
The 100: The Story of A King!

The 100 descended onto the ground with no idea what they were getting themselves into. One boy did. Will this one boy be able to ensure the 100's survival? And how will he fare knowing his name is Pendragon.

G3neral_Kenobi4_ · TV
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52 Chs

Chapter 49: The Death of A Father and the Worries of Another(R18!)





- Azgeda or Ice Nation Territory | 160 Miles Away from Polis –

- Roan of Azgeda –

[Ring of Shields] Roan activated one of his skills as he pushed his way through the vampire army and slaughtered people who he was once responsible for. 'Not anymore, not since my mother drank the blood of the vampire queen and forced my people to do so as well!' Roan thought bitterly, cleaving his way through a pair of sword wielding vampires.

A trio of ethereal shields formed up around Roan, one blue, one red, and one black. They rotated around him blocking whoever got close enough to harm him, allowing him to swiftly counter and end whatever threat came his way. The skill made the heavy tower shield that he held tightly in his left hand obsolete, so with a set of quick arm movements, his Ice-covered Longsword was now in action while his shield was firmly attached to his back. 'When will this end?' Roan questioned as he decapitated three vampires with a single swing of his axe.

It had been days since the battle had begun and they were not that far from where they started, which infuriated Roan. The battle was supposed to be quick and easy, but the vampires had retreated and then gotten reinforcements from none other than Roan's father, otherwise known as Queen Nia's paramour. The vampire's force had risen from 200 to 700, while Roan's forces remained at 500, though that number was surely decreasing.

"Gragh!" Roan growled, as he pushed through the vampire's shield wall and continued his slaughter. Swing after swing, chop after chop and slash after slash. Roan forced his way through the blood and guts of his enemies, cleaving through them like a hot knife to butter. Before Roan knew it, he had pushed so far into the vampire lines, that he could no longer see his own soldiers and he was surrounded.

"My son, always the foolish one I see." A smug elderly voice said, causing Roan to spin around. His eyes locked onto an elderly figure standing on a large rock with two well-armored guards behind him, and a masked individual at his feet. The figure had a brown cloth bag over their head and Roan could tell by the chain that led from under the bag and into his father's hand, that they had a collar on and was obviously a pleasure slave. Not entirely uncommon in their nation, but something that disgusted Roan deeply.

"You won't survive this, so why do this?" Roan asked as the human turned vampire warriors slowly closed in around him.

"The commander has always been a thorn in your mother's side, we simply thought that if we couldn't do it ourselves why not gain some assistance and have someone do it for us. Besides, with the vampire's blood coursing through us, we are far superior to what we once were, we are not Azgedan, we are Dreingeda!" As he said this the rest of the vampires roared in support of their nation's new naming and surged forth. (Blood Nation, it's probably incorrect, but wtv.)

Roan dug his feet into the ground and got ready to activate every skill in his arsenal, but before he could a literal sea of silver-tipped arrows washed over him. His three layers of shields that were barely holding on at this point formed up above him and overlapped with one another. Roan crouched down and watched as dozens of Dreingeda soldiers fell all around him. While some soldiers were only struck by a couple of arrows, some of them looked like pincushions with the number of arrows sticking out of their bodies.

"King Roan!" He heard Echo shout, as his three shields cracked and shattered.

Roan's head swiveled around, spotting Echo and a few members of his personal guard leading the charge into the Dreingeda lines and toward his location. He knew that he should fall back and regroup with Echo while he still has the chance to, but... his father was right in front of him. This vile and cruel man that deserved to be fed to the crows was alive and breathing only a couple of meters away. He couldn't pass it up, so with great reluctance he turned his gaze toward his father. When his eyes landed on his smirking father, his eyes grew into slits and became filled with hate. Roan glared at his father with such spite that a weaker man would have fainted at the mere sight. However, Roan's father was anything but weak, the fact that he laughed off the intensity behind Roan's eyes, proved that. [Vengeance]

Roan cast one of his many skills, a skill called [Vengeance] as he placed his battle axe on his back. He tossed his sword into his right dominant hand and equipped his shield in his left. With a beastly growl, Roan launched himself forward and into the fray. Every time a weapon impacted against his shield, he would reply with a swift and brutal slash that nearly bisected every soldier he encountered. That was because of his skill [Vengeance]. [Vengeance] is a skill that lasts for a total of 1 minute and activates whenever an opponent hits you. Whenever an enemy does hit you, it temporarily doubles your attack power for 3 seconds.

