
The 12 Generations

Nathan has just joined a new school and makes new friends until his exams come and everything changes,12 gods chooses one from our class and brings them to another world, forces us to battle each other every 15 years. Will Nathan be able to survive and will he find a way home

Emmanuel_Maina_2421 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


This is the last week before exams and let's say that people are mortified by the realization that it's here. You will always see some students carrying tools, some practicing the last minutes touches and whatnot. I was rushing to reach class before the bells ring. I was able to enter class one minute before the teacher entered.

"Alright students, you have five more days to your end of term exams, you will be told about the venue and precautions for the event on the day of the exam from now." she said while the bell was ringing.

I rushed to the dorms, preparing for the travel, I wrote and planned my day while Viola was shrinking the machine for the event and finally the day came. We all woke up with blinding speed and prepared for our names to be written in history. We were all called to the auditorium for the final announcements.

"Today is the day your lives will change and a new adventure starts or whatever. We will be doing the exam at the school stadium 6km from here so after this your class teacher will direct you to your specified buses. you will see your parents in the school field. Good luck on this changing event for you." She said.

We were directed to our buses, and ours was average while the rest was fancy, but we didn't care about that since we will all blow away their minds. we entered the bus and blasted music to keep ourselves company. We all sat next to our friends. I had become good friends with Viola and I never knew this will destroy my best friend's life in the future from now. We reached the venue and I saw my mom running to me and jumping with joy shouting how this will change my life. Ohh, I wish that didn't come true. We were given specific places to setup and come see the first exam. We were amazed by the creation of our classmates.

The first class had gravitational car, and it runs on oxygen. We were more shocked by the second class who had created a microchip that lets you see the world through technology. The third class, well not so great, they created an AI maid. when we reached the fourth class, the students told us to sit down.

"We have been able to create a weapon that can harness any gas and turn it either to glass or diamonds." one of them said while the other turn it on. We felt the air being sucked out and we saw that the machine shows which chemical is most in the air.

We all saw that it was nitrogen and I had a feeling something funny is going to happen. The moment the gas entered, a foam-like substance appeared and you could hear some students laughing while scientists were writing notes.

"Ok, everyone, we will give you one hour for break until the final examination. Enjoy." the principal said.

Everyone ran to their parents and enjoy their meal. Who knew us twelve will be eating with them for the last time. After the break, Voila, I and the others went and prepared the machines. We have just finished preparing when we all saw the teachers entering and everyone settling down. I looked at the team behind me.

"You are all ready?" I asked

"Yes." They said.

I turned around and Quinn introduced my class.

"Alright, today we have gathered here to reveal this new discovery in our midst, this will become the stepping stone for future technology. I give you, ladies and gentlemen, the WHIRL PORTAL DEVICE." Quinn said.

We could all see everyone eyeing and ogoling the machine. Quinn gave me the signal and I switch on the machine. At first you couldn't see anything, then suddenly, a small dot appeared and gradually started growing in size until it fits in the machine. We could all tell that they were curious about the device, so we let the scientists ask questions.

"What method or formula did you come up with to create such a machine?" one of then asked.

"Electricity and electromagnetism and gravity." Kelly answered and we could all tell she was loving the attention. As they were talking I noticed that the portal was waving and I could feel a sudden chill down my spine and then it happened.

"EVERYONE, TAKE COVER!" I exclaimed.

We all felt a force that was pushing everyone except the people from my class and suddenly a tall, handsome man came out of the portal with a stunning, young lady. The man had read hair with scales been seen on his hands and legs, while the lady had a tail with small horns.

"Hello fellow humans, I'm here to fetch these twelve." The man said

"No way that's gonna happen." I heard my mom said.

The man turned his head and looked at my parents and he stretched his hand. I watched in horror as I saw my parents being crushed by an unknown force and turning to dust. I wanted to cry, scream, punch the man to death, but I didn't have the time to lament over my parents because I could the young lady coming at us. I saw all of us ran at different directions. I was happy to survive to get my revenge, but she suddenly said a spell.

"WAIT, MAGIC EXIST!" I thoughted while running.

I saw one by one my classmates being taken away and being thrown at the first portal and I suddenly I was the last here. I saw the man raise his hand and I felt a gripping force on my neck and I couldn't breathe. I felt like everything around me crumble and I vowed before entering the portal.

"I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" I screamed in my head. The lady looked at me and I saw the most creepiest smile." And you will be first lady and the man." I thought and then everything went black.