêkee The Monarch (past prime)

Species: Woolrich

blue scaled skin, gills, blue eyes with green pupils

age: 467

height: 230cm

abilities: Super strength (150 tons), Super speed(mach 1), foresight (damaged), bloodlust, slight energy manipulation, enhanced senses, split thoughts (minor [3]).

Adam Ware (First Arc)

Species: Meta human

gene: Esel.

Spiky black hair, brown eyes, yellow skin, bulky athletic build, black ink around each wrist. black ink going up both arms.

age: 17

height: 200 cm


Nico Rhodes (First Arc)

Species: Meta human

gene: decco.

curly short black hair, purple eyes, muscular, Twin dragon tattoo on right eyebrow, black ink around each wrist. black ink going up each arm.

age: 17

height: 197 cm
