
The 5 Guardian heroes

Guys, This story is about Jackson and his friends how they teleport in a new world to protect from a Devil and his underlings. You will find great Action, Mystery and some sad stories in this story. I hope you will enjoy my story my story writing style is a bit different but it get better and better after every volume. My story is divided into 6 arcs which is 1) Benderlin Kingdom arc. 2) Mages Assassination arc. 3) The Third War of Apocalypse war arc. 4) Post war arc. 5) Zheo Kingdom arc. 6) Final arc. If you find any mistake in story please tell me so that i can improve and i am not from a native English country so there can be some grammatical mistakes Book Cover credit: Ananya Chauhan

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Eldrul's fate

At Zagred's castle Eldrul was tied in ropes and he was on his knees Zagred was standing in front of him he says "There you are, my old enemy 'Eldrul the shield hero', it's been a long time I haven't seen you I thought you were dead but I was wrong".

Eldrul- you are a coward, you have captured me secretly and now you are going to kill me. I was a coward when I left the battlefield in the 2nd war of Apocalypse, but now I will not do it again I will not run away.

In Zheo kingdom castle, two man were walking in the castle those two are thunder wizard and Earth wizard. Thunder wizard says "Lord Zagred has tell us that the heroes has come, now we can have a great fight right Ground wizard Marcus".

Marcus- yes, thunder wizard Benerld, Levillen has destroyed Benderlin kingdom with Lord Zagred that's why heroes has come to take revenge.

Benerld- Lord Zagred always take Levillen with him, what is Levillen showing to us that he is stronger than us, today I will challenge him.

Zagred- let's execute you in front of the heroes.

Eldrul- if you want to execute me, then do it but one thing you set in your mind that the one who is going to be killed in the end is you Zagred and the heroes will kill you.

Zagred- I will kill them after your death.

Eldrul smile he says "I bet my life, they will come and kill you". Benerld and Marcus came in Zagred's room.

Benerld- Eldrul, don't be so confident, we will kill them.

Marcus- Aedin and Laguna are not here where are they.

Benerld look at Levillen he talk to him rudely he says "you Levillen you think you are more powerful than me, than I challenge you for a fight".

Levillen- we will fight some other day, already I have defeated you 5 times and everyone know the result so there no point in fighting.

Benerld get very angry on him and told him that this time he will defeat him, Zagred stop them from fighting. Suddenly Laguna and Aedin come's in room.

Benerld got very happy by seeing Laguna he rush towards her to hug her but she ignore him she run towards Levillen and hug him in happiness.

Laguna- you came Levillen, I miss you so much.

Levillen- okay now stop hugging me.

Levillen say calmly.

Benerld- that Levillen, he stole my Laguna, I will kill you bastard.

Marcus- Benerld, stop being jealous from Levillen.

Zagred- wizard don't fight, today we are going to execute our old enemy Eldrul in front of heroes are you ready wizards.

All the wizards get ready for the execution of Eldrul.

At heroes, all the heroes were very tired as they cannot find Zagred's castle.

Jackson- Commander where is Zagred's castle.

Commander Bryant- Jackson, to enter in the castle you need to have Zagred dark energy to enter.

Cathreen- It means you are key for us to enter in the castle.

Commander Bryant- yes, you are right and you can enter only one time because after you enter in the castle I will die.

Morris- why?

Commander Bryant- because, my most of the organs are damaged but don't worry I will help you.

Sophia- wait, see there is a child let's ask him about this country.

Lawrence- but we not have time.

Sophia- see that child is coming here.

Child- hey, if you have any money please give me, I need to cure my little sister.

Jackson- hey, kid what happen to your sister.

The child fall on the ground on knees.

Cathreen- are you alright Child what ka your name and where you live.

Child- my name is 'Yash' and I live there in a small house I need money to cure my little sister she has a high fever.

Sophia- let's go to his house.

Lawrence- but we don't have time, they will execute Eldrul.

Sophia- only for few minutes we can help this boy.

Morris- she is saying right.

At the child house.

Commander Bryant- so she is your sister.

His sister was lying on the ground.

Jackson- Yash, where are your parents.

Yash start crying.

Yash- I don't have my parents.

Sophia- why, Yash.

Yash- they are dead because, Zagred kill them.

Lawrence- why Zagred kill your parents.

Yash- he suddenly got angry I week before he came outside of his castle and start shouting 'I lost the war' and he killed half people of Zheo kingdom's.

Morris- that Zagred bastard how can he that much merciless.

Yash- he doesn't need to kill them because, they were already going to die because of hunger and thirst.

Cathreen- why, Yash.

