Lawrence Hart or just Law is a member of the 100 Delinquents that were sent to earth. While his fellow criminal struggle to adapt to a new and harsher earth, Law has no such problem. What will happen to Law, will he find Love, Become a Great Warrior or will he lose himself on the bloodshed of the new world. (I of course don’t claim to own anything except my OCs)
(A/N: Personally not my favourite chapter I've done, but it will do the job)
~ Season 1 - Episode 3 ~ Earth Kills ~
Law was one of the few Delinquents that didn't have a problem sleeping with Jaspers constant groans of pain. Mostly because he's shared an apartment with his drunk father who was always making noise, or when he'd stay in his secret base he made in the unused restriction sections of the Ark. So he was used too the noise.
Plus Law had taken up the responsibility of hunting food for the camp over that last three days. Nothing too bad as the Panther was massive and they had some left over, but a few squirrels and birds each day definitely helped out.
Law himself was currently sitting at his tent sharpening his knife after having spent the early morning making more arrows.
"That damn kid, always messing with my head" Law hears Murphy say as an excuse for missing the tree.
"He's not gonna last much longer. Better think of a new excuse" Bellamy comments before throwing his axe at the tree. "That's how it's done"
Law spots Atom and his group return and head towards Bellamy, "We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal"
"Visit your special tree when you were out there?" Murphy digs at Atom.
"Atom took his punishment. Let it go" Bellamy tells Murphy.
"Could be grounders" Atom says referring to Trina and Pascal.
"Law couldn't find them?" Bellamy asks looking at one of the Delinquents behind Atom, who he told to ask Law for his help.
"He didn't ask" Atom interrupts whatever excuse the Delinquent can come up with.
Bellamy scowls, "Why not?"
"Law is kinda...intimidating" The delinquent answers hesitantly. The group collectively looks over at Law whose by his tent sharpening his knife while his arms a covered in animal blood and dead animal skins a littered around him.
Law himself hears this conversation and can't help but smirk in satisfaction.
Bellamy huffs shaking his head, "Hey Law!"
Law only looks up making eye contact with Bellamy, "Think you can find Trina and Pascal. They've gotten themselves lost"
Law slides his knife into his makeshift sheath, collects his bow and quiver and his bag. "On it" is all he says before walking out off camp.
Bellamy looks at the group, "See wasn't hard" gesturing to Law.
Law struggled to find any definite signs of either Trina or Pascal, so he mostly follows the tracks that lead him away from camp. The further out he got the fewer the tracks and it was easier to soon find tracks he believed belonged to Trina and Pascal.
There's two sets of foot steps, both different sizes but one is significantly bigger and deeper meaning it's a most likely a male footstep meaning the other might be a female footstep.
With that logic, Law concluded that those track were Trina and Pascal's so he followed them. The tracks head in the direction of Mount Weather, which puts Law on guard as he remembers what happened to Jasper.
Law freezes mid step, 'somethings wrong' there's no animal noises, but he can even see a few running in the direction he came from. It's like there's a predator that's scaring the entire forest into silence.
Law hears a loud horn being blown in the distance, Then he spots it, a thick yellow fog flowing through the forest. Law by chance sees a young squirrel get caught by the fog, he hears a few squeals of pain then silence.
That'a all Law needs before he turns around and bolts away. In his panic he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings and stumbles on a tree branch.
Falling flat on his chest, Law goes to get up and takes a glance at the yellow fog, it's catching up. Whipping his head away he stands and gets ready to run when he spots a cave in the distance.
He doesn't hesitate and runs toward it, he makes it inside and begins to look for something to close the cave entrance with, but then a something sounds behind him.
Law turns to see the cave entrance already covered by some sort of tarp. "What?" He question and goes to move forward before but feels a tug on his left leg.
His foot is caught in some sort of rope, a trap. He follows the rope and it leads him to the tarp, it appears this trap just saved his life. Law untangles his foot and makes sure the tarp fully covers the entrance so no fog can get in. Once he's satisfied he moves deeper into the cave.
