
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


"Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two." A white-haired man could be seen singing to himself as he walked through a battlefield, heading towards a tower. everyone on the battlefield froze to look at this guy, they all looked around, and after seeing no one knew this guy, they grew enraged, how dare this guy disrespect them?

they all attacked him, yet he simply danced through all of their attacks, leaving them all stunned at just how smooth he was. A few realized they were outmatched here and quickly stopped the attack and couldn't help but start listening to the son.

A level 8 Martial Saint shot appeared before him, her sword swinging towards him. but with smooth movement, he took her hand causing her to drop the sword, and for him to take her, performing a beautiful dense, before he let her go, sending her spinning away, until she came to a stop, confused by what just happened.

"So, this is our tower." The white-haired man was none other than Ling Han, it had been a few years now, and many things had happened. For example, Xiao Yan's heaven-defying look didn't simply disappear, he ran into many opportunities the old man had laid for him, and now he didn't have his teaching to support him.

One of these stuff he ran into unleashed a deep secret. it turned out this universe was once the strongest, but due to many wars, he had downgraded and was currently in a  state of recovery. there were many experts from other universes in their universe to gain some secrets.

Xiao Yan killed this guy as they were doing something evil or whatever, Ling Han didn't care to know everything, pretty much, there was the soul of a martial God which was in a weakened state, Xiao Yan killed it, but on its dying breath, it revealed the doorway to their universe tower.

outside of the universes was the void, but billions of years ago, some powerful expert created a mini-universe that linked all of the universes to leave behind his inheritance. To gain his inheritance, one must conquer the tower which represents the universe. the more towers one conquers, the easier the trials shall be.

there were many limitations to this, for example, you had to be under 1,000 years of age. plus the maximum cultivation a person could have before entering the mini-universe was the peak of the Martial Saint,

there was a gateway within every universe. entering would leave you within 50,000,000 miles of the tower belonging to your universe. it's up to you and your universe to find the tower. once a tower is conquered, it shall give a person a key, this key gives a person full control of the tower and allows a person to enter the center tower. the key also acts as a second life, allowing you to come back to life so long as you have the key. but dying once means losing a key,

within the center tower, a person can work on gaining the inheritance, there were 1 million floors to clear. they shall test every part of a person, but the test would be easier if a person had more keys. there were 1 million universes, which happened to reflect the 1 million floors.

the battle that was taking part was for who could conquer this tower, of course, they were all being led by a super genius who was from another universe, and disdain popped up. for millions of years, this universe tower has been hidden, and unable to be found, but Xiao Yan's actions led to it being known, it also made me interested as I had ignored this tower, plus I had nothing to do.

Walking up to the tower, I went on to enter to get the key. but as I neared countless weird monsters grew out of the ground, all rushing towards me... until they froze. they were still running, but they were no longer running towards me. Without so much of a second thought, those weird monsters in front of me just disappeared, turning into light that entered my body, ignoring the Wall of Infinity.

'Intreasting...' I thought sensing how these lights fixed weaknesses in my cultivation and removed impurities from my boy. they were too small to show the fact, but my senses allowed me to know what they were doing.

the closer I reached the doors, the stronger the monsters, but all dropped dead, before I went on to open the tower door, entering like nothing happened.

"... w-what are you doing? go and call my husband!" the woman whom I had the small dance with, snapped out of her shock and quickly ordered a few people to rush out, the commander of the other party did the same...

"you shouldn't be here." an old man appeared before me after entering the door, I looked at the old man for a moment before looking around.

"what do you mean? I'm only 32 years old, and my cultivation is only at the Martial Lord realm," I said with a cocky smile, making the old man sigh softly

"I have watched how you fought the half-step immortal... you are a genius far above even the likes of myself." He said with a sigh, to which I shrugged slightly.

"My apologies, but I didn't ask that old man if he had a connection to you or not... so, are you considered his friend or something?" I asked with a smile, to which the old man sneered at my words

"That brat wasn't even in his father's balls when I walked this land, he went through all that trouble to create Xiao Yan to get my inheritance." The old man said with a shake of his head, to which I shrugged slightly, not caring if he was lying or not.