Yash- my mother told me that: when Zagred here in this kingdom we barely got anything to eat my all elder brother and sister died because of hunger I am the second youngest child of my parents. My mother told me that whenever someone born in this kingdom he died in 2 years because of hunger all my 10 brother and sister die after 2 years and I am the only one alive in my family, I only have my younger sister and I want to cure her immediately, so please help me.

All heroes start crying.

Jackson wipe his tears and put his hand on Yash head and says " Yash, you like your sister very much".

Yash- yes.

Jackson- Yash, promise me that you will not die, you will live.

Yash- yes, I will live.

Jackson- I will also promise you that I will cure your sister and she will be smiling today, yeah heroes.

All the heroes say 'yes'. Heroes give him some food and water and after that they head towards Zagred's castle.

Commander Bryant- Heroes only few meters.

Heroes move 50 meters.

Commander Bryant- there it is the entrance of Zagred's castle, I will use Zagred power and you can see the castle.

Suddenly Commander Bryant stop talking.

Jackson- what happen Commander Bryant.

Jackson put Commander Bryant on ground.

Morris- Commander Bryant, why are you not talking.

Commander Bryant- I am sorry I think I am going to die but I will not die until I sent you to Zagred castle.

Commander Bryant was going to open the castle's entrance but he died before opening the entrance.

Morris- no! Commander Bryant.

Morris shout.

Sophia- now, how will we enter in the castle.

Suddenly many dark clouds appear in front of the heroes.

Cathreen- what are these dark clouds.

Lawrence- I think this is the Zagred castle.

A castle appear in front of them. Zagred and wizards appear in the castle execution platform.

Morris- look there is Zagred and he have Eldrul.

Zagred- there you are heroes, dark soldiers come out from the ground and kill them.

Some dark soldiers came from the ground and they start attacking them.

Lawrence- look like we don't have any choice.

Morris- let's ready to kill them.

Sophia- look like Zagred is going to kill Eldrul, we need to kill them fast.

Jackson- rock dragon.

Lawrence- lighting strike.

Morris- Fire slash.

Sophia- Waterfall thrust.

Cathreen- Cluster of Hercules arrows.

All heroes kill the dark soldiers in one attack.

Laguna- they got some powers.

Benerld- it will be interesting.

Marcus- I think we are going to have a hard match.

Zagred- they have trained them so much.

Eldrul- you see Zagred they will kill you like this.

Jackson- we are here to take Eldrul and to kill Zagred and his wizards.

All the heroes run towards execution platform but the wizards got in their way.

Levillen- you can't go any farther from here , Fire beam.

Levillen shoot fire beam on Jackson but Morris push him and block that beam by his axe.

Morris- you all go forward I will handle him.

Laguna- We are also here.

Marcus- let's go and kill all the heroes.

Aedin- hey! You bow girl be my girlfriend.

Cathreen- what sorry, because I have given my heart to someone else.

Aedin- if you cannot be my girlfriend I will kill you.

Cathreen- try it.

All the wizards is fighting with the heroes Levillen is fighting with Morris, Benerld with Lawrence, Laguna with Sophia, Aedin with Cathreen and Marcus with Jackson.

Eldrul- see Zagred all the heroes came to kill you this time you will be dead.

Eldrul shout and told them to kill the wizards.

Zagred- you have say too much, you are going to die.

Jackson- yeah, we will defeat them.

Jackson see Eldrul he see that Zagred has stab his finger inside Eldrul's chest he died on the spot. When Eldrul die every hero got tears in their eyes.

Zagred- one problem is finished now next problem is you heroes.

Jackson- Zagred what is your true intention.

Zagred- my true intention is that I am collecting this planet energy to get more powerful I will take this planet 'Zenton' energy and after taking it's energy I will go to Earth and take it's energy and after that I will be immortal but to sustain that power inside my body I need your shield 'Aegis' if I have your shield my durability will increase and after that my body can handle any power.

Lawrence- you think that you can conquer our Earth like this we will kill you here, now we have another option to kill you now we have to fight not for this planet but for our planet Earth also are you ready guys.

Jackson- you are saying correct Lawrence.

Zagred- you will kill me when you will be alive. I will send you to a different place where you have to fight with my wizards it will be one on one battle and who will be left in the end have to fight me, it is like a game, teleportation beam.

The beam hit all the heroes and they got teleported to another place.

Jackson- that's not fair Zagred, I will kill you, everyone please be alive we will kill Zagred together.

All heroes say 'yes' to Jackson.

At Sophia she was lying on ground she wakes up and said "where I am? , where is that wizard?" suddenly Laguna came in front of her and said "are you searching for me, I am here the water wizard, I am your opponent".