
25) Helix of Gondul

The valkyrie slowly opened up its wings and delicately stepped to the ground, like a feather falling on still water. It had chains around its arm, dangling to the floor, and a shiny helix earring on each of its ears.

"So I'm assuming you know what I did to your sisters. Don't you feel even a tiny bit depressed?" Furōkawa said to try to get a rise out of the spirit.

"Of course I know human. We are all connected, and you defile our honor by wearing our heirlooms."

They both began circling around the center of the large cellar. Furōkawa dropped Onamazu onto the ground, and the liquid metal started transforming into the large bladed axe. Its friction against the ground flickered green sparks. The valkyrie's light faded to a very low dim, showing that something happened.




'No way Emilia is calling me right now! I can't pick up!!' Furōkawa ignored the call while focusing on the valkyrie, not daring to even blink. 'Obviously, something about this one is different. I need to be cautious..'

"I can feel the weariness behind your eyes. Ready yourself human."

Furōkawa smirked nervously for a little bit, then immediately regaining his composure. Despite the new training he underwent, a more confident valkyrie was intimidating, but Furōkawa was aware of the importance of exorcising the curse.

Furō slammed his right palm on the ground and the ring lit up, making tons of spears stab out the ground towards the Valkyrie.

'It's gonna jump..!'

He attempted to predict that the curse would oblige his guess, but to his surprise, it stayed still while the spears approached its body.

"Puny human."

The valkyrie started to glow brightly and released a pulse of energy that popped all the spears like cold grapes. When it reached Furō, the oddest sensation rummaged through his body, and suddenly he lost a bit of control of his CE.

A whip then latched onto Furō's hand that was on the ground and was yanked towards the valkyrie. It raised its foot super high in the air, and when Furō was right below the stepping point, it dropped the hammer.

Right before contact, he put his hand up and caught the foot, holding it up slightly above his face.

"Oh? Maybe you aren't half bad." The valkyrie said with a slightly playful tone.

"You haven't seen anything!"

Furō pushed the foot upwards and did a reverse summersault into a kick to the chin, which the valkyrie dodged by a hair. He then hopped up and started doing taekwondo movements and kicks at the valkyrie.




The sound of kicks towards the valkyrie's armor could be heard all throughout the cellar.

'I still can't seem to grasp my CE control at its peak, and not to mention this whip hurts a lot!'

He kicked up Onamazu from behind him, gripped the long handle with both hands very tightly, and swung it extremely hard towards the spirit. A silhouette of a slice passed right through the valkyrie's arm that it used to block the attack, splitting it open.


The valkyrie looked inside of its arm and studied the wound a bit before its wings opened up and started floating gently.

"You've inflicted noticeable damage. I can see how my sisters lost to you, but this is as far as you will get with me."

It opened both of its wings and a plethora of sharp blades slowly hovered all around the valkyrie and pointed towards Furō.

"Uh oh.." Furō said while smiling nervously with his eyes wide open. He immediately crossed his arms over his face and upper torso to block the damage the best he could.

Next, a flurry of blades shot towards Furō, cutting up his uniform and drawing blood from all over his body. Within the flurry, the valkyrie appeared right in front Furō, grapped his face with one hand, and uppercutted him with the other. Furōkawa crashed right through the ceiling of the cellar and ended up in the main chamber again.

"Holy…" he said while coughing up blood and massaging his gut. Furō looked around and realized this was in the main chamber and under no circumstance should the valkyrie be let outside if they aren't already there.

The valkyrie slowly flapped its wings to the main chamber level and looked around quietly.

"Ah, its been millennia since I've seen this place. Ever since that two faced freak wreaked havoc on Japan.. Even after all these years, I can still sense his presence."

"Two faces..?"

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you don't know of him, but it isn't my responsibility to tell you either."

The valkyrie then grabbed Furō by the neck and threw him out the door. He slid outside, falling back on the short staircase. The rain soaked his uniform and hair, which he moved out of his face.

"Bonus objective failed I guess." He got up slowly and turned Onamazu back into its oar form.

Lightning struck the moment the valkyrie walked slowly outside, with its face showing no expression besides its default statue look.

'I can feel our output returning, but will I be able to release my attacks while its raining?'

The valkyrie dashed towards Furō and started tagging him with boxing blows against Onamazu. A combination of high and low punches were traded between them in the storm, but obviously the valkyrie had the edge during the encounter.

After a few more exchanges, Furōkawa parried an incoming fist and reached his right hand on the valkyrie's hip.

He welled up his cursed energy and gripped the valkyrie harder until it cracked.

Before the valkyrie could really react to the pain from the corrosive cursed energy, it was grabbing Furōkawa's throat, aiming to crush it before he could do anything else. However, the burning sensation was too much for even the stone cold statue, so it let go.

As it kicked off of Furō and grabbed the broken down side of its body, it realized an entirely different issue.

Furō looked up to the valkyrie smiling with one of its earrings in his mouth. The valkyrie stared in silence.