
The 5 Guardian heroes

Guys, This story is about Jackson and his friends how they teleport in a new world to protect from a Devil and his underlings. You will find great Action, Mystery and some sad stories in this story. I hope you will enjoy my story my story writing style is a bit different but it get better and better after every volume. My story is divided into 6 arcs which is 1) Benderlin Kingdom arc. 2) Mages Assassination arc. 3) The Third War of Apocalypse war arc. 4) Post war arc. 5) Zheo Kingdom arc. 6) Final arc. If you find any mistake in story please tell me so that i can improve and i am not from a native English country so there can be some grammatical mistakes Book Cover credit: Ananya Chauhan

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The most versatile weapon

Jackson use 'Triple shield crusher' and Hera got hit by that after that he use 'Rock dragon' but she use 'Dynamic crusher' and crush the whole rock dragon. Jackson says "I have to use combat techniques to defeat her". Jackson start punching Hera, Jackson is using his shield to block Hera's punches and using his other hand and legs to attack her he throw his shield like a shuriken towards Hera but she dodge it, and she told him that you aiming is not good. Jackson thinks in mind "I have to keep her busy". Jackson and Hera start punches each other, he use uppercut on Hera and she got hit by that punch after that he kick on her stomach and by that kick she fly 10 meter away, Jackson shield was not in his hands the shield was in the air when he throw it towards her, Jackson says "right time, shield return" the shield which was in the air return towards him and Hera got hit on her nape. Hera told him that he cannot defeat her by these cheap tricks. Jackson use 'triple shield crusher' Hera was quicker than Jackson and she punch Jackson by 'Eternity destruction punch' before those three shield hit her after that she use 'demon kick' and kick him in his stomach, Jackson says "she is more stronger than my expectation, Ground manipulation: ground giants" Jackson create 20 giants made up of rocks, Hera use her telekinesis power and started to throw those giants on Jackson, he got shocked that his giants are in her control she throw one giant on him, but he dodge that after that she throw all the 19 giants on him the giants height were 10 meters and weight 350 kg some giants hit him but he didn't get injured, after that Hera throw some soldiers which was riding on the horse and some of her dark soldiers towards Jackson, they was so much that he got hit by them, from that he didn't get any hurt but many people were on him, and he didn't want to throw these people because in these people there are his soldiers also. Hera says "I will crush you body" suddenly Jackson start flying in the air, she is using her to power to levitate Jackson in the air, she start crushing Jackson's body by using her telekinesis power she was applying a very huge amount of pressure and force on his body, suddenly some cracking sound came from Jackson's body he shout in pain, she broke Jackson's both hands and legs bones, Jackson was feeling so much pain, Hera say "I have already crush your hands and legs bone and now I will crush your backbone and make it powder" Jackson is still levitating in the air, he throw his shield towards Hera, she hit by the shield and she leave Jackson and he come on ground.

Hera use 'Demon combat' and she start punching Jackson, she punch him on his face and his stomach after that she kick him on his neck after that he fall on ground. Jackson speaks in low voice and says "You leave me no choice, 100 neonal weapon aura" Jackson body start healing but something was happening to his body, Hera use 'Demon fist' on Jackson but her punch didn't affect him. Hera got shocked to see Jackson as his whole body was covered with small shields he was looking like a 'pangolin' his shields were looking like the scales of pangolin, he also shocked to see his own transformation. Hera says "how can he got that power up". Jackson all injures were healed, she use "demon combat" on him but he was not getting any damage, her punches and kicks were no longer have affecting him. Hera got shocked to see that her punches are not affecting him. Jackson told her that these punches will not work on him and he punch Hera on her face that punch was so brutal that by that punch Hera's some skull bones got damaged she was lying on the ground. Jackson says "finally I have defeated her, let's make a nickname of this form; 'Ground Guardian' this name is perfect for me". Hera stands up and told Jackson that she is not dead yet she again tries crush Jackson's body she levitate Jackson in the air and put very huge amount of pressure and force but her attack didn't able to crush even a single shield on Jackson's body by seeing that she drop Jackson from the height of 10 km even after that Jackson didn't get any major damage he was standing there, after that he straighten his hand and suddenly many shields start coming from his hands, his shield was like scales of Pangolin, the shields were coming in a very high speed of 200km/h the shields were continuously hitting Hera face by the continues hitting of shields Hera's jaw got damaged and blood was coming from her mouth, Jackson stop his shield throw and says "this is your end, Rock dragon" the Rock dragon came from the main shields 'Aegis' which was on Jackson's chest. The rock Dragon was so big that he take Hera's body in his mouth and start chewing her body with his sharp teeth and after some time he threw her from mouth. Hera whole body has holes on it and she was covered in blood she say in a very low voice "I am going to die but I will use my last amount of energy; Eternity destruction punch"

