
The 12 Generations

Nathan has just joined a new school and makes new friends until his exams come and everything changes,12 gods chooses one from our class and brings them to another world, forces us to battle each other every 15 years. Will Nathan be able to survive and will he find a way home

Emmanuel_Maina_2421 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


As the next few days passed by, I discovered the tiny details around me. We live in the outskirts of Avrion called the Nakrova village. I also discovered that being a magician isn't an easy path to take. One day as I was spying on my father doing training, I heard a man knocking on the door.

I was about to go get it when I felt a dash of wind pass next to my cheeks. I looked around and saw that the man is already talking to dad. I waited and waited until I heard my dad coming back and dragging me to the kitchen with mum. When mum saw his face she knew something was wrong.

"So, who was at the door?" mum asked.

"A knight." dad said.

"What did he say?" mum asked

Children 5 and above should attend Avrion Knights Academy. entry would be an exam and would be free. He said their test will be happening next month." he said in a low tone

"That means I will have to learn how to use a sword in one month." I thought.

Both my parents looked at me and then nodded at each other.

"Alright, training will start tomorrow, Amelia, is dinner ready?" dad asked

"yes honey." mum said

After dinner, I went to my room thinking why this was happening.

"Why do they need more knights now. Oh well, I have to prepare just in case, [inhale.....exhale] I wish to create a system capable of holding all the knowledge of martial arts, swordsmanship, any weapon and magic would unlock when I read a book or obtain an item for that knowledge except knowledge from the other world." I thought and suddenly the room turned dim and the windows were shaking ready to burst open.

I looked at the door and saw one word on it. I read it out loud


It spooked me a little, but after I finished the light came back and the windows stop creaking. I looked to the corner of my left eye and saw a single spot and the moment I concentrated on it, a screen appeared before me

"Woah, it looks exactly like a gaming system. Let's put it to the test tomorrow." I thought with a smug grin on my face.

I slept like a newborn baby dreaming how it will be to use the system until it all came crashing down when dad woke me up.

"What time is it?" I asked with a hoarse voice

"4:30 A.M.," He said.

"4:30 A.M!" I exclaimed

"Yes and you will be waking up like this until the exams." dad said

We went to the back yard and dad removed his shirt, I was in awe of how much he worked out and how handsome he was.

"I will teach you both sword and close-quarter fighting," he said

he then went to the back and brought a wooden-like doll that had hands all over his body. I saw him mouth an incantation and the doll's hands moved towards him. I was more in awe of him when I saw how he deflected all hands and reached the doll and shut it down.

"Alright son, you try, the log has eight levels and that was level five. that is the farthest I can go. If you reach level three without fainting I give you a gift." dad said

"Before I do this, are there books I can read about fighting?" I asked

"I'm not sure you can check the study if you want, but I do have one, but no one in the village can decipher it and if you try copying the pictures you might end up with a fractured bone. Now enough talking and try practicing hitting the doll. I have put it at level one." dad said

Let's say I did not show any skills at all, but I was gaining experience points. These continued for three days. On the fourth day, I finally deflected all the punches of level one.

" You did it, now level two." He said and the machine became aster. It was harder than I imagined, so I decided to show a bit of our world martial arts.

"I will use Kung-Fu." I thought. The moment I saw the machine's hand coming toward me, it was either I deflected or dodged them. If I was to describe this technique, I call it the dance of the imperial snake.

"Wait, He looks like the drawing from that book. Why does it look so smooth? He looks like a peaceful curved river." Dad mumbled.

In just two days, I was able to reach level three and now it was time for me to learn how to use a sword, but I was disappointed to have a wooden one instead.

"Dad, when do I get to hold your sword?" I asked

"When you hit me with your wooden one, I won't give you my sword, but you will get your very own of your caliber," he said

I looked disappointed to him and then it hit me, that if I can have my sword, I can practice my swordsmanship. From that day, I always tried to hit dad when we have practice matches using what he taught me, but I never land a hit. These went on until it was one day to the test, which is when I noticed something off.

"Son let us have a match, if you can touch me today, will go buy a sword, but if I touch you or hurt you, you will have to buy your sword," Dad said

"Wait…WHAT! Dad, I'm only 5, fine." I said

"I will judge this match." Mom said

I looked at her and noticed that her eyes were blank but she was still talking.

"Now what is going on?" I thought

"3….2….1….Start!" Mom shouted

Immediately dad came to me at raging speed, but what scared me was the blankness in their eyes. His sword came to me at almost blinding speed making me nearly deflect that blow, but thanks to that, I was able to kick dad in the face. He didn't go flying, but it push him back a little.

"So you have strength, hey, you will win if you touch me with your sword. THEN TRY ME AGAIN WITH THIS! {Wind Magic: Typhoon.}" He said and a torrent of wind surrounded his sword and he did a slash coming straight towards me. I don't know how, but my body reacted and did a high backflip dodging the torrent.

"Dad looks like he is being controlled, but by who?" I thought

"We will meet someday, Nathan." Both my parents suddenly said before falling.

