
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Diamond Rank Talent

A huge blue ball floated in the sky, causing everyone around it for km to shoot up, gathering to form a moon-like object in the sky. but more and more objects kept getting sucked, and not too far away, I stood while standing next to the old woman who was struggling to remain calm at the sight before her.

"This is power revealing a Level 8 Martial King." She said softly, to which I nodded slightly. I rubbed my chin slightly, before I waved my hands, causing the moon to start falling towards the ground. 


A shock wave was created, shaking the ground and sending a shock wave shooting everywhere. The old man placed her forward, creating a barrier that blocked the dust, with a sigh, she blew away the dust before she placed her palm on my shoulder. with a crazy level of speed, we arrived at the village where I went on to sit in her shop.

'It seems like my eyes are stronger than the normal 6 eyes... could it be that my experiments worked, strengthening the 6 six eyes?' I thought calmly while eating the old woman favors honey bread, I fell into deep thought, wondering about everything.

'I remember that the 6 Eyes users had to use Blue to fly, or even control it to a point he seems as if they could control things with their minds. Blue is pretty much the power to pull things in... Could I combine Infinity Step with Blue? Instead of on me, Blue Range becoming Infinity, sucking everything towards it? this way its power would not weaken thanks to distances.' I thought while sitting back, my mind racing with all types of thoughts. Shaking my head, I went on to work on improving my control of Blue

pointing forward,  a small blue ball appeared, pulling everything towards it. but I frowned seeing this, I have seen them control what they want to pull, without affecting the world around them. so, far I have only been working on mass area effect.

The old man looked at me with a lost look for some time, a genius on my level was something she never heard of before. what was more shocking was that my strength was growing faster and faster, to the point that the blindfold I had on was losing its effect, forcing her to have to create a blindfold for me, which better sealed my eyes.

Everything I just showed her was without my eyes, and my eyes sealed. I kept my eyes sealed because I didn't want to rely on them. She watched as my control over Blue improved, reaching a point where I freely controlled on target and moving around, making it seem as if I had telekinesis or something. 

One might question, how was it that I could learn this stuff so quickly, well it was simple. The thing was the 6 Eyes made my brain into pretty much a supercomputer which was ever-growing. plus, these 6 Eyes were far stronger than the normal 6 Eyes,

"Grandma, the recruitment is about to start," A young woman entered the shop, and she threw me a look before ignoring me. She was an average-looking woman, she had long blonde hair with golden pupils which stood out. She was called Shi Ying, the old woman's granddaughter.

Today was the day an elder from Fleeting Cloud Sect came to take in people, I would be going, thanks to the fact I was not as overpowered as I wished. For one, I could only keep Infintiey Up for 5 minutes. I could Only Use Infinity Step to cross at most 10,000 miles, any more and I would faint.

Blue had its limits as way, which was what I just did, but for that, I could do it at most twice a day. Currently, I am at less than 50% thanks to that. I was powerful, but how long could I keep up my strength? I needed to enter a sect, I plan to walk the body path while looking for suitable cultivation arts. simply tempting my body and hopefully wouldn't be rejected by my eyes, I wish to walk all 4 paths, Body, Soul, QI, And enlightenment. With all 4, I could truly be covered and powered.

"Alright, get going... Stay With Ling Han," Shi Yang's Grandmother said seriously, to which she nodded in understanding while throwing a look at me. Only to see me waving at her with a smile, she said in depression before leaving with me.

"What with the down look, this is no multiverse trip, but it's something," I said with a smile, to which her sigh only grew. She arrived at this village when she was 5, so she had a good understanding of things. she was currently 16 years old, and she was not going to join a sect until she was 18, but since I popped up, her grandmother changed her mind.

"You are just to stand in the spotlight while I stay in the dark... that was the deal you had with my grandmother." She said softly, to which I shrugged slightly,

"thats going to be so easy due to how amazing I am, even if you tried to stand out, it's not like you would be able to stand next to a sun like myself," I said with a shrug, causing a vein to pop on her forehead, she glared towards me, 

"I can't stand you... just why do you even have that blindfold on anyways, you look so stupid." She said angrily, to which I just stuck my tongue out, and walked off, causing her to grow angry. we quickly arrived at the center of the village, where the whole city had gathered, all waiting for the expert to arrive.

Me and Shi Yang took a spot and waited, we didn't wait for long until a middle-aged man arrived, with the village head following behind him with a funding smile. the middle-aged man stood on a stage that was bought out for him, after giving everyone a look over, his eyes resting on me for the longest since he felt like I was looking at him through the blindfold, he went on to speak.

he went on to explain how he was going to test everyone's talent, a crystal ball was brought out, and once we placed our palm on that ball, it would measure our talent by sensing energy into our body to study it, it would also tell him the age of a person, the old person that could go with him being 21, good thing I was only 20.

He also about what would happen once you pass, that being that he would give us a technique, before we start walking to other villages, and cities, slowly making our way towards the sect. we would rest, but we would be walking for hours and at a fast rate. if we can't keep up with him, he would not be responsible for our life and death.

So, everyone quickly made their way up onto the stage. everyone had copper-grade talent, what were you expecting? this was a small village. even Shi Yang had Copper grade talent... of course, her grandmother hid her talent, as for me? I told her not to hide mine.

I was always annoyed reading cultivation novels, and the MC always hid his talent, I was no coward. You can't hide just how amazing I was, so when I placed my palm on the crystal, bright light swallowed the whole village, until a blue ocean diamond-like color was shown, leaving everyone shocked,

The Middle-aged man rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he just saw. he looked at me, and back at the crystal, before having me redo the test, this time with another crystal, yet the same thing happened, shocking him.

"Diamond Rank talent... W-whats your name?" He asked in shock, 

"Ling Han," I said with a smile, the man nodded and quickly wrote down my name, before he waved across my face, trying to see if I could see.

"I can feel changes in the air, I don't need my eyes," I said calmly, stunning him slightly, but he nodded slightly. he wanted to know what happened to my eyes, but this was not the place to ask. he had me stand by him before he rushed through with the other test, once everything was done, forget going to the other villages and city, we headed straight to the sect,