
The 12 Generations

Nathan has just joined a new school and makes new friends until his exams come and everything changes,12 gods chooses one from our class and brings them to another world, forces us to battle each other every 15 years. Will Nathan be able to survive and will he find a way home

Emmanuel_Maina_2421 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Its been two weeks and no one has come up with a idea for what to do in the exam. The teachers were pressuring us to give them our ideas. It was really stressful, but I always had Quinn by my side. I also started figuring out that Quinn can be somewhat of a bragger. Whenever he sees kids, he would always boast of his achievement and stuff, but at least today we found out that we have a new teacher today.

"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Jane, I'm your new class teacher. I hope we have a good time." she said

"Yes ma'am." we all responded

"Ok, today we'll start with the fundamentals of gravity. first what is gravity?" she asked.

Class continued like this, where she ask us questions and try to make class lively, until she asked what we will prepare for the exams. The class fell silent and we looked like no one wanted to answer. We heard the bell ring reminding us of lunch. We ran like a pack of hungry hyenas to the cafeteria since today it was the school special. A seven course meal for everyone. I picked my lunch and sat with Quinn and Summer. Summer and I became friends since we were.... floor mate I guess. We sat down and Summer started the conversation.

"So like what idea do we have?" she asked

"What if we create an AI that is able to create and hack into anything." I said

"No, that will take to much time, we only have two months and a week to create something." Quinn said

"Then let's all talk about it." I heard a voice

We all turned our heads to see our whole class coming to sit with us, we weren't that shocked since we were the only class without an idea. After they all sat and continued discussed, suddenly and idea popped into mind.

"What if we use gravity and solar energy to power a station that can open a portal." I said

Everyone on the table looked at me in shock like they all got electrocuted, but they suddenly had smiles on their faces.

"That might work, but we don't have enough solar panels or the money to conduct such an experiment." Jake said

"Then what about electricity?" Sophia asked

"Then we will need huge amounts of electricity to power such a station." Max said

"My dad is the CEO of a government company which helps in the electricity department of the country, I'm sure he will help." Caleb answered

"Woah, wait a minute we need to discover and analyze if any of these is possible." Layla said

"Already done that, it is possible with solar panels, but the project almost opened a black hole." I said

"Wait, you were the one who cause a mini-crate in the news?" Kelly asked

"Yes, that's how I got a scholarship here, but I also tried with electricity, but my design was all wrong, I don't know what I was missing. That is why I proposed this idea." I said

They all looked at me, dumbfounded at how I could create such a device.

"You know what we are going to create will be written down in the course of history! OMG count me in, sounds like a risk I will take." Macy and Max said

"Me too." They all started saying

We made plans to discus further in the dorm about the project but before they all left.

"Guys, listen, you won't tell anyone this idea and projects until the exams, I know, you hate the pressure, but hold on until then. If you want to consult a teacher find a good excuse and don't repeat your excuse, don't also tell your parents. I want that we all make history and prove to others we are equal, ok? I think you understand the rest. Good luck and see you at the dorm." Quinn said.

We all agreed and continued with our other classes. It reaches 9:00 p.m. and we all meet and the sitting room. we had a projector so I showed them my designs and discussed further

"Hey, I've found three ways to solve our problems, either we use electromagnetic waves to keep the portal open and use compact binary inspiral gravitational pull to be able to close it at anytime or we use the electrons in the electricity to override the earth's gravity and instead of a black hole we open a dimensional thrift or maybe we doth both at the same time." I said

We did calculations on my idea and discovered that we will have an 81.5% chance of it succeeding and not. We all drew a design and mixed up my design and with theirs and we finally have the blueprint of the project.

"Ok, it seems we will be able to finish the project and testing it by my estimations... 4 days from the day of the exams, if not earlier if we focus solely on this work. So this week we are to gather the materials of building and start mini-construction to test this idea, if it work, we will continue growing it until we are able to it humans and animals. Let's go!" Quinn said

In the week, we each brought materials, and some of us ask teachers with an excuse of understanding the former lessons. We were able to create our first version and we all stood 3 metres away from the machine.

"You all ready?" I asked

They nodded and I started the machine and nothing happened, we waited for some new minutes and suddenly we heard zaps coming from the machines. I saw their face plastered with curiosity and worry. A small dot started appearing from both machines. I knew it was a success to use both ideas, I took a small object and threw at the small dot, but instead of coming out the other one, it came out then went back in and came back changing the shapes of its own.

"It's a success, we did it, quickly shut it down before it grows." I said. They did it as fast as they can. We were all jumping in joy and were very happy, but we didn't know that a camera was doing the whole thing. I thought this can happen so I hid the blueprints and only the end prouduct was seen in the camera.


"So does it work, whatever they are creating?" Mr. Kane asked

"Yes sir." the security guard said

"Good, now I need to find the blueprints and claim this new discovery as mine. HAHAHAHA!" he laughed