Roan hacked and slashed his way toward his father, bisecting victims and completely obliterating their bodies in the process. As he got closer and closer to his father, Roan noticed the look of nervousness and dare he say fear on his father's face. What Roan wasn't ready for was his father tossing the figure with the bag over their head off the rock and toward him. He moved to intercept and catch the person, but before he could he saw a figure running alongside him!

"Echo! What are you doing?" Roan asked with shock.

"I'm supporting the rightful King of Azgeda and helping him kill his bastard of a father." Echo said with a predatory grin on her face.

"Echo, deal with that, while I go after my father." Roan ordered, pointing toward the falling figure.

"On it, my King." And with that, Echo bolted off after the falling figure with a pair of his personal guards behind her.

Roan jumped up and planted his foot onto one of the many Dreingeda soldier's heads, launching himself up and past the rock that his father had stood on. His legs came cascading down onto his father's back, snapping it in two and sending his father slamming into the ground, face first. His father's two guards reacted and forced Roan to jump back off his father. All three of them were locked on one another, until suddenly Roan sprinted forward in a burst of insane speed, unnatural for a human. [Lunge] [Shield Bash]

Roan lunged directly at the guard on his right, appearing in front of the guard in a second. The firm tower shield slammed into the front of the guard's body, sending him flying backward and hitting the ground with an audible crack. Without letting up, Roan twirled around and blocked a strike from the other guard with his Ice-covered blade. Back and forth, Roan and the guard went, slash after slash, strike after strike, and for a second the guard thought that he and Roan were evenly matched. That was his downfall.

Roan's [Vengeance] skill had cooled down and was now ready for use once more. Within seconds of its activation, the guard was on the ground groaning in pain, holding his now stub of an arm. The guard held up his other hand as Roan took a step forward, but with a quick slash of his sword, the guard's head was separated from his shoulders. Casting a quick glance toward his father and seeing that he was still healing, Roan walked over toward the hunched-over form of the other guard. After separating his head from his shoulders as well, Roan now stood over his father's rapidly healing body.

"We... are... superior! In every... way!" His father rasped. "Dreingeda... will emerge victorious, the commander will be on her knees begging for mercy, and you! You traitor! You will suffer a thousand deaths, my son. I will make sure of-"

Before the raving lunatic of a father could continue any longer, Echo who suddenly appeared by Roan's side, sliced the paramour's head off with her blade. Roan was startled and slightly angered at the fact that Echo had stolen his chance at killing his father. When he went to yell at her, she swiftly cut him off and explained her sound reasoning.

"My King, I know what this man has done. Not only to you but to all the people of Azgeda. While you killing him would be justifiable, some would argue that because you are a Kin slayer, you have no right to inherit the throne." Echo explained, calming Roan's anger somewhat.

"...Fine." He said begrudgingly, before looking back at the continued battle. "Come, we must rally our troops. The battle is not yet over."

"I do not think that will be a problem, my king." Echo said, causing Roan to give pause.

"Why?" He asked.

Before Echo could answer, Roan looked up and saw three large balls of fire plummeting toward the remaining Dreingeda soldiers. They impacted the ground with such force, that the ground shook and the air was momentarily sucked out of their lungs. Everything after that was a blur. Friendly coalition forces flooded the valley they were fighting in and helped clean up any remnants of the Dreingeda army. And while outside Roan held up his calm and royal demeanor, inside he was astounded by the sheer size and capability of Arthur's 'vehicles.'

