

"In the heart of a bustling metropolis, where skyscrapers tower over beautiful parks, the underworld of it all thrives under the rule of gangs and corrupt authorities. Within the chaos and the captivating landscape, Two teenage gang leaders, Paul Walker and Nicole Ruby, once inseparable childhood friends, Now find themselves locked in a bitter rivalry fueled by their ambitions, unaware to them of their shared past. But a chance encounter reignites their long-forgotten friendship that was buried within time, by an accidental kiss. As now both of them, Driven by an overwhelming thirst for revenge, they plunge into a dangerous game of prank warfare Navigating through the power and corruption that filled the city, Paul an aggressive and fun-seeking gang leader, struggles to balance his thirst for fun and close friends, with his responsibilities to find his missing brother. while Nicole the obsessive and power-hungry student council president, battles between her desire for her father's love and her mother's expectations, yearns to reconnect with her absent father. Will do everything to get what they want, Their desire, driving them to insanely desperate lengths, regardless of consequences. Caught between loyalty and darkness, Paul confronts his moral compass in a world where danger lurks at every turn throwing him towards the dark side. Yet amidst the chaos, laughter, and adventure thrive for Paul and the six other gang members and closest friends. As stakes rise and loyalties are tested, they'll realize the thin line between innocence and corruption, As Paul and Nicole spiral deeper into a web of vengeance and ambition, The stakes intensify as their personal ambition and hatred threaten to engulf not only just their lives but the fragile balance of power in the city Who will emerge victorious? Will friendship survive, and at what cost? Dive into a tale where opposing forces collide, redefining power and loyalty amidst chaos."

DansNovastories · Action
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13 Chs


The sounds of the city surrounded Paul as he walked down the busy street.

The honking of cars, and the murmur of conversations all formed a sort of symphony, a bustling melody that surrounded the city.


Paul's footsteps echoed on the pavement. As he approached the school, the buildings grew taller and closer together, the streets narrower and the people more numerous. Alen and Lola joined Paul as they walked together.


"Is everything set?" Paul asked calmly.


"Yes, everyone is in their selective school and everything is going as planned. Doesn't seem like a problem might occur anytime soon, don't worry too much bro everything is gonna be fine," Alen replied confidently.


Lola laughed a little, "Come on bro, you scared or something? Don't worry dude we just started the plan anyway, and I'm pretty sure today's gonna be fun," she said, patting Paul on the back.


"Scared? Who the heck do you think I am, I'm extremely chill right now. Since things are going well, let's just do this...


"Day 1 of high school here we come, what could possibly go wrong." Paul said smiling, as they finally stood before the gates of the huge school.


Paul stepped into the over-imposing building of Grand Empire Academy, a renowned institution known worldwide for nurturing scholars and molding future world powers.

It's towering presence and reputation in the city were palpable, and the atmosphere crackled with competition, fostering a sense of rivalry among the students.

One would expect this prestigious school to be a place of excitement for those lucky enough to attend, but an unmistakable intense animosity filled the air as every student understood what it meant to attend that school.


As Paul settled into his classroom, he found himself seated next to an unfamiliar student whose presence wasn't felt by Paul on time.


But when he did...


"What the f**cking hell...?" Paul yelled in shock internally.


Paul couldn't conceal his fury as he glared nonstop at none other than the notorious Nicole.


"You insolent bastard, how could such a lowlife like you get into this school?" Nicole said confusedly as she clenched her fist tightly about to attack. But then she noticed the curious eyes of the other students.


"Shit!! I knew she would be here — after all, she is the supreme student council president, but in this massive big school, how the heck did fate even conspire against me like this and place us in the same class, and worst of all, as seat partners? Aghhhhh," Paul yelled internally, feeling super displeased.


Meanwhile, Nicole was grappling with her own concerns;


"How did he end up here? I'm worried he might reveal what happened that night, or use the info wrongly. If he does, my life at Empire Academy could be in ruins… I must find a way to stop him at all costs," she said internally.


The teacher came in, as soon after the first ever class began.




Throughout the first class, shivers went through the other classmates' spines as both Nicole and Paul's blood lust could not be dialed down.


Throughout the first day of school, after classes where over and lunch time was on, a silent war was waged between Paul and Nicole as they attempted to outmaneuver each other, both knowing that the revelation of their shared secret could have dire consequences.


With Nicole's continuous attempt to abduct Paul and Paul's unweaving attempt to avoid trouble, their school became a battleground of an unknown war throughout the massive Halls of the school.


On the roof of the school, his feet planted firmly on the concrete. The sky stretched out above, a vast expanse of blue sky. The wind whipped around, ruffling his hair and a chill down his spine.


Paul finally escaped onto the rooftop of the building.


"Darn it, of all people, it had to be me this had to happen to… Well, I'll just have to wait here till class starts again, it really is beautiful up here," he said, taking a deep breath.


"Well well well, finally caught you," a dark figure said as the roof door opened slowly.


Immediately Paul noticed Nicole and swiftly moved for a kick.


