
The Reaping(lol)

The Reaping(lol)


Sophie Hunter

I have been digging through my closet since I got home from school, and Now my clothes are all over the floor. My shoes are tossed everywhere. My desk is covered with jewelry, half is Walmart clearance jewelry. The expensive ones are gifts from my family and my friends. The best thing I could find was a black dress with maroon lace. I find a garnet pendant shaped like a heart. My heels are White like freshly fallen snow. I don't like heels, but I am going to wear them for this event.

I try my hardest to apply mascara but as soon as I look in the mirror I wipe it off immediately. I apply maroon colored lipstick. I also apply white eyeshadow. I don't need to add blush, I have a natural blush. I check myself out in the mirror. It looks amazing. I add the final touch, my black glasses. As for my hair I keep it down.

John Henderson

To be perfectly honest, my floor is a horrible mess. My clothes are all over the floor. Shoes thrown so far that they even landed onto my bed.

I find a white shirt and a black and a pair of black pants. I also found a pair of black shoes from last year's prom.

Car Ride

Sophie Hunter

My mom is nagging. She says over and over again that my dress is to simple . I should have worn last year's prom dress. At least I have something on.

The rest of the ride is silent. The Tension in the air is uncomfortable. There's a stiffness in the air. My thoughts toss and turn like a person that can't sleep. When I finally land on a thought, it is on my dad and my grandma. Would either of them like my dress? They would not want to miss this event. Would they be proud of me if I got picked?

My dad died last year of lung cancer. It has been hitting my mom harder. She never fully recovered from the heart break. I have been hit hard. I really miss him!

When we finally arrive my mom tries to force me to sit with her. Honestly I almost did. I choose not to.

I sneak to sit with my friends. Heather Person waves me over to sit with her. She is sitting with Anna Persaw, Jackson Lord.

John Henderson

My mom will not shut the fuck up.

"You look so handsome sweetheart"

I honestly wish she would stop talking. This is torture. I can barely hear my own thoughts. She is talking about the last time this happened.

It was a long and cruel car. When we finally arrive I make a break to go sit with my friends. Jake Person, Betty Johnston and Sarah Marvin.

The Reaping(lol)

Sophie Hunter

I smooth my dress. I look at mom. She is already crying. I want to go sit with her and hold her, tell her it will be okay. I want to go over there and comfort her.

The ones who get picked from the fish bowls will have an opportunity to become king and queen. Everybody says it is lucky to be picked but I personally don't think that.

An older woman walks onto the stage. She is kind of short and kind of skinny. She is entirely gray. I feel so bad for her.

"Hello folks I am Amy Adams and I will be selecting the names today."

She points to two fish bowls

"These are where I will be selecting from"

"This bowl is for the lovely ladies in the crowd today"to the right

"This bowl is for the handsome gentleman in the crowd" to the left

"Ladies first "

I honestly want to grab mom and run. I still sit there waiting for the death sentence this is.

She walks slowly to the fish bowl. When she gets there she closes her eyes as if praying to get a particular girl. I look over at Heather and she has the same look. She probably rigid it so that she can be picked. Even though she could never survive and to be honest I would not be able to either.

She stuffs her hand into the fish bowl with her other hand behind her back with her fingers crossed. When she finally pulls out the piece of paper. It is folded and it kind of looks like the one that I put in. I hope it is not mine. She takes a deep breath as if she is trying to stay calm.

She opens her eyes and unfolds the paper. Her smile fades, she almost looks like she is panicking. She looks at Heather and mouths the word "sorry". She puts her hands on her head and looks at heather and that's all I need to confirm that she rigged the reaping but who did she pick for a guy. I just do not want to make her mad.

"Sophie Hunter"

She whimpers at first then she says it louder so that everyone can hear. Heather glares at me. Anna glares too and the only kind response is from jackson. He gives me a thumbs up and mouths telling me to" go up there and that he is so proud of me". Weirdly Heather and Anna do not look at him.

I climb through the crowd and yes I do get a few but slaps and weirdly enough a wink. What used to be a happy crowd goes silent almost as if they did not want me to be picked and to be honest, I did not want to be picked either.

It really hurts to be hated by a ton of people. It kind of feels like I failed to do something.I feel unwanted, unloved.

I look at my mom and she is crying tears of joy. She is finally proud of me. That's one of the only things that brings me to walk to the stage so I do not disappoint her.

I look at John and oddly blush. He is kind of cute. He is kind to everyone and he is always happy. It's almost like he is blushing too. I hope he is.

"Now it's time for the handsome gentlemen in the crowd"

It looks like she is looking for a miracle like me being picked was a test that she failed and that she can not fail this time or she will fail her entire life.

She walks so slowly over to the bowl praying for a miracle. When she finally gets there she closes her eyes to pray. She puts her hand in the fish bowl and grabs a paper. She opens it and it looks like she has failed once again. She says his name quietly at first but then says it loud enough for everyone to hear.

"John Henderson"

Nobody is happy about either of us being picked, what they do not understand is that so are we. I can not take the looks of disappointment on their faces. My face turns bright red and I bury my face and my hands too embarrassed to even look at the crowd, to look at him. Worst of all I do not know why I am even blushing. I force myself to pull my head out of my hands but I do not look at the crowd and try not to look at John. that last one is nearly impossible.

We are forced to shake hands. My hands are shaking and they are sweaty. It is almost like I am nervous to shake his hand.

John Henderson

Me and my friends could have talked for minutes even hours if we were allowed to. The only thing that could interrupt us was the reaping and it did.

It was boring up until it was not and to be honest I can not pinpoint when it was. Was it when I was picked or when she was picked I honestly do not know.

A gray haired lady walks onto the stage. She is kind of short and she looks kind of worried.

"Hello folks I am Amy Adams and I will be selecting the names today."

She points to two fish bowls

"These are where I will be selecting from"

"This bowl is for the lovely ladies in the crowd today"to the right

"This bowl is for the handsome boys in the crowd" to the left

"Ladies first "

She walks there slowly as she wants to pick one person in particular. When she gets there she closes her eyes as if she is praying for a miracle. She reaches her hand into the fish bowl and pulls out a folded piece of paper. It is folded like she does not want anyone to open it even though it is going to happen. She unfolds and looks inside and her facial expression immediately changes and not for the good.

I look over to Sophie and see how she is panicking and I want to go over there and tell her everything will be okay.

At first she is quiet but then she gets louder. It almost sounds like she feels like she has failed someone. I look over to see where she is looking and I find she is looking at heather. She probably rigged it so she could win but what I really want to know is why she did it. Who did she choose for the guy?

"Sophie Hunter"

Why would she be so upset about Sophie being picked? Sophie is amazing and she does not know it. She looks amazing as walks to the stage. She looks like she is not confident. She does look like she is trying to be confident though. She looks over and I look over to see where she is looking. She is looking at an older woman, who I assume to be her mother. Her mother is crying and she kind of looks proud of Sophie. She looks at me and she blushes. Could that be because of me? I blush too and I honestly do not know why. She looks away and walks to the stage as she does she looks around, what she sees does not look good. Everyone has this look, like they did not want her to be picked. She did not want to be picked either.

"Now it's time for the handsome gentlemen in the crowd"

She is acting the same way as she did with the girls and it kind of offends me.

She pulls out a name and unfolds it. It kind of looks like mine. I hope it is not mine. With my luck it will be mine.

"John Henderson"

Why? Why does this have to happen to me? It must be my luck. It is bad luck. Everyone stares at me with disappointment in their eyes as if I failed a test I never even got. As I walk to the stage I feel the anger in their eyes like I am a disappointment. My mom is silently crying but she is smiling with pride. Sophie can't even look at me, her head is in her hands as she can not stand to look at me.I feel ashamed of myself for something I could not control. We are both disappointments.

When I get up there I see that Sophie has her head out of her hands but her face is still red. I think that she is blushing because of me. Most Likely not but a guy can hope. Can he not?

When we shook hands. Her hands were warm, sweaty and soft. She is a powerhouse at school.

Prepping to move

Sophie hunter

Both me and John are rushed off the stage, so we can pack for our long stay at the castle. John looks nervous. I'm moving to a castle!! I kind of feel like a princess. For once in my entire life my mom is proud of me. This is amazing. I neatly pack my clothes into my bag and look around and think, I'm gonna miss my room. I put my mp3 player in last.

John Henderson

I don't really know what to pack. I don't even know how long I will be living there. I will put at least one suit in the suitcase. I don't remember what else I pack but I know I will miss being at home. This is gonna be crazy

Car Ride

Sophie Hunter

The car ride is hell. It is dead silent until I hear a sniffle from the front seat. I peek over and see my mom slightly crying. I want to say something but I know she will deny that she is crying and come up with an excuse.

"I'm sorry"

"Why" I ask concerned

"I've pushed myself too far away from you because…" she crying now.

"Mom watch out!!!" I scream. She moves just in time and she barely misses John's car. I sigh with relief.

"I do love you" she says with a sad and caring tone.

"Mom.." I start but she cuts me off.

"I wish I had been a better mom to you" as I peek over I see a tear run down her cheek.

I moved back to my seat not wanting to see my mom cry.

"You did amazing " her next question throws me for a loop.

"Will I lose you"


"Can I come to your wedding"

"If I do"


"Yes, if I do you can"

She sighs with relief.

We sit in awkward silence for a while "I love you mom"

We pull up into a long driveway with a grand entrance. My mom hugs me when I get there. I can tell that she already misses me.

She drove away slowly. I can feel her looking at me.

The front is fancy. It is all brick. There is a garden that looks like it is straight out of Alice in Wonderland,with a beautiful maze full of flowers. I can not wait to explore every nook and cranny of it.

I look back one last time. I expect to see my mom standing there but that's not what I see. I see a small box on the ground where the car was. It is small and compact. It's a black and velvety box. As soon as I pull the top off I see a note in there with my mom's handwriting.

"I know you will do great my amazing daughter, here is granny's choker so you can have a small piece of our family while you are here.

Love Emily Hunter"

There is a black choker in the box I take it out and it feels silky. I suddenly remember whose choker this was and suddenly, I to am crying. I see one last note laying at the bottom of the box. It looks old and worn out slightly. I can still read the words.

" My dear Soph

I want you to have this as a reminder that I will always be there for you, no matter where you go as long as you have this choker you always have me.


Lauren Hunter"

I will wear this choker forever for my family. I rub the material and take a deep breath.

John Henderson

The car ride is exactly the opposite of quiet. She talks endlessly about some topic. I don't even remember what she was talking about in the first place. What was it? When we arrived, I suddenly got overwhelmed with emotion. When she gets out to help with the luggage, I run up to her and hug her. She hugs me tightly back. At this point we are both crying.

I force myself to stop hugging my mom and grab my bags and go inside. I don't have the emotional strength to look back at her.

Castle Entry

Sophie Hunter

When I enter, I immediately Love it. The castle looks old, and has brick walls. The walls have paintings. As I walk through the halls I run my fingers along the walls and it feels so surreal. I am lead to a door with a gold plaque labeled "Princess".

I walk in, I see a stunning canopy bed. There's three white candles on the bed side table. The walls are white. There's silky throw pillows on my bed.

My closet is stunning. The dresses are absolutely amazing. Some are silky or lacy and way more. The shoes are so stunning, there's so many different kinds of shoes. I don't deserve any of this. I try everything on with my mom on video chat, she is so happy.

I finally decide on which dress I want to wear and I am putting on my corset when someone pins me to the wall and kisses my neck. I close my eyes and bite my lip. Fuck! I can feel this incredible sensation in between my legs,I pull one of his hands down there . His other hand holds me steady against the wall. He puts two fingers deep in me and I nearly scream. He plays with my vagina making me moan loudly. As soon as I finally cum he pulls his fingers out and tastes me.

"You taste sweet Sophie"

With those words I turn around and look at him and realize that John was behind me. I kiss him, I push him away for a second to think and I pull him back in and kiss him again. We continue to kiss while he puts his fingers back in me as I'm kissing and moaning. He pulls his fingers out and sucks on them. He stands so close we could kiss again. I am breathing hard and I look up at him.

"Tonight?' he says




"All night long?"


With that we kiss one last time and he leaves. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door and I run to it hoping it is John. I cross my fingers hoping that it is John coming back for more.

John Henderson

I miss my mom really badly right now. I want to give her another hug and tell her how amazing she is. I walk in and look at the walls made of brick with old paintings on them.

I see a door with a plaque labeled "Prince" I drop my stuff off and go look around. I find the princesses room and I enter.

I find her half dressed in the closet. I pin her to the wall and kiss her neck. She pulls one of my hands down to her vag and I use the other hand to pin her to the wall. I put two fingers in her and move them up and down inside of her. I can feel her body moan. She moans loudly. She cums on my finger and I pull it out and suck on my fingers.

"You taste sweet Sophie" I practically moan.

She turns around, looks at me and she kisses and pulls away abruptly then pushes me away. One second later she's back to kissing me and I can feel the sparks fly. I shove my hand down her underwear to play with her vagina. She moans while we kiss. When she cums again I pull my fingers out and suck her cum off of them. I stand close to her, she looks up at me


"Yes" She moans



"All night long?"


I kiss her before I leave her room and head back to mine. A few minutes pass and I hear a knock on the door. I go over to the door hoping it's her begging for more.