
The 12th Wedding - When love is reborn

''Twelve lifetimes. Yes, we were blessed with twelve chances to live under the same sky, on the same earth. Different names, different personalities, we eventually had forgotten who we truly were. In different eras of time there was one thing that never changed. Our love for each other. However all of our 11 weddings didn't last long and now we are marrying for the Twelfth time. Will it give us more time ? Or this will be the last ? What could be the reason for us to be born 12 times I wonder " ********* The world's most handsome man was Zen. He wasn't just good looking but blessed with the best acting skills. He was the quintessential actor who was inevitably famous. He was rude, arrogant and colder than ice but a certain woman changed him. She did not know how, he didn't knew why. Neither did she understand why she married the king nor did he understand how he married a thief. "It means you were born with the same crimson red hair in your past and more importantly you were a queen !" Alisha guffawed at the man's statement that she was almost in tears. "As for you , just like this time you were quite popular in your past . Further more you were a king ! You guys are not ordinary people " *********** "It's good to have dreams incase they come true just like how mine did " She said enthusiastically looking at her dear husband. He smiled and asked . "What is your dream ?" "You !" There was immense happiness in her answer. Ecstatic tone of love. " Zen did you know ? You are many people's dream " "I know " His reply made her upset like he was boasting but her heart was at bliss after she heard the next sentence . "So what ? My wife's dream is the only one I'll fulfill A fantasy , A tragedy, A sea of emotions, A story of Love !

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97 Chs

Her Mission

Alisha found difficult to swallow. Tears dripped down her face . She saw Zen crying as she held his hand . Her hand could feel the pain in his tears .She never could have imagined that behind a straight face there was a deep story hidden. He probably buried it inside of him for this long . She felt sad for bringing it up but then it gave a her a chance to make things right . She wiped his tears.

"I understand Zen . You aren't sad because you killed her . You are sad because you loved her . She just got the royal family's name but to you she meant something else. To be betrayed by a person you love is an awful feeling . I'm sorry . "

"She could have resisted my attack . Also she had enough time and resources to help herself but she didn't . She chose to die and abandon her mission. "

"Mission ? "

"Yeah . She was upto something although I could never forgive her for killing my mother . "

"I know . "


Zen and Alisha get back to their quarters. Given the time they spent talking they were sure not going wake up early.

"Zen said Saraha always dressed in red I'll do the same . Wow this was the first time Zen spoke to me so much . He also shared to me about his past . I guess he isn't that stubborn as I thought . In any case the fact Zen loved someone is making me so uneasy . I'm glad she isn't alive . Wait what am I saying ? I sound so out of character . Oh well I must get some sleep now. " Saying that she goes back to sleep.