Two of the more armored ones, vehicles that Arthur called APCs moved across the valley and stopped in front of him and Echo. The back compartment of one of the vehicles lowered and out stepped the commander and a dozen of her guards. The other APCs back compartment lowered revealing Octavia, otherwise known commonly as Skairipa, The Grey Wolf Queen Ghislaine, as well as a pair of Arkadian Royal Guards.

"King Roan." The commander said with a small nod.

"Commander." He replied, bowing his head, Echo doing the same.

"Well, isn't this a reunion." A male voice said from above, a voice the Roan recognized as King Arthur's.

Looking up, he saw it was indeed King Arthur, with his Draconic wings outstretched for all to see. As Arthur touched down on the ground, his wings retracted into his back and his draconic features faded away. Taking a step forward both Roan and Arthur locked arms with each other in a firm and friendly gesture of greeting.

"Good to see you, Roan." Arthur said with a small smile.

"Good to see you as well, Arthur. Come to help me kill my people, have you?" he asked with a small undertone of mirth.

"When you put it like that, it makes me sound like a villain. Though, from what I heard it doesn't sound like they're your people anymore."

"Dreingeda." Roan spat out like the name itself was a plague. "Ridiculous. Queen Nia will suffer the same fate that my father did." he said, nodding his head toward the headless corpse behind him.

"Agreed," Arthur said with a nod before pointing at the castle behind Roan. "Now how about we take that castle back and leave it with its rightful owners."

The coalition's combined forces and the powerhouses of the commander, Arthur, Ghislaine, and Octavia swiftly took back the castle within the hour. After leaving a skeleton guard of loyal Azgeda troops, their now combined army marched deeper and deeper into Dreingeda territory. With the help of a man called Finn and his mobile artillery, clearing out Dreingeda camps became an easy but annoying task. And with the help of Arthur's pet shadow wolf, sneaking in and freeing the slaves of said camps before bombing them to smithereens became quite an easy task as well.

All in all, it hadn't taken them long to break through the majority of the Dreingeda army. Their vampire commanders were low-class at best and were swiftly taken care of by Skairipa, not even getting the chance to defend themselves before dying, and without proper leadership, the armies crumbled and were mopped up with ease. In two weeks, all major camps were taken care of, hundreds of slaves were freed and sent back to their clans, and now stood the coalition army on the border of the Ice Nation capital, ready to attack. Well, they would have been, if Arthur hadn't received word that Arkadia had been attacked, transformed into his dragon form, and flew off.

"They said in the message that they were fine, so why is he so concerned?" Roan asked the commander.

"The Queen of Arkadia is pregnant with his child. No worries, he'll be back by sunup." The commander said with a fond smile on her face.

"Already!" Roan exclaimed quietly. "Lucky bastard." He muttered. "I'll be inside my tent, commander." he said respectfully, before walking back toward his tent.


- The Arkadian Kingdom | Arkadia –

- Arthur Pendragon -

I touched down in front of the massive walls that surrounded Alpha station, without a word the gates opened up for me, revealing an armored Lincoln, Jet, Bellamy, and one of the women that was more important to me than anything else in this world. I willed my transformation away and rushed toward Clarke, bringing her into my arms and embracing her.

"Thank God. You're okay. You are okay, right?" I said worriedly.

"I'm okay, my love. Though, if you squeeze me any tighter, me and our baby might pop." she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry-"

"Arthur. It's fine. I'm fine, and so is this little one." Clarke said, grasping my cheek with her left hand, and rubbing her growing belly with her right.

After taking a few moments to admire Clarke's beauty, I turned toward the four men and grasped each of them in a firm handshake. I expressed my thanks, and with our hands locked together, Clarke and I made our way toward my study with Bellamy, Jet, Lincoln, and Kane following behind us. After explaining to them that we had pushed all the way to the Azgeda capital, they were ecstatic but confused as to why I was here instead of there. Clarke gave me a heated kiss after I explained that I came back as fast as I could just in case, they were too much for their defenses, and that I needed to make sure she was safe. However, she told me that there was no reason to worry, as the vampires and their army had already been dealt with.