As he moves deeper, Law can see signs of recent activity, human activity. "Grounders?" Law pulls out his knife and remains of guard.
Coming to a clearing in the cave, Law is shocked at what he sees. There's a bed, food and water, there's even weapons with in the clearing.
"What is this place?" Law moves in close and inspects the clearing. He doesn't find anything of real interest until he looks under the beg.
There's some sort of box underneath, pulling it out Law opens it to take a peak inside.
"Women's Clothing and Books?" Law says to himself pulling out some clothes. They are clearly for a woman and are probably better then anything on the Ark in Laws opinion.
Putting it back Law takes the book closest to the top and opens it. "Woah" inside are magnificent pieces of Artwork.
Law sits on the bed and flicks through the book. There's forests, animals and even a town drawn in the book, there's no colour it's mostly drawn using charcoal from what Law can see.
He lays down on the bed and continues to flick through the book, it's more forests and animals until he gets towards the end of the book, then pictures of people start to appear or three people at least all of whom are women. There's one Law himself quite likes, it looks like a family portrait.
There's four woman standing side by side smiling, with two of the woman holding hands, 'a couple maybe'.
Law turns to the next page and his heart practically stops, there's a picture of him. It's a side profile with himself looking off into the distance with his bow drawn aiming at something.
"What the fuck" Is all Law can manage before he slams the book shut and jumps to a sitting position. "We're being watched"
Law quickly puts everything back the way it was and leaves the clearing. He quickly gets to the entrance and picks up the tiniest part of the corner to let some air it.
Thankfully Law sees no Yellow Fog enter and takes a peak out side. He sees that the yellow fog is gone and leaves the cave, it's nearly pitch black but Laws eyes adjust to the darkness.
The moon provides enough light for him to see, Law thinks about his next course of action. "Fuck it" Law decides to continue looking for Trina and Pascal for a little while longer before he heads back.
Even in the dark Law manages to find signs of the two, they aren't exactly masters of stealth. The tracks start to deepen and the foot steps are closer together, 'they are getting tired'
With renewed figure Law carry's on knowing he's gaining on the two. But then he comes across a sight that will be burned forever into his mind.
Trina and Pascal lay disfigured before him, they are unrecognisable. Law only knows it then because of their clothes, he approaches the two body's.
The bigger one is wrapped around the smaller one obviously trying to protect it from the yellow fog. Law crouch's beside them, "May we meet again Brother, Sister"
With that Law stands, turns and leaves. He'll lead a group here tomorrow to collect their body's so they can be buried properly with respect.
By the time the sun has risen Law has gotten pretty close to making it back to camp but his hike is interrupted by a loud and terrified scream.
Law quickly runs in its direction, paying more attention to his surroundings this time. He makes it a small gab in the forest and sees Bellamy and Clarke next to a body, accidentally he steps on a twig snapping it.
Both Bellamy's and Clarke's heads snap towards him, "Law? You good?"
"Yeah, I found a cave" he reply's making his way towards them. "What happened?"
"Atom he got caught in the fog" Bellamy answers looking down at Atom.
"Kill... me," all three hear Atom struggle to say.
Clarke raises a knife but Law stops her knowing that it shouldn't be her she's to kind for something like this, taking out his own he leans down to Atom. "May we meet again brother, in this life or the next" before stabbing Atom in the temple killing him instantly.
It's complete silence between the trio, all taking in what just happened. They remain in silences as the wrap up Atoms body and begin to carry him home, no one speaks.
But the silences is broken by Bellamy about a hallway to the camp, "Did you find Trina and Pascal?" He doesn't look at Law just keeps staring forward.
"I did" Law answers, "But the fog found them first"
"Fuck" Bellamy curses under his breathe. Law can feel the atmosphere get even worse than before and so he decides not to tell everyone that they are being watched it will have to wait until morning at the very least.