"It seems I have attracted some attention, Oh well, I will figure who it is later, for now, it seems that they are unconscious, let's see what that book entails and what it means." I thought

I looked for it everywhere, but I couldn't find it and then I remembered dad's study. I went and found the Japanese book on the table

"Wait…..Japanese?" I thought wondering how something/someone from my world came here. I opened the book and immediately, the system asked if I want it to translate

"Yes.' I said

Suddenly the book was glowing and went from Japanese to English.

"To anyone reading this book, I am Fukushima; I was once summoned here by the 12 gods council to fight in an event called Ragnarok. I didn't understand, but I was placed in a wonderful family who later created the Nakrova village. After 15 years of honing my skills, I met and saw there are more than twelve contestants.

You will find generations upon generations in that fight who will do anything to kill you since the reward that is granted to you is one wish. I was able to survive this Ragnarok, but when I came back home, my wife was murdered and

I saw my five-year-old son looking at my wife. I was mortified and sealed him away from the world teaching him every possible way to kill an enemy, until he killed me saying I was the worst father in the world, before dying, I was able to tell him about Ragnarok and that maybe the curse will repeat itself until the gods are satisfied.

From that day; every Nakrova is a child to fight Ragnarok, my son sealed my soul to tell tales to future readers, but I did not learn the language causing me to be ineffective. So instead, he put a curse on my family. When the first son turns six, the father shall kill the son." The book said before turning into dust.

"Well that was interesting, so there is a curse on me and my birthday is on the 6th of the next month and the exam is tomorrow so I think I will be safe if nothing happens tomorrow so I think I will be able to survive this if nothing happens tomorrow," I thought.

I went outside to see both parents are awake.

"Dad, Mom are you guys ok?" I asked

"Yeah I don't remember what happened, but I do remember you touching me with your sword and Amelia saw it too." dad said

"Yes, that is true." I lied to figure out why that is the only memory they both have.

"Then let's go buy you a good sword." He said

My father and I rode on the wagon as we bid farewell to mom.

"Remember to buy groceries, the list is in your pocket." Mom shouted

"Sure mom!" I shouted

It takes us five hours to reach the next town and along the way, dad protected us from any wild animals. When we reach the next town, Silica, you could see everyone was selling all kinds of things on every street you pass through.

"Wow, It is beautiful," I said

"Yes, yes I know, let me take you to an old friend of mine who sells weapons and you get to choose while I pick the groceries, ok?" dad asked

"Ok," I said

Dad dropped me at this shop where there were only two people in the room. I entered and immediately a man came rushing to me like he has seen a ghost, but his face was full of laughter.

"Hello my esteemed customer, do what do I owe the pleasure?" the man asked

"My dad dropped me here to pick a weapon for the exam," I said

"And who is your father dear?" A woman appeared behind the man

"Joab Nakrova," I said

The both of them looked at me in surprise.

"You sure?" the woman asked

"Yes," I said

They looked like they were considering throwing me out or letting me stay. I was getting tired so I let myself in. Immediately I knew why the shop has no owners.

"Sir, when do you clean your weapons?" I asked

"Every two weeks, why?" He asked

Do you advertise your shop?" I asked shrubbing some words.

"Yes," he said

"Then why are you not popular? I have an idea, to help your business grow, try to guide a merchant to your store, then sell him a sword of rich quality materials." I said.

The man considered my proposal and then I saw him smile.

"Why don't we put it to the test. If you can find me a good merchant, I will give you any weapon for free, if you can even find...." he didn't finish because I had already dashed out of the door.

I walked around and thank the system I was able to scan for good and rich merchants. I found one close by and used my child charms to bring him to the shop saying I was lost and couldn't find my way back. When we entered the shop I put my plan into action.

"Mom, Dad this man help me find you," I said running to them. I hugged both of them whispering the plan and they agreed to it.

"Thank you, kind sir, may we please know your name?" The lady asked

"Jonathan, Jonathan Clinton, By the way, your son knows a lot about business, you have taught him well, he is also a good market adviser, he helped me solve my problem at my corporation, for that, I would like to sponsor your shop, you can send a man to finalize the papers, see you soon child." the man said before leaving.

The two adults looked at me in surprise and then they suddenly started beaming at me.

"Kid, you are amazing, that man is the second most renowned merchant in the kingdom, guess what I will let you pick two weapons, how that/" The man said

"Yes." I said

I started cowering around sine my system is looking at the sword's qualities. I reached the back of the shop and saw two things, a bow, and a sword, both with goo qualities and cheapest also, but they also had one more feature. I brought the two weapons to the man and he thoroughly examine them and looked at me with disappointment.

"you want this weapon?" he asked

"Yes." I said

"Just so you know, no refunds or returns." the man said

I was about to leave when dad entered and suddenly the room became tense. I eased through the tension and was able to convince dad to get going. My dad and I reached home and the entire ride, we rode in silence. Mom greeted us at the door and said she has pepared dinner. Dad's persona changed and finall talked after the whole trip

"Son, don't trust that man." he said before going to the table.

We ate dinner discussing plans for tomorrow, I do not know why, but it felt like the last peaceful meal we will have together. I excused myself and went to finish packing. After it was all over, i went over to my weapons and cut my hand a little bit. The moment the weapons touched the blood, a magic circle appeared and the weapons changed to rings. I wore them prepared to face any challenge in my way.