"How? What happened?" I asked, from my seat at the round table.

Their recounting of events spanned far into the night, with a plethora of thoughts streaming through my head. From 'when did Clarke get that proficient in her magic' to 'when the hell did this become Attack on Titan?' Eventually, Clarke became tired, so she left the room and headed off to my chamber with her pair of Royal Guards. We men talked for an hour or so more, before deciding that we should get some sleep as well.


When I arrived back at my chambers that I shared with Clarke and Octavia, I opened the door and saw a sight that caused my jaw to drop and my dick to grow hard. There laying under the blankets was Clarke, her hair spread across the pillows, and with a slight glistening to her skin.

"You look like a goddess." I said, robotically taking a step forward.

"Then come and please your goddess." Clarke said with a seductive smirk on her face.

Within miliseconds, I was slithering up the mattress, nudging apart her legs with tender kisses and nibbles, starting with her ankles. "With pleasure," I replied, never breaking contact with her thrill-prickled skin. I could actually feel the way she shivered beneath my lips and tongue as I reached her voluptuous thighs and a wide grin split across my face — she had worn nothing to bed.

"Begging the queen's pardon," I apologized with a false accent low in my throat as my large hands fastened around her widened hips, "but I need to make an adjustment." With no other warning, I yanked her bottom out from under her and a surprised "eep!" squeaked above me. I quickly flipped the covers off and made sure she was okay in the new position I had thrown her into, before swiping one of her pillows and disappearing back beneath the sheet. "Think we can get this under you?" I asked, referring to the pillow I'd stolen.

"Ye-yeah, you may have to help me..." she told me, the struggle already evident in her voice as she tried to raise herself.

I was already prepared to assist, one large hand positioned at the base of Clarke's spine. Together we carefully lifted her plump backside just enough to wedge the cushion under her before lowering her back down. With my hand still tucked beneath her, I planted a slow, lingering kiss to the underside of her belly, then another, and another, inching my way up and over her domed abdomen with my lips. The sheet slipped from my head, hair crackling with static, as I neared her heavy, succulent breasts, even larger now from her pregnancy, when I suddenly hit a wall — a soft wall made up of two tiny pink hands, but a wall nonetheless.

"No," was all she said, her eyes laughing though at his wispy, fly-away hair.

Confusion hijacked my brain at her denial. "But... But I thought—"

"I'm sorry, my love, but the boobs are off limits. They... hurt," she explained, her gaze casting to the side with guilt.

Ah. I pressed my lips to the twin pads of her thumbs. "Sorry, love. In that case, let's work on taking your mind off the hurt for a bit, shall we?" I placed another tender kiss to the crown of her stomach and retreated back below the covers.

Clarke gasped above me, her hands rushing to grip the pillow behind her head, when she felt my hot breath and tongue tease along her sensitive folds. Each brush of skin had her squirming with anticipation as her lust seeped from her body and every little touch sent waves of pleasured shivers straight down her spine to her core.

My slithering tongue flickered over my soon to be wife's glistening bud, pulling a delightfully needy sound from her lungs. I groaned, eyes rolling into my skull as I fastened my lips against her hot flesh and pressed into her, her flavour coating my taste buds like a sweet succulent fruit. 'Gods, I have missed this.' I thought as I indulged myself in Clarke's folds. The enjoyment I felt form the feel of her legs squeezing around me while I kneaded the fullness of her thighs in my hands was surreal. A grin pulled at the corners of my mouth, loving the way Clarke's soft mewls of pleasure filled the air and the way her silky walls massaged my long tongue.

"Oh, Arthur! You- you feel so good! Don't stop!" she keened, riding the building waves that tingled through her body. Eventually, it was too much for Clarke and with a wild scream, filled my mouth with her tasteful juices.

I lapped up all that I could, enjoying the sweet taste of her juices before sitting up and moving toward her. "I love you," I said, smiling and nuzzling along her jaw.

"I love you too," she answered blissfully, tipping her head back for him as she rolled to her side.

