

Damon spent the next three days training the 100 in the basics of fighting. He didn't teach them a bunch of shit techniques from his old world no he taught some basics of boxing before teaching them every way to kill a person with their bare hands.

The fastest way to snap a man's neck. The easiest way to break any bone in the body. Best way to gouge someone's eye out. How to turn their opponent's strength into yours.

He made every single one of them feel pain they had never felt before and made them want more of it the next day.

It was true that the 100 was full of monsters. It almost seemed like they liked the torture of his fist pounding them as they always went harder the next day.

Damon looked ahead as he watched Raven lunge at Clarke and throw a fist which Clarke blocked with her arm making her wince, but she ignored the pain and retaliated with a swipe of her leg as she targeted Raven's leg that was off balance due to the lunge causing raven to land on her back.

Clarke quickly took advantage of the shock of landing on her back and climbed atop Raven and delivered a few punches to her face causing Raven to tap out.

Raven stood up and spit some blood out before smiling.

"Damn princess didn't know you were such a fighter." 

"Don't call me princess and I won't hit you so hard." Clarke scowled and everyone laughed.

"Ladies! Ladies!"

Clarke and Raven decided to take a small break with the others who were relaxing and sat around the campfire that was going.

Damon's four-day training didn't consist of him teaching them the whole time, that would be useless.

No, he taught them the technique and form and then they spent the rest of the day sparring with whoever they wished to and after each spar, they could take a break to relax and assess their fight while getting to know the others better.

Damon himself had also mingled with everyone and most of the 100 had started to warm up to him as they cracked jokes and told stories.

Of course, Damon himself also sparred with the others though they were nowhere near his level of fighting, and they probably never would be.

Of course, people got hurt during the fighting but during their sleep, all injuries would heal, and their bodies would be completely healed the next morning.

While inside the VR pods for four hours each day, a nutrient bag was being dripped into their bodies as he needed them to have the nutrients and protein to be able to gain muscle during their physical training and as it was the 100 were hardly eating anything which wouldn't be enough to gain any real strength compared to those on earth.

"What are you thinking about?" Clarke asked while taking a seat next to him.

"Survival," Damon said while looking over at Clarke who sported a few bruises and cuts on her face but still looked sexy as hell.

"What about it?" Clarke asked while enjoying the heat from the campfire. Something she still wasn't used to.

"Grounders. They don't see children as weak, but they can easily spot weakness, and right now everyone here except for me reeks of innocence and weakness. They will eat that shit up, they will test our limits, the moment we act a little too kind is the moment they will realize they can take advantage."

Clarke listened to Damon and was surprised at how serious it was. It seemed grounders only respected strength and ferocity.

"We will be ready." Clarke smiled while looking at Damon who was doing everything he could to help them survive on the ground.

"Enough flirting Clarke your making Octavia jealous," Raven said while pointing to Octavia who had been staring at Damon the whole time Clarke was talking.

"Bitch." Octavia said and Raven chuckled though she couldn't help but frown when she saw Finn staring at Clarke the whole time she was talking to Damon.

Damon saw all of this from the corner of his eye and shook his head. He despised Finn in every way.

The man was the definition of weak and cowardly and would make sure to tell Raven of his true personality.

Damon wouldn't lie to himself and say that he didn't have feelings for Clarke, Octavia, and Raven because he did but it wasn't just feelings of lust, no he did care about them, and he wouldn't let someone as weak as Finn be with someone as badass as Raven.

"We got six hours before the VR session ends. Let's get some sleep." Damon said to everyone, and they all headed off to bed.

"Goodnight Damon," Clarke said while looking at Damon.

"Goodnight Clarke," Damon said before heading to his tent and getting ready to wake up and do some physical training.