
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Action
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75 Chs

Battle within the Bloodline

On the beach, Nika could be seen returning from a mission in the jungle, leading a group of approximately 10 individuals, their garments stained with both their own blood and that of the defeated beast. Upon their arrival at the Wall, the party tended to their injuries, while Nika proceeded to the dormitory within the walls. Upon reaching a specific door, she knocked, encountering complete silence. A red-haired woman approached Nika in response.

"If you're looking for that guy named Kai, he is not here; he was dispatched to a military mission," the woman said.

"Astrid is nice to see you again" Nika responded.

"Can I ask you what the deal is with that guy? When he arrived he was about the level of a low to mid B rank yet in just a week or so he had the aura of a High A rank" astrid asked.

Nika responded with a smile to the comment about Kai, acknowledging his remarkable qualities. However, the mystery surrounding Kai's exceptional nature remained unknown to others.

"He's just that exceptional genius some say" Nika said while shrugging.

Astrid, however, retained her skepticism, holding the view that geniuses are not inherently born but rather shaped through intentional cultivation. This perspective fueled her particular interest in Kai.

Observing Astrid's persistent disbelief, Nika refrained from divulging the truth, opting instead to respond with laughter, understanding the complexity of the situation. Nika, bound by directives from higher authorities, was prohibited from revealing the genuine status of Kai and his friends.

Nika gestured a farewell with a wave of her hand, signaling her departure. Directing her steps towards the medical bay, she observed Cain engaged in conversation within one of the rooms. His dialogue partner was a young adult with striking black hair, a remarkable physique, and penetrating gray eyes. Detecting an unusual aura about the man, Nika couldn't shake a sense of intrigue.

Observing the doctor on the verge of entering the room, Nika intervened, halting his progress. She sought clarification about the individual in question, expressing her curiosity and interest in understanding more about the person engaged in conversation with Cain.

"Who is that guy Doctor?" She asked.

"We actually don't know but his name is Akashi" The doctor responded, yet his demeanor suggested a degree of concealment, implying that there were aspects of the situation he chose not to disclose.

"Is there anything unusual about him?" Nika asked, making it difficult for the doctor to keep silent.

Cain exited the room just as the Doctor was about to speak, his expression turning stern upon noticing Nika's presence.

"What is Captain Nika doing here?" He asked.

"Nothing much, just passing through to check on my colleagues," she said as she started to walk again.

Nika discerned a noticeable shift in Cain's behavior, prompting concerns about a concealed matter. His demeanor, suggesting possession of unique information, unsettled her. Aware of Cain's interest in Kai, Nika felt compelled to prevent any proximity between them.

Nika had developed a deep affinity for Kai, akin to that of a protective older sibling. The instinct to safeguard him permeated her thoughts daily. Unbeknownst to her, Kai was on the verge of encountering significant peril, or potentially instigating it himself.

Kai proceeded towards the tower with a trail of lifeless bodies behind him, their forms marked by blood. His body underwent a profound transformation, characterized by an obsidian hue akin to charcoal, and his once mundane fingernails now manifested as incendiary claws.

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma]

[High Rank A]

[Race: Hound]

[Level 40] (5,120,000/25,000,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Defense +20]

[Strength: 101] (+10)

[Stamina: 105] (+8)

[Dexterity: 120] (+15)

[Control: 75%]

[Fatigue: 0%]

[Sanity 20%]

[Free Stat Points: 0]

Kai experienced a notable enhancement in his physical condition as the Mythic energy surged through his body, augmenting both his sensory perception and overall capabilities, even before any formal leveling up occurred.

As Kai approached the tower, the system generated a new quest for him. However, he remained oblivious to its existence, displaying a lack of engagement with the assigned task.

<New Mega Quest>

<Initiate the mission to eliminate malevolent tower and neutralize any obstacles encountered during process.< p>

(Optional) Save Suro Ring.


Instant boost of level to 50>

Kai, exhibiting feral agility, sprinted towards the tower, forcefully shattering the glass doors upon entry. Encounter with additional guards in the lobby proved futile, as he swiftly incapacitated all opposition within the lobby and proceeded to ascend to the second floor.

Upon reaching the second floor, Kai identified the instigator of the problem: his father, Rick Hellbound, referred to as "The Destroyer."

Kai's gaze intensified with vivid red luminescence upon sighting his father, Rick Hellbound, who wore a provocative smile. As memories surged through Kai's consciousness, an escalating anger became evident.

"Do you continue to dwell on past events?" Rick said.

Kai's canine protrusion extended, seemingly mirroring the manifestation of his escalating anger, while his aura underwent a discernible intensification. The mythical energy began converging within him as Kai's [Super Charged] skill initiated.