One of my large hands traced reverently around her swollen belly, cradling it for her as she rolled over. "My beautiful soon to be wife." I pressed a kiss to her shoulder before drawing her backwards into my chest. "Magnificent Queen." My hand dragged over her stomach, reluctantly leaving her to push the elastic waistband of my pants down past my knees before kicking them off entirely. "Wonderful mother of my child." I buried my nose into her blonde hair, breathing her in as my arousal bumped needily against her slick folds. "You're the most amazing woman, Clarke," I whispered, my breath studdering over the back of her neck as my hips rocked back and forth against her, coating myself with her arousal.

"Art..." she whimpered, already feeling the rise of another climax just from their slippery contact. "I love you so much."

"I love you," I said in a garbled hiss as I slid inside her, thrusting gently as I filled her. Fuck, she was so tight — even more so than usual — or maybe it was me? or maybe both of us? After so many weeks of little to no contact, it had only taken until I had hilted himself fully within her quivering sheath for her to clamp around me.

With gritted teeth, I held perfectly still as her eager, writhing body milked my engorged length. It took every ounce of my fragile willpower to not pound into her as she squeezed me, my breath becoming ragged with shaky restraint. I swallowed thickly as her pulsating grip eventually began to relax and I felt it was safe to move again. Slowly, I pistoned back and forth, overwhelmed by the burning heat of her. "Fffuck, Clarke," I growled into the space behind her ear as I pulled her closer. The only reason I had been able to go these past few weeks without being with her, was becuase of how lustful Octavia, Ghislaine, and Lexa were.

We rolled against each other, savouring the brush and tug of skin on skin as breathless gasps and soft grunts danced in the warm air around us. The build up was slow and steady as fingertips raked over flushed, velvety hips and arms and thighs and wherever they could touch each other without disrupting our smoldering rhythm. Then all of a sudden, I felt a kick against my palm as it smoothed over Clarke's belly and I froze.

"Please don't stop," Clarke whispered desperately, still trying to continue their sway. "I need you to keep going," she begged, "I need to feel you come with me."

I smiled, panting against her shoulder. "You're not worried about the baby?" I asked, barely moving my hips once again just because she'd asked.

"No~," she sighed, urging me deeper with her hands. "The baby is fine. What I'm worried about right now is how much I need you. There won't be many opportunities later, you still have a war to win afterall."

I frowned at the thought. "Then I suppose I have been a fool for waiting this long," I admitted, finally filling her the way she wanted, "I should've come back and visited, but I didn't, I regret that. I promise to take advantage of this night that we have alone together."

"For as long as I want? Whereever I want?" she reiterated playfully, her voice hitching as my fingers slid down to massage her sensitive bud.

"Any when, any where," I confirmed, my tone low and deep.

"What if you're in a meeting?" her breathy lilt pitched higher.

"I'll walk out," I husked, aware of an unmistakable pressure coiling tight inside me.

"What if you need to leave?" She could feel the crescendo of pleasure crackle down her spine.

"I'm not going anywhere." I couldn't hold it much longer.

"What if we're eating? Or we have company?" Oh, she was so close now!

"My queen, I will make love to you in front of the entirety of Arkadia and everyone in it if that's what you desire of me. Ah!" My whole body shivered as I came with a final snap of my hips, my seed gushing into her pulsing channel.

Clarke cried out as she chased him, her own release buzzing through her like a plucked bowstring. She curled forward over her belly, riding out the electric currents until she felt like a breathless puddle of contented warmth and a calm smile drifted across her lips. "Would you really?" she panted.

"Hmm?" My brain was fuzzy, like it was stuffed with cotton and static.

"Would you make love to me in front of all of Arkadia?" she asked again, tucking herself further into my embrace so that there wasn't a hair's breadth between us.

"Ev'ryday, 'f tha's whatchu want," I slurred, lazily wrapping myself around her. I was vaguely aware of a bizarre swirling movement against my forearm as exhaustion washed over me and hummed when I realized what it was — our baby was apparently wide awake now and feeling acrobatic.