"Shit, how did she find me, I just have to attack her for a little while and escape when she's off guard," Paul said internally as Nicole blocked it with the staff that she was hiding behind her back.

She wasn't able to negate the impact, but skillfully maneuvered her way out of it as it could have still been very fatal, she then went for a punch after partially avoiding Paul's attack .


BANG! At that moment Paul's face got close to Nicole's face but he was pushed backward when he blocked the punch.


The shock of getting close to her face left Paul with a blank gaze, as somewhere within Paul's mind something locked up ruptured open, as a once vague memory became clear.




The beautiful view of a soft and warm sunset from the footing of a cliff close by a ocean view, the blissful feel of an evening wind complemented with the calming smells of various flowers.

All in perfect harmony with the angelic voice of the little girl standing in front of little Paul.


"Hey Paul, just make sure you don't forget about me alright? And don't worry too much… it will only be a week's travel and I'll be back alright? so don't cry, unless you want me to keep calling you a weakling huh," the little girl said, giggling.


"hey don't call me that again, and I'm sure a few weeks is not that much, as long as you give me something in return, I will think about it," little Paul said, smirking.


The little girl smiled. "Alright then, let's see what I can give, hmmm, huh huh" She picked a piece of paper and pen and wrote, "ok then take this," the little girl said as she gave Paul the note.


Paul, on reading it, burst into laughter "Huh, ok ok then since you still can't let go of that big ego of yours, it has been decided now. Next time we meet our 100th prank war shall begin, just don't forget alright?" Paul said still smiling.


"Hey Nicole let's go we don't want to miss our flight" a bold tall figure from the back yelled out. "Ok dad I'm coming now" little Nicole yelled back.


"Come on what do you take me for? I could never forget you alright, I got to go now see you later alright" Nicole said as she skipped away with a massive smile on her face.


"Bye" Paul whispered, as he watched his dearest friend walking far away from him, her smile radiating as a bright sun, so calming it make you want to see it every day in your life as Paul was seen gazing at it, as the world started immediately revolving around the teardrops trickling down Paul's little face as the flashback stopped with a tear dropping off Paul's face.




Back to the present time, at the towering height of the rooftop, Nicole is confused as to the tears falling on the ground from Paul's face, "Hey, you, I need to talk to you about something important so get up."


"Ha ha ha ha, I remember it all now. Because of you, I waited and waited and waited and waited… Because of you, although I was going through the worst moments of my life, although I was just a freaking kid, I didn't lose hope because I knew you wouldn't break a promise. But now I'm not even sure you remember that day at all." Paul yelled out filled with frustration.


"November 25, 2007, do you remember what you forgot? That day, standing on a hill waiting for you." On the rooftop, a cold voice sounded.


"How the hell would I know, and how does it even concern you?" Nicole said in response.


"Oooh I see, ha ha ha ha ha ha…" Paul burst into a scary laughter. " I knew it, you forgot huh. Well if that's the case I don't care, I'm still gonna keep my promise" his voice sounded broken. From somewhere he produced a piece of paper and gave a deadly bow.


"I declare the worst prank war you will ever experience… starting today, I will make you relive hell over and over again." Paul said grinning wildly, his eyes cold.


"What the heck, he really is this crazy, regardless of his status who would believe whatever he says with that crazy look in his eyes, I'm just wasting myself worrying about him," Nicole said Internally


"What the heck have you been murmuring about?" Nicole said confused and pissed, and then the school bell rang. "Well I don't have time for all this bloody nonsense" Nicole said as she walked away, down the roof stairs leaving Paul standing alone on the roof.


"You have no right to reject this request, I suffered silently because I had to wait, and my family broke down because I foolishly trusted you… No more waiting," Paul murmured to himself, leaning backward and looking at the clouds.


"Shit I forgot to still warn him… No, even if I did so, the way he just acted shows more how dangerous and crazy he is," she hissed.


"How unlucky of you, because of that kiss now I will have no choice but to misuse my powers as the supreme student council president to make your life miserable now, just prepare because…" Nicole said walking downstairs.


"Because you forgot our promise," Paul said and his tone deepened.


"I will do every insane thing in my power to make you suffer… till you have no choice but to leave this school" with a smoldering rage in their eyes, both Paul and Nicole yelled internally.




Paul stood there staring at the sky, torn between the lure of a fun, peaceful school life, with everything going as planned,


and the looming fear that Nicole's mere presence would end up proving a massive problem ahead.


Grappling with conflicting emotions with a desire for playful mischief clashing against the belief that Nicole's presence was a turmoil to his happiness,


his heart raced with the urge to seek revenge,


an idea rooted in a misguided belief that it was the only way to reclaim his fun-filled life.


As he watches the clouds pass by a small voice whispers,


questioning whether vengeance is truly the path to freedom from this turmoil.


Paul wrestles with these conflicting thoughts, torn between the pursuit of joy and the thirst for revenge,


unsure which path would ultimately lead him to the fun he craved.


"He he he he…" Paul grinned mischievously, falling unto the ground as laughter consumed him, as vengeance won.

It begins now, he he

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