"You're truly cocky... I kind of want to punch you." I said softly, making me smile slightly as I blushed slightly

"Trying to hit on me?" I asked making the old man confused before he put it together. since he wanted to punch him, he wanted to hit him, Ling Han understood that as him trying to hit on him...

"You're too powerful, the trial means nothing to you... so you can just go ahead and get the key." He said in hidden annoyance, to which I struggled as a key appeared before me. taking the key, I turned to leave before stopping to look at the old man.

"Why did you leave behind this inheritance?" I asked calmly, to which he smiled slightly, and after some thought he spoke.

"I transcended everything, space time, and so on. I went into the unknown, so I left behind my inheritance. for hundreds of billions of years, many tried to get their hands on and many have failed... honestly, you are the only one who has a 40% chance of gaining it." he said with a smile,

"Who said I needed it? It's only a want to speed up my growth." I said calmly, but the old man wasn't mad or annoyed with my arrogance. he just nodded with a smile,

"Space and time, these are the hardest paths one could walk... even I didn't have what was needed to walk such a path." He said while slowly disappearing, to which I just shrugged and left. but upon stepping on it, I found that the tower was surrounded by an army. I ignored them all and looked at a young man amongst them, he was a level 7 Martial Saint, yet with the power to fight someone at half-step Martial Emperor.

remember not everyone was like me, they were not as talented. so of course,e skipping so many levels was impressive and showed he was a genius. of course, this wasn't enough for me to put him in my eyes. if I had to lower myself look to look at every ant, my back would be screaming in pain, with how low I have to lower myself all the time.

the reason I was looking at him was the overwhelming killing intent aimed at me, but I just meant the guy.

"Lord, thats the guy who dared to play with your wife." A soldier said, to which the young man's eyes turned cold. he stepped forward, shooting towards me at blinding speed. but to everyone's shock, I reached out one hand, catching him by the neck. all that force he built up, just disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"1 tower key? you're too kind." I said with a smile, before stabbing my arm into his chest. the young man suddenly let out a scream that sounded as if it came from the deepest part of hell. before everyone's shocked eyes, a huge key was pulled out of his chest before he was thrown to the ground like yesterday's trash.

"why run when you know it only needs a few keys for me to just get you again?" I asked seeing the key trying to struggle out of his hands and teleport away. but with my words, the key stopped, allowing me to absorb the thing.

"g-give me back my key." the young man said while slowly getting up, hatred filling his eyes, and an undying determination. I looked at him for a moment, before ignoring him, why should I waste my time stepping on ants?


Waving my hand, a seal shot from my hand, and imprinted itself on the tower. a wall of infinity formed, using the power of this world to power it. this was a seal I created during the past few years, 7 years in the past. thats how long it has been since I began cultivating,

I created many things within this time, including the Infinity Wall Sea, which forms a wall of infinity around which the seal is placed. To save energy, it would only be active if someone nears 100,000 miles of it.

I placed a seal up because if someone destroyed this tower, I would lose the key. Anyway, I left, ignoring everyone else...

Within the Higher realms, also known as the Immortal realm. the world is split into 99 heavens, each heaven considered larger than the last. but even the first heaven was larger than all 1 million universes combined of the lower realm,

within an unknown heaven, in a hidden space, an old man coldly sat in his cultivation chamber, his eyes burning with rage. With Xiao Yan was here, he would know this old man as his former master. the man who called himself, Yao Lao.

But if the world of the Immortal realm... no, if those experts who have lived for millions of years heard this name, they would be shaken in fear. millions of years ago, Yao Lao pretty much roared all 99 heavens, considered the strongest experts. the former disciple of that expert within the towers.