"I don't think it will be necessary—," Clarke grinned, settling her hand over mine at the front of her belly. "—but it's an interesting thought," she cooed as she felt my breath even out behind her. She snuggled in a bit more before also succumbing to the gentle pull of sleep.


- Sangedakru or Desert Clan Territory | 184 Miles Away from Polis -

- John Murphy -

It had been two weeks since he had killed Emori and to say it was difficult was an understatement. Thanks to Emori's rough directions when she was still alive, they knew that they were heading in the right direction. The only problem that they faced was the lack of water and monsters. While the monsters provided food, they also lessened their numbers substantially. The 16 people that they began their travel with had decreased to ten, a few days after parting from Emori. A massive blue and purple scorpion creature rose from the sand and wiped the floor with 6 of their group.

Only after pelting it with three full magazines of bullets, did the creature go down. It was gargantuan, the size of three people in length and almost four in width, including the claws. From there on out it was a downward slope. Tragedy after tragedy, monster after monster, their group continued to decrease. Now, only 5 of them remained, and Murphy was really starting to doubt Arthur's mission. The only thing that kept him going was the fact that he wasn't dead yet, and the fact that they haven't encountered a single monster for the last 5 miles.

Murphy was brought out of his thoughts, when one of the few remaining members of the group said, "It'd sure be nice to have some sign that we're not just marching to our own deaths. The only thing I've seen on this journey is my friend's deaths and how cruel this world can truly be."

"We're not. We have a purpose, just like they did. Their purpose was to inspire us to continue in their stead and prove that the City of Light is real. Have faith. As long as you have that, you can do anything." Jaha replied.

"Hey!" A man whose job seemed to be just to annoy Murphy. "tell me if you know this one. A Grounder and a Reaper walk into a bar. The bartender looks at the Grounder, he says. 'We don't serve your kind around here.' The Reaper gets up and leaves." The man smiles at his own joke, while everyone else simply glanced at him. "Ha, ha. You get it? Reapers eat Grounders."

"Why, out of all of the people to survive the monsters and the horrors we've faced, you have to be one of them. If a monster doesn't shut you up, my pistol always could." Murphy said, annoyed at the man's horrible jokes, that had no end in sight.

"John." Jaha said in a scolding tone.

Ever since he shot Emori, Jaha's trust in him had fallen. There were moments when it returned, but eventually, it would erode away. No matter how many times he killed a monster and saved a member of the group, Jaha's total trust in him seemed to be lost.

"Or this one." The man began again. "An Arker, a Grounder, and a Mountain Man walk into a bar. Arker says, 'I'll take some moonshine.' Grounder says, 'I'll take some too.' And then the Mountain man, he says-"


The man's joke was interrupted when a large explosion went off underneath him, sending the group flying onto their backs. Murphy and the other members of the group were covered in blood. His ears were ringing, and he felt his stomach churn slightly as the man's body parts fell from the sky.

"Ahh!" The only female in the group screamed, crawling backward away from the blood covered arm that fell near her.

"Wait!" Murphy yelled, but it was too late.


His ears rang from the blasts, and his body went numb with fear. While the monsters were horrifying, at least he could see them. What the fuck was he supposed to do against something he couldn't even see!

"No one move!" Jaha yelled out, causing one of the members of their group to collapse back to the ground in fear. "We're in the middle of a minefield!"

They all looked around at the sand in fear. A single twitch of the muscle could spell their end and Murphy hated the feeling that came with the situation. Helplessness. 'This better be fucking worth it, otherwise, when I get back to Arkadia your death will be on my hands, Arthur!' He cursed mentally as Jaha and the rest of their group slowly and methodically got back onto their feet.


A/N: Next chapter, Arthur will be confronted by his final harem member! Who will emerge victorious? Just kidding, I mean, what kind of question is that? Of course, Arthur's gonna win, but at what cost!? Anyway, hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter and have a fantastical day! See you for chapter 50!