Hera collect all the energy inside her and punch Jackson but it doesn't affect him and after using the full energy she fall on ground.

Zagred was very angry to see his mages die like this he says "damn it, how! How! the heroes are defeating my mages one after another, and that useless Hera is getting defeated by that shield hero, I think I have to give my dark power to Hera also" he give his some dark power to Hera, at battlefield that dark energy from Zagred go inside Hera's body Jackson says "what is this dark energy".

Zagred start talking to Hera through telepathy he says "Hera, I have given you my power so that you can go in 'Full demon mode' you have to kill Jackson and bring his shield, his shield is very important for me and you have only 25 minutes after that you will die" Hera says "Lord Zagred I will not disappoint you" she unlock Full demon mode, when she unlock it her 50 % injuries healed. Jackson says "now, this will be the fight between two equal person". Hera throw a huge piece of rock towards Jackson but Jackson roll himself like a ball and defend himself. After that they both start punching each other with full power. Hera says "you are covered with shields, it means you have power but you didn't have speed". Hera increase her speed of punches and Jackson can't do anything because of his weight he was getting punches from Hera on his face.

Hera- I will end this right now, I will attack on your head because there is no shield that is covering your head and this attack will burst your head.

Hera kick Jackson with 'Eternity destruction kick' on his face and punch on his skull Jackson step back few steps so much blood is coming from Jackson's head. Jackson says "you are strong, but giving your life for a devils is a bad idea, and you will regret that". Hera kick Jackson but he block her kick with his hand. Jackson told her that Zagred is using her and punch her with "Ground guardian punch" Hera got hit by Jackson's punch and by that punch her jaw and some teeth got broken. He says "this will end this fight prepare yourself". Jackson start running towards Hera in a very high speed of 500 km/h she counter this attack with Eternity destruction punch and use her full power, Jackson overcome Hera's power and hit her with his body shields and when he hit her it create a huge impact and he crushes Hera's body with this attack. Hera fall on ground because her leg bones were become into very small pieces, Jackson was standing he says "finally, I have defeated you, I have told you that working for evil is bad". Hera was saying that she can't de again and again then he remember her past at age 7 everywhere there was war going on Hera was with her mother her mother was bleeding from everywhere, an unknown man came with Zagred he says "Lord Zagred, see she is left and she is with her mother, let's kill her". Zagred come near Hera, she stands up and told Zagred to go from here and leave her mother, Zagred see anger in Hera's eyes he told that unknown man to kill her mother but leave Hera, Zagred faint Hera by his power and take her with him that unknown man kill Hera's mother. That Unknown man ask Zagred that how he will use her, Zagred says "I will erase her memory and give her powers and make her a powerful mage".

Hera remember her memories she says "I remember my memories, that was Zagred who kill my mother when there was war in our Echilista Kingdom and he erase my memories, and I was working for him for so many years" she start crying. Hera says "shield hero, I have a request; please kill Zagred for me I request you, please" she join her hands and ask request from Jackson, he hold her hands and says "I promise you that, I will kill Zagred and make this world happy".

Morris came to fight with Corvus he see that Cathreen was fighting with him in the air but he cannot see Lawrence. Cathreen was asking Corvus about Where is Lawrence? Corvus teleport himself and punch on her face and she fall on ground and he says "you want to know where is he, I can send you there"