
The 15th Century: Back in Time

The 15th Century: Back in time is based on Ana the half human who is unaware of her other side as a supernatural but, gets kidnapped by a prince from the 15th century to quench his curiosity and to find out who is trying to harm him. the young Aa finds out about her family bloodline and learns about her destiny with the Demon Prince.

GreekGoddess · Fantasy
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9 Chs

~Chapter Two ~Where am I?


"Shut up and dance with me this moment is my destiny she said uh uh shut up and dance with me 🎶"

"Okay, okay put my song dad, its my turn to sing out loud in everyone's ears" said Ana as she smiled and got excited about the next song that was going to play.

" Alright sweetie, just a second I need to turn the breaks like so, perfect now what were you saying about the song?" Asked Ana's dad as he looked at her from the rearview mirror.

"She said she wanted to scream in our ears so we'll know if she's better than her brother" said Ana's mom smiling.

"Oh please Ana, you can never be better than I am, trust me you sound like a frog trying to swallow another frog" said Jacob laughing.

"Jacob be nice to your sister, okay honey let's see what you've got" said their father as he turned on the next song and Ana began to sing.

Suddenly there was a truck whose breaks were cut and it was coming towards their car.

"Honey slow down that truck is out of control" screamed their mother as she clutched her seatbelt on her chest.

Ana started to scream as the truck hit them with full force and threw their car on the other side of the road, the car somersaulted three times before it landed on the floor.

Ana woke up panting and restless as she dreamt vividly of the accident they got in the previous year, she tried to calm herself down by holding onto the necklace on her neck.

"Mom, dad, Jacob, I hope your all in a safe place now and at peace, I wish I could join you but, I have to live up to our family name. Keep a spot for me there in heaven, cause I'll meet you guys again someday".

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, it was at that moment she realized that the setting of the room she used to sleep in had changed and all the events that happened to her the night before flashed through her eyes.

"Oh my God I've been kidnapped, my phone, my phone, where is it?" She was struggling and searching for it with the dim candle lights that were turned on.

"Looking for this?" Asked Alexander as he raised the phone in the air and came out from dark corner of the room.

"Who are you?, and what do you want from me?" Asked Ana afraid of the man who was standing in front of her.

" The name's Alexander, Prince Alexander, but you can call me Alex." He smirked at her as he sat on the bed.

Ana moved away from him and hugged her knees.

"Please let me go, I don't have any money and I'm just an orphan I can't afford to pay you anything" she said scared and teary.

"Oh you poor little thing, don't worry I will let you go, but first tell me your name and then I'll tell you where we are" he said with a terrifying smile on his lips.

"Why should I tell you my name?, if you kidnapped me you mist have every info about me from the bastard that sent you!!"

Ana yelled angrily at the maniac that was smiling at her she was scared but yet tried to act brave.

"Come on now little thing, you'll have to cooperate with me if you to leave this place" said Alexander smirking.

"My name is Ana, now where am I?" She glared at him with tears I'm her eyes.

"Relax Ana dear, no need to give me that sweet look" said Alexander enjoying the moment.

"We're in Gilmore, in the year 1534, wonderful isn't it?" Said Alex smiling from ear to ear.

"What the fuck?, 1534?, oh no you must be joking" said Ana as she stood from the bed and started looking for something to hit the psychopath in front of her.

"You won't find any harmful objects in here, and I'm not a psychopath. I'm just unique" said Alex reading her mind.

"How did you do that?, how did you....

"Know that your trying to harm me?, the next time you think make sure I'm not around I can read your mind like an open book, oh and please don't try to run away, there are zalons all over the compound waiting for their fresh dinner to arrive". He said as he stood up, left the room and locked her inside.

" No stop, let me out of here, I'll call the cops if you don't, please!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to take her phone only to realize Alex took it with him she stared outside the window to see if she could run away, it was at that moment she took a peek outside the window that she realized she was taken to another room and the castle was located in the middle of nowhere, she was not at home and that her freedom was taken away from her, she bent down on her knees and sobbed heavily.

The next morning, Ana hurriedly got up from the bed as the maids knocked on the door to come and give her a morning bath, she opened the door and they came in.

"Good morning milady, the prince has ordered us come and give you your morning bath and dress you up for breakfast, he said to get you ready as soon as you wake up" said one of the maids with their heads down, they were not allowed to look at the royal guests or any of the guests in their eyes.

"Tell that son of a bitch to let me go or I will kill one of you this instant" said Ana as she held one of the maids hostage with a glass above her neck. The remaining maids gasped and begged her.

"Milady, please spare her, the prince doesn't care if any of us dies in the hands of his guests, he will just replace her with someone else, we beg you milady let her go" begged one of them as they were all wondering if the Prince's guest had gone mad.

"No, I'm not letting her go until someone let's me out of this castle, now move out of my freaking way" screamed Ana as she started walking out of the room with the maid still holding her neck.

The poor thing was already sobbing and scared for her life.

"Point the way out of here, come on, unless you want to die" whispered Ana in her ears as the maid started directing her and after some minutes, they got down to the outside walls of the castle, she pushed the maid on the floor and made a run for it.

"Oh thank God, I'm out of there, now I just need to get to the closest village to" suddenly she stopped in her tracks and put the pieces of the puzzle together.

She was in the 15th century, wearing heavy lady clothes as a night gown, she had no fucking idea of where she was headed and she absolutely did not know how to get back to the actual 21st century.

"Fuck", she cursed as she sat on one of the stones that were around the forest.

" How am I supposed to leave this shitty damned fairytale now " she asked herself as she looked around for anything that could take her faster to the nearest village. There was absolutely no cars, no taxis, no bikes and there was not even a carriage passing by to give her a ride.

Her mind started imagining the wicked things that could happen to her in the lonely and quiet path.

"Keep it together Ana we're doing this to get away from this madness" she said to herself as she continued walking forward and hoping that someone would be around to give her a hand.

Back in the castle the maids that were unable to bathe Ana and dress her up were kneeling in front of the prince and being questioned.

"Where is Ana you insolent fools!" Yelled Alex as his eyes were throwing killer looks at them, he was so furious that the whole room turned hot.

"Yo....yo..your majesty, sh..sh...she has run away sir" answered the maid who was held hostage.

"What?, did you mean she fled away again, despite the fact that I sent 11 people to get her ready?" Said Alex very angry.

"N...no your highness, she held one of us hostage and threatened to kill her if we didn't let her out of here"

"And how is that a problem?, you should have all gained on her and dropped her, you fools, you can't do anything right, next time you send word to me. But there will be no next time, Edward, bring me the Axe" he smiled sinisterly as he extended his hand to Edward and grabbed the Axe.

The maids were begging for their lives and were promising everything that could come to their minds, they didn't know what to do and they were panicking.

"So tell me, who was held hostage?" Asked Alex this time his voice sent chills down their spines.

"I..... Yo..y...your Majesty" said the maid that was held hostage with a shaky voice.

"Good thing you spoke earlier, your dying first" he said with a serious face, the mad killer smile he was wearing disappeared and he was now enraged.

He beheaded every single one of the eleven maids and called out all the servants working in the castle.

"I want you all to learn from the victims of today, they died honorably taking the blame for their incompetence. So if any of you allows my guests to run away or go against me, you will have the same faith. Burn their bodies and send their heads to their families" he said to the guards.

"Leonard, set the carriage, Edward and I are going for a hunt" he said as he walked out of the royal court.