Enraged that his master didn't give him his inheritance even though he was his first disciple, he killed the person who had gained his complete inheritance. but who would have expected that the master saw something like this might happen, due to the counter plans made, he was nearly killed, while the one with the complete inheritance passed away in the end due to the poison he had fed him. The complete inheritances were gone, but the master created the mini-universe within the lower realm before the piece of his soul disappeared,

At the same time, he disowned him as his disciple, taking away everything he had given him. still, he managed to reach the former heights once more, walking a completely new path... in fact, it could be said to be even stronger. but he couldn't ascend like his former master, so he began working on gaining his former master's inheritances once more.

He laid everything out, a person not only loved by the universe but all of the 99 heavens. he would act like this person's master, while secretly stealing bits of his fortune, and in the end, when he gets the master's Inheritance, he would take for himself.

he laid everything out to work perfectly, from the 6 Demonic Skull sect, the Shi Long Clan being forced to flee, the Cai Lin tribe destruction, Luo Qing, and Luo Yin existences, and even the soul of the Martial God Xiao Yan killed, revealing that universe tower, it was all his doing. he was the mastermind behind everything,

But now what? it was all destroyed by Ling Han, time worked differently from the lower realm, time of the lower realm was less table than the immortal realm, leading to the time of the lower realm flowing... faster. to Ling Han, it was a few years, but to Yao Lao, it was just a few seconds since his soul was captured.

little did Yao Lao know, that his former master would have destroyed the scale he was within, and even have him suffer a backlash. how could he allow him to have his inheritance?

"Ling Han... you will pay." Flame covered Yao Lao's body, flames so powerful that it had space burning away like paper, revealing the void, which seemed to avoid him. He reached out, his flames transforming into a firebird that shot into the heavens, and instantly all who had a dao suddenly felt something... knowledge of a pair of eyes.

the 99 heavens were shaken, all turning their eyes down to the lower realm, eyes filled with greed for this pair of eyes.

meanwhile, Ling Han just entered the center tower, and suddenly froze as he felt many eyes looking at him. he froze for a second before smiling and shrugging. entering the tower, he was teleported away, appearing within the forest.

"Find the store way to the next for to pass." The Old man's voice sounded, to which I just stood a step forward, appearing before a pair of stairs. I ignored all of the beasts and just went up. the same thing happened up to the 1,000th floor, where the test was no longer about combat. why? Since the 999th floor had a half-step Martial God, and since a person could at most be a peak martial Saint, this meant they had to skip over the Martial Emperor realm, which was a shocking level of power... to anyone but me

the 1,000 floor was a rest of illusions. I easily ignored them all, and in 1,000 steps, I reached the 2,000 floor. the 2,000 floor was a test on martial arts, a person would have the strength of a normal person, the senses of a normal person, and so on. They had to defeat puppets that were skilled in martial arts. but although I was suppressed, my mind was still a supercomputer

this took me a few months to finish, but by the end of this, my martial skills reached new heights. by the time I reached the 3,000th floor, my martial arts were refined to the point where I was not mistaking movements, and I could read a person's sky by looking at the way they carried themselves.

more and more tests followed, and some I finished with a step, and some I was forced to have to spend a few years on. the hardest were those that forced me to have to learn new skills, such as alchemy, I had to use the power of space to break down atoms and recreate pills. this was super complex shit, I had to recreate the aura and effect of the pill. It took me 60 years to master this,

in total, 195 years passed before I reached the 999,999 floor. at which point, I meant the old man who appeared before me.

"I'm shocked, you refined your mastery of space to such a level, yet you can't reach the 6th level of its comprehension." He said with a smile, to which I sighed in depression at the thought of it as well. no matter what, I couldn't step past level 5 and reach level 6 in my understanding of the law of space.

Understanding, the stuff I was doing with the law of space was pushing it. using Super Red and Super Blue to pull and push atoms together to form new things, this was something the old man never even dreamed of. to say he was learning by watching me was an understatement, his world was growing the more he watched me have to be creative in my understanding of space to pass these levels.

"while the 999,999 floor is a match between me. challenge me in anything, fighting, alcarmy, or whatever. once you defeat me, you can move on to the next level." He said calmly, I looked at him for a moment, before smirking

"Everything," I said with a